Wednesday, April 21, 2021



Dershowitz to Newsmax TV: Jury Fear, <br>Not Due Process, Led to Chauvin Verdict
''I have no real confidence that this verdict, which may be correct in some ways, but I have no confidence that this verdict was produced by due process and the rule of law, rather than the influence of the crowd," the legal scholar said on Tuesday’s edition of ''Spicer & Co.'' on Newsmax TV. [Full Story]
Space Force Sees Application Surge From Other Branches
The U.S. Space Force has received thousands of applications for transfer from current members of the military in the Army, Navy and Marine Corps, the branch's Chief of Space Operations told the Washington Examiner. ''We've hand-picked about 6,400 people to join the Space...... [Full Story]
South Korea Court Sides With Japan in 'Comfort Women' Case
A South Korean court dismissed a lawsuit against Japan to compensate [Full Story]
New Soccer Super League Cannot Go Ahead, Says Agnelli
Breakaway European Super League founder and Juventus chairman Andrea [Full Story]
The Most Powerful Bluetooth Hearing Aids Crushing the Market
Columbus Police Officer Fatally Shoots Black Girl With Knife
Columbus police shot and killed a teenage girl who swung at two other [Full Story]
Out-of-This-World 'UAP' Tech Could Pose Threat to US National Security
Aliens, clandestine U.S. organizations, China, Russia, and even Elon [Full Story] |
Metformin Will Kill Your Kidney ‘Do This to Stop it’
Gender 'X' to Be Option for New Jersey Driver's Licenses and ID's
New Jersey will allow people to choose "X" as their gender on their [Full Story]
House Passes State Department Cybersecurity Legislation
The House on Tuesday approved bipartisan legislation designed to [Full Story]
US Judge Rejects Ex-Trump Lawyer Michael Cohen's Bid to End Sentence Early
A federal judge on Tuesday dismissed a petition by Michael Cohen, the [Full Story]
What We All Can Profit From When the Dollar Collapses
AOC, Liberal Dems Announce Reintroduction of the Green New Deal
Liberal Democrats Sen. Ed Markey of Massachusetts and Rep. Alexandria [Full Story]
Dick Morris to Newsmax TV: Biden Palestinian Aid Like 'Salary to Terrorists'
Political strategist Dick Morris condemned President Joe Biden [Full Story] |
How to Create Your Expert Status in 2021 - A Simple Four-Step Process.
Dem Leader Hoyer: GOP Effort to Censure Maxine Waters Is Spurious
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., defended Rep. Maxine [Full Story]
Poll: Less Than One-Third Aware of Durham Probe
Less than one-third of Americans are aware of a special investigation [Full Story]
New Study Suggests COVID-19 Could Infect Lungs Via the Gums
It is widely believed that COVID 19 infects the upper respiratory [Full Story]
New Technology Could Help Identify Remains of WWII Soldiers
The Pentagon is considering a new, more expansive way to use DNA in [Full Story]
Netflix Misses Expectations for Paid Subscriber Additions, Shares Slump
Netflix Inc added fewer-than-expected paid subscribers in the first [Full Story]
Ex-Officer Chauvin Guilty of All 3 Charges in Death of George Floyd
Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin was found guilty of [Full Story]
Greta Thunberg Speaks Out Against Vaccine Inequality
Climate activist Greta Thunberg this week criticized rich countries [Full Story]
Headmaster of Elite NYC School Admits 'We're Demonizing White People for Being Born'
The headmaster of an elite New York City school who relieved a math [Full Story]
Democrats Vote Not to Censure Maxine Waters
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., says he believes he [Full Story]
Willie Nelson Asks Biden to Make Marijuana Holiday Official
Willie Nelson is calling on President Joe Biden to declare a week [Full Story]
LA Mayor Garcetti Proposes Basic Income Pilot Program
Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti is proposing $24 million for a pilot [Full Story]
DeSantis Quietly Signs Law Approving $1B Online Sales Tax
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis this week quietly signed a bill adding [Full Story]
George W. Bush: Modern GOP Is 'Isolationist, Protectionist, Nativist'
The modern Republican party is "isolationist, protectionist, and to a [Full Story]
Nevada Death-Row Inmate Wants Firing-Squad Option
A convicted killer who is fighting a possible June execution date [Full Story]
Supreme Court Cheerleader Case Could Decide if Schools Can Consider Off-Campus Speech
A Pennsylvania cheerleaders legal case against her removal from her [Full Story]
Some Say States Should Set Pot Policy by Its Potency
As marijuana legalization spreads across U.S. states, so does a [Full Story]
Maxine Waters Dismisses Chauvin Trial Judge's Criticism of Her Remarks
Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., appeared to brush off criticism by the [Full Story]
Japan Should Consider Canceling Olympics, Ex-Minister Azumi Says
Japan needs to consider scrapping the Tokyo Olympics and speeding up [Full Story]
Apple Targets Remote Workers With New iPad Pro, Slim iMacs Using Own Chips
Apple Inc announced a line of slim iMac computers and iPads with higher-quality video that use its own processors, as it speeds its migration away from Intel and caters to a work-from-home world. The company also launched... [Full Story]

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