Sunday, April 18, 2021




Tsjisse Talsma


Freaky Masks

The Debate Over J&J's Vaccine

We Crown a New Memelord


Editor's Note


Good morning. If magazines can have a spiffy cover...why can't email? 

That was our thinking behind the visual that welcomes you to Sunday Edition. Each week, we work with talented illustrators on a special cover image that captures general "vibes." As you can tell from this week's illustration by Tsjisse Talsma, we have a lot of spring cleaning to take care of today. Previous Sunday Editions featured illustrations from Mark Wang and Kate Dehler

If you enjoy these artists' work, be sure to show them some love on social media—they'll definitely appreciate it. At the very least, we hope this inspires you to break out the colored pencils for a Sunday doodling sesh.





Stock Watch: Masks




Icebreakers With... Bridget Connelly

Bridget Connelly, Founder of Luna Bay Booch, drinking Luna Bay's hard kombucha

Luna Bay Booch

Bridget Connelly is originally from Chicago, but after college she moved to California, then Texas, then Uganda, then back to Chicago, then to Australia in search of something she could really get behind. It wasn't until she found herself in San Diego, a hub for hard kombucha and craft beer, that she had the idea to start Luna Bay Booch and enlisted her business partner and childhood friend, Claire Ridge, to help.  

Luna Bay was "born in Chicago" and is the first woman-founded-and-led hard kombucha brand on the market. Most of Connelly's team is new to the alcohol industry, but their focus on wellness, the planet, and building a community around a drink is setting them apart.

We asked Connelly some icebreakers and inquired about her plans to transform the alcohol industry.

What's a question that you wish someone would ask you about your job?

“What are the things that light you up?” When I hear from my team about how much they love what they do and they're excited about what they're doing every day, it brings me so much joy.

What has your experience as a women-led brand in the alcohol market looked like?

In the beginning, it was hard to be taken seriously. And luckily, we are very strong-willed, smart women and did our research in the space. I do think it's changing. We are really fortunate that we have amazing distributors that are empowering us and really want to support [women-led] brands.

What is the worst piece of advice you've ever gotten about running a business?

"You signed up for this." At first, I would take that personally because I did sign up for this. So I thought I had to keep pushing myself to limits that were super unhealthy. You don't have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders.

What song would you say describes Luna Bay?

“Night Moves” by Bob Seger is definitely a Luna Bay song.

What are you reading right now?

When Breath Becomes Air. It's an amazing book. I was recently thinking about rereading it. And when I passed it at the airport last week, I was like, that's a sign.

What's your favorite flavor of Luna Bay?

Ginger Lemon right now, [although] I go through phases. I also love mezcal. So I love making a ginger lemon mezcal Booch-a-Rita. Our new flavor is coming out in June. I can't say what it is yet, but I can't wait for everyone else to try it.

This interview was lightly edited and condensed for clarity.



Wal to Wal Benefits


Today’s a beautiful day to save some time and money. So is tomorrow, and definitely the day after. But since it’s Sunday, let’s focus on the now.

Walmart+ is the membership that comes with a shopping cart’s worth of benefits. You’ll get free next-day and two-day shipping, no order minimum, and free delivery from your store*. 

Which, hey, if we stopped there, would still be pretty nice for the ol’ wal-let. But stop there we can’t, and stop there we won’t.

Walmart+ members also get member prices on fuel and get to be the cool techno shoppers using mobile scan & go. 

Walmart did some math and found that you could save 2.5 hours per week** and over $800 per year*** just by adding Walmart+ to your shopping repertoire. 

Plus, they’re sweetening the deal and giving you a 15-day free trial right now.

Check out all the plusses of Walmart+ right here.




Chasing Down Receipts

Make It Work logo

Each week, Morning Brew's Head of People Ops Kate Noel answers reader-submitted questions about work in 2021. 

I'm a bookkeeper and my colleagues constantly ignore my pleas for receipts. What's the best way to get them to take my requests seriously?—Kelly in Philadelphia

Kelly...I feel you on this one. Countless times I've seen my brothers and sisters over on the accounting side of the room deal with this very problem. Chasing people to submit receipts...ain't nobody got time for that! 

So here's what I would do. Talk to your manager about installing a policy that says if employees do not submit a receipt to support a purchase within 60 days, they will not receive reimbursement. If the issue is an employee using a corporate card and not providing receipts for purchases, then their individual card can be blocked for 30 days if they make several purchases without proof of receipt. It's a hard stance, but I am sure once this policy is circulated and enforced, folks will get their ish together.  

Should I feel guilty about taking time off after only being in my new job for three months?—Anonymous

I don't think that you "should" feel guilty about requesting time off with just three months under your belt. When an employee requests time off, the request must always honor the company's general PTO policy. If your company's PTO rules don't have a probationary period, then I don't see a problem.

I would also assume that before you can take a single day off you would have to make that request to your manager. Managers are the gatekeepers of the company policies. Your manager has to make a judgment every time a direct report makes a PTO request. That's to make sure there is no negative impact on the business and its scheduling needs. So go ahead, sip on your mojito at the pool with shades on, and if a hater has something to say...tell 'em to take it up with your boss.

Something bothering you at work? Ask Kate for advice here.




Should the Government Have Paused the J&J Vaccine?

vaccine clock

Francis Scialabba

This week, the US' surprisingly smooth vaccine rollout hit some turbulence, and regulators turned on the seatbelt sign. 

On Monday, the CDC and FDA recommended pausing Johnson & Johnson's single-dose Covid vaccine while they investigate reports of rare blood clots. And when we say rare, we mean six women were found to have developed blood clots out of the roughly 7 million people who had received the vaccine. One died. 

Because of the country's bountiful supply of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, the decision isn't likely to significantly slow the rollout. But it did lead to heated discussions around people's appetite for risk, crisis communications, and trust in experts. 

The argument against a pause

Agencies said they paused the rollout out of an "abundance of caution." Critics say the amount of caution used was abundant in the way the amount of mayonnaise on a Jimmy John's sandwich is abundant.

They point to the numbers: Covid-19 has killed more than 560,000 Americans—blood clots from vaccines, 1. By pausing a vaccine that is overwhelmingly useful in fighting Covid, aren't we focusing on the wrong problem?  

Plus, this isn't a binary choice—there might be options other than suspending the rollout to everyone. 538's Nate Silver, one of the top critics of the government's decision, suggested that regulators could have said they're monitoring the situation and not paused vaccinations, or could have stopped giving J&J to young women, who appear to be most at risk of developing the rare blood clots. 

Finally, US health regulators, by seeking to avoid a credibility crisis, may have just invited one in. For those hesitant to take a vaccine—and there are many—seeing the FDA pause J&J over safety concerns is leading at least some of those skeptics to go, "HA! Knew it." 

  • A YouGov poll found that the perception of safety of the J&J vaccine dropped 15 percentage points after officials suspended it.  

So what were officials thinking? 

Instilling confidence in vaccines is their No. 1 priority, and right now...there isn't a ton of confidence. According to a recent NPR/Marist poll, 25% of Americans would refuse a vaccine if offered, which could complicate the push for herd immunity. 

As Axios's Bryan Walsh writes, vaccines are "virtually unique" among medicines because you take them not when you're projectile vomiting, but when you're healthy. Therefore, you demand a higher level of safety from vaccines than other treatments ("I'm feeling great...why would I jeopardize that?"). 

The FDA and the CDC know this. They know J&J-induced blood clots are extremely rare, rarer than getting a blood clot from Covid or getting struck by lightning. But they made a calculated decision to pull J&J based on what they think would give a skeptical public the biggest confidence boost around vaccine safety. Early indications show they may have miscalculated. 




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Open House

Welcome to Open House, the only Sunday Edition section that asks questions like, "What if a sixth-floor apartment had a custom iron gate instead of a door?" We'll give you a few facts about a listing and you guess the price.



Today we've got a 5,206 square-foot condo in downtown Columbus, OH, a thousand feet in the air. Other highlights include:

  • Three beds, six baths
  • A slew of custom-painted doors 
  • Unobstructed views of that famous Columbus skyline
  • A curved tray ceiling with a “rotating light color wheel”

How much is it listed for?

Look for the price at the bottom of the newsletter.




Just Click It

  1. The most notorious gossip bloggers of the 2000s are sorry. (Buzzfeed News)
  2. Surviving the crackdown in Xinjiang. (The New Yorker)
  3. Surely we can do better than Elon Musk? (Current Affairs)
  4. Your guide to autonomous vehicles. (Emerging Tech Brew)
  5. The mystery of the man who fell from the sky. (The Guardian)
  6. How people get rich now. (Paul Graham)
  7. Let's settle this once and for all: the difference between IPOs, SPACs, and direct listings. (Morning Brew)
  8. Analyzing the design of Japan's unusual butter tableware. (Core77)
  9. Would you get sick for the sake of medical research? (Undark)
  10. Deconstructing Disney: Queer coding and masculinity in Pocahontas. (Longreads)

It’s already begun. A disruption of the $1.7 trillion art market isn’t just coming—it’s already here. And it’s making some people a lot of money: High-profile collectors are projected to rake in $900 billion by 2026. For the first time in history, you can be part of it with Masterworks. Bonus: Brew Crew can skip the 75,000-person waitlist.*

*This is sponsored advertising content




Meme Battle

Welcome back to Morning Brew's Meme Battle, where we crown a single memelord every Sunday.

Today’s memelord: Olivia in Jersey City, NJ, with this wholesome interpretation.

This week's challenge: You can find the new meme template here for next Sunday. Once you're done making your meme, you can submit it at this link. We'll pick a new memelord in next week's Sunday Edition and provide you with another meme template to meme-ify. 




$3.45 million

Democrats: Teachers vs. Police

Derek Hunter

Why Are Biden and Democrats Carrying Out the Murder of the Middle Class?

Wayne Allyn Root

A Quick, Compelling Bible Study Vol. 57 – The First Martyr for Jesus

Myra Kahn Adams

Dear Red States: You Don’t Need the NCAA

Rob Jenkins

Prince Philip: A Servant in the Shadows

Canon J.John

To Break a Nation, Try Saturation Mass-Marketing

Eric Rozenman

Standing for Life in a Culture of Death

Frank Wright



Fauci Was Subjected to a Brutal Tongue Lashing by a GOP Rep When He Couldn't Answer a Simple Question

Matt Vespa

Planned Parenthood Boasts They're 'Done Making Excuses for Our Founder' Margaret Sanger. Don't Be Fooled

Rebecca Downs

Biden Finally Admits the Border is Experiencing a 'Crisis.'

Rebecca Downs

The Fundraising Numbers for Statewide Virginia Candidates Are In. We Spoke to the Republican Frontrunners.

Rebecca Downs

Murkowski Primary Challenger Off to an Impressive Fundraising Start

Rebecca Downs

New York Post is Censored by Social Media, Again

Rebecca Downs

Bill Maher Rips Media's COVID 'Panic Porn': 'How Did Your Audience Wind Up Believing Such A Bunch Of Crap?'

Scott Morefield

Hero Activated! Watch Concealed Carry Holder Protect His Wife From a Rabid Bobcat Attack

Katie Pavlich

'Unhinged': The Zoom Call That Caused a California Teacher To Get Suspended

Matt Vespa

This Kamala Harris Tweet About the Border Did Not Age Well

Katie Pavlich

Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms
Firearm Youth Educational Group Doing Their Part Turns Five! | John Petrolino

UK Stalking Victim's Murder Why Second Amendment Matters | Tom Knighton

Iowa Gun Grabbers Hold Rally To Oppose Permitless Carry | Tom Knighton

Addressing Violence Without Trampling On Gun Rights | Tom Knighton

Virginia Senate Rejects Gun Control Bill Amendment | Tom Knighton

April 18th, 2021

Biden Isn't Ending The Afghan War, He's Privatizing It
Authored by Dave DeCamp via,'Unclear' If Over 18,000 Contractors Will Ever Leave Afghanistan: PentagonWhile President Biden said he will withdraw troops from Afghanistan, it’s not clear if... Read More ›
The TRUTH about your Diabetes...
Doctors at the International Council for Truth in Medicine are revealing the truth about diabetes that has been suppressed for over 21 years. Last year they helped over 17,542 type 2 diabetics end the need for prescription drugs, insulin injections and blood... Read More ›
Black Lives Matter Activist Charged With Anti-Asian Hate Crime
Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News,A Black Lives Matter activist was arrested in Seattle for allegedly committing two separate hate crimes against Asian people, once again contradicting... Read More ›
Florida’s New Anti-Riot Law Has a Nasty Surprise for Rioters Who Surround Cars
The Florida state Legislature has approved a remarkable anti-rioting bill that establishes serious punishments for those engaging in today’s... Read More ›
AOC Questions Role Of Supreme Court In Defending Court-Packing
Authored by Jonathan Turley,It often seems that our politics of rage has created a new age of berserkers, warriors revered for their blind destructive fury. In order to distinguish yourself from the... Read More ›
Hundreds Turn Out for Pro-Trump “MAGA Fest Boat Parade” in Tampa Bay, FL
No matter what the elites and liars say or do Americans know the truth.The latest national poll shows a majority of Americans believe... Read More ›
Free Nationwide Giveaway: HIDE YOUR GUN ANYWHERE!
Home Defense Foundation Gives Away 200 FREE Gun Magnets To Protect American Families. Foolish gun owners will regret ignoring this simple solution Read More

Ron DeSantis Smells Like a Rose After AP Finds No Connection to Matt Gaetz Allegations

Ron DeSantis Smells Like a Rose After AP Finds No Connection to Matt Gaetz Allegations

Here's What We Know >>

WaPo Columnist Says Wuhan Lab Investigation Would Expose Dr. Fauci

“I Object…” – Is This The Start Of The Turn Against ‘Woke Tyranny’?

Michigan to Expand Access to Promising Treatment to Fight New Surge

Doctors Close to Solving Blood Clot Issue, Not Sure if Linked to Vaccine


Daily update April 18, 2021


Fox, Bell propel Phoenix to football triumph over Oswego
PHOENIX — Led by senior quarterback Ethan Fox, the Phoenix varsity football team topped Oswego by a score of 47-19 on Thursday. Before the ...
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Worldwide COVID death toll tops 3 million: Johns Hopkins University
The CDC reports 0.01 percent of fully-vaccinated Americans got COVID-19; Fox News medical contributor Dr. Marc Siegel weighs in. The global death ...
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Ohio shooting at victim's vigil leaves at least 1 dead, others wounded: reports
Fox News Flash top headlines are here. Check out what's clicking on A vigil for a shooting victim in Columbus, Ohio, on Saturday turned ...
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Florida nurse who appeared to threaten VP Harris in videos charged: Secret Service
Fox News Flash top headlines are here. Check out what's clicking on Authorities have charged a Florida nurse with threatening to kill Vice ...
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From the NSIC to the Big Ten: Parker Fox heading to Minnesota
Parker Fox entered the transfer portal following his fourth year at Northern State. Shortly after, then Xavier assistant Ben Johnson reached out the Wolves ...
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Judge Jeanine rips Democrats' proposal to expand Supreme Court, tells Tucker 'this is madness'
Fox News host Judge Jeanine Pirro joined "Tucker Carlson Tonight" Wednesday to discusses legislation proposed by House and Senate Democrats ...
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Police respond to shots fired at Beech Grove Walmart
Skip to content. Fox 59 · Indianapolis 60°. Sponsored By. Toggle Menu. Search. Primary Menu. News · Indianapolis FedEx Shooting · Video · Central ...
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PBC On Fox Undercard: James Martin Upsets Vito Mielnicki
LA's Shrine Exposition Center hosted a PBC card on Saturday, which aired live on Fox and featured former super welterweight titlist Tony Harrison as ...
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WIN $1,000 ON THE FOX SUPER 6 LATE INNING CHALLENGE ON SATURDAY. Any opportunity to win some money on a Saturday night while ...
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Amaryllis Fox: “What Does This New Version of Mutually Assured Destruction Look Like?” (People I ...
Amaryllis Fox — now Kennedy — explains why intelligence work requires empathy, and she soothes Steve's fears about weapons of mass destruction ...
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Today's Top Headline

U.S. Imposes Stiff Sanctions on Russia, Blaming It for Major Hacking Operation



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Derek Chauvin Says He Will Not Testify At Trial And Testimony Ends; Closings Set For Monday

Surge in Michigan Has Put Some Hospitals At Critical Capacity Levels

Indianapolis Police Say FedEx Gunman Shot At Random Before Dying By Suicide

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