Sunday, April 25, 2021


MIT Study Challenges Social Distance Guidelines, 6-Foot Rule
A new study published by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology says you're no safer from COVID-19 indoors at 6 feet or 60 feet, challenging social distance policies. [Full Story]
Trump Calls on Arizona Gov. to Provide Audit Security
After Democrats refused to fund $1 million bond for the forensic audit of Arizona's presidential election results, former President Donald Trump is calling on GOP Gov. Doug Ducey to provide security.... [Full Story]
Ex-Aide to Blame Boris Johnson for Covid Deaths
A former aide to Boris Johnson is putting together evidence in an [Full Story]
New York Looks to Become America's Next Marijuana Hub
Kaelan Castetter has plans for the unusued offices next to his [Full Story]
Metformin Will Kill Your Legs – Do This to Stop it
Elon Musk to Host NBC's 'Saturday Night Live' on May 8
Technology mogul Elon Musk has a lined up a new gig in addition to [Full Story]
After Blazing U.S. Stock Rally, Some Warn of Tougher Market Ahead
Some of Wall Street's biggest names are predicting a pause in a rally [Full Story]
Innovative NC Program to Improve Veterans' Interactions With Cops Could Go National
First responders across nine North Carolina counties may soon begin [Full Story] |
Has Cancel Culture Gone Too Far? Take Our Survey
Pope Ordains 9 Priests, Saying: Stay Humble,  Compassionate
Pope Francis on Sunday gave the Catholic church nine new priests, [Full Story]
US Racing to Send Aid to India as COVID-19 Cases Soar
The United States is deeply concerned by a massive surge in [Full Story]
She's 56 But Looks 25. This is What She Does Every Day.
George P. Bush to Newsmax TV: Eying AG Paxton Primary
Texas Land Commissioner George P. Bush told Newsmax TV on [Full Story] |
Democrats in Panic After Biblical Remedy is Exposed. Watch This Video
Kansas Governor Vetoes Bill to Lower Concealed Carry Age
Gov. Laura Kelly rejected a bill Friday that would lower the [Full Story]
At Least 27 Dead in Baghdad COVID Hospital Fire
At least 27 people were killed and 46 injured in a fire Saturday at a [Full Story]
Portland Police Declare Riot After Vandals Attack Businesses
Police in Portland declared a riot Friday after anti-police [Full Story]
Bombers, Carrier Called to Back Afghanistan Withdrawal
The Pentagon has deployed as many as 6 B-52 bombers and an aircraft [Full Story]
Rush Limbaugh's Producer of 30 Years to Host Podcast
James Golden, Rush Limbaugh's producer, will launch a podcast with [Full Story]
Conservative Ari Hoffman Takes Helm at Seattle's KVI
Conservative Ari Hoffman, who has been featured on Newsmax and [Full Story]
Montana Governor Signs Bill Nullifying Gun Restrictions
Gov. Greg Gianforte on Friday signed a bill that prohibits state and [Full Story]
5 Injured in New Orleans' Bourbon Street Shootings
Five people were shot and injured on New Orleans' famous Bourbon [Full Story]
Sen. Cassidy to Newsmax TV: GOP Plan Is More for Less
The Republican counter proposal for infrastructure shows the way [Full Story] |
Derek Chauvin Could Face Additional Charges for 2017 Incident
The Department of Justice is exploring whether to file additional [Full Story]
SE Asian Nations: Consensus Reached on Ending Myanmar Crisis
Southeast Asian leaders said they had agreed on a plan with Myanmar's [Full Story]
MIT Study Challenges Social Distancing Guidelines, 6 Foot Rule
A new study published by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute [Full Story]
Rep. Gohmert to Newsmax TV: Dems Exposed on DC
Democrats' push for statehood for Washington, D.C., is based on [Full Story] |
Finally, Toilet Paper Demand Drops
Toilet paper demand fueled by the coronavirus pandemic has finally [Full Story]
Ken Starr Laments, Warns of Decline of Religion in Society
Former Whitewater independent counsel Ken Starr lamented the decline [Full Story]
Jerusalem Tension Triggers Gaza-Israel Fire Exchange
Tensions in Jerusalem sparked the worst round of cross-border [Full Story]
Where's Harris? Vice President Slammed for Going 30 Days Without Border Visit
It has now been 30 days since President Joe Biden announced on March [Full Story]
Albuquerque Refers $211K Trump Campaign Bill to Collection Agency
The City of Albuquerque has hired a collection agency to pursue a [Full Story]
Roaring Reopening Trade Threatened With Boom Nearing Peak
In a stimulus-crazed economy, everything goes faster. The recovery [Full Story]
Pandemic Creating Devastating Amounts of PPE Waste
April is Earth Month and Earth Day is Thursday, but and as the pandemic persists, we are witnessing a devastating rise in the environmental hazard of personal protective equipment pollution that is choking our oceans... [Full Story]
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