Monday, April 26, 2021



Newt: Biden, Harris Had Chance to Praise Country After Chauvin Verdict
Vice President Kamala Harris speaks as President Joe Biden listens after Tuesday's verdict. (AP/Evan Vucci)
After the murder conviction of Derek Chauvin, Newt Gingrich said President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, "had an opportunity to come out and say, 'look, the system works, here's a policeman who's now been convicted on all three counts. We can feel good about how America deals with these kinds of issues.' Instead they came out and went on a rant about institutional racism. They could not have done a better job of tearing down America if they were Chinese communist propogandists." [Full Story]
Fox’s Chris Wallace Won't Stop About Trump and Jan. 6th
Fox News anchor Chris Wallace seems intent on continuously discussing the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol and former President Donald Trump.... [Full Story]
Russia Suspends Navalny Network Operations as 'Extremist'
Russian prosecutors Monday ordered Alexei Navalny's national network [Full Story]
China Censors History-Making Chloe Zhao's Oscars Success
Beijing-born Chloe Zhao was scrubbed from Chinese social media on [Full Story]
Metformin Will Kill Your Legs – Do This to Stop it
1st Census Data on House Seats Being Released Monday
The Census Bureau says it will be releasing the numbers used for [Full Story]
 53 Women Break Barrier, Become Marines at Formerly All-Male Boot Camp
The U.S. Marine recruits, both women and men, patrolled through a [Full Story]
Biden Stopped Straddling Fence on Abortion After Inauguration
The coronavirus pandemic that's forced changes in how millions of [Full Story] |
Has Cancel Culture Gone Too Far? Take Our Survey
Supreme Court Considers Cheerleader's Profanity in Free Speech Flap
A Pennsylvania teenager whose profanity-laced outburst on social [Full Story]
Judge Dismisses Lawsuit Keeping Transgender Athletes Out of Girls Sports
A federal judge on Sunday dismissed a Connecticut lawsuit that would [Full Story]
She's 56 But Looks 25. This is What She Does Every Day.
Chinese American Man Attacked in New York
A Chinese American man in New York was knocked to the ground and [Full Story]
Florida McDonald's Pays $50 Just to Show up for a Job Interview
With applicants being hard to find, a McDonald's franchise owner in [Full Story]
Democrats in Panic After Biblical Remedy is Exposed. Watch This Video
US Military Begins Final Departure From Afghanistan
The U.S. military has started the process of completely withdrawing [Full Story]
Report: EU Set to Allow Vaccinated US Tourists to Visit This Summer
American tourists who have been fully vaccinated against Covid-19 [Full Story]
Innovative NC Program to Improve Veterans' Interactions With Cops Could Go National
First responders across nine North Carolina counties may soon begin [Full Story] |
Wuhan Lab Helped Chinese Army in Secret Project to Find Animal Viruses
Despite its repeated denials, revelations are coming out the Chinese [Full Story]
Rep. Mike Turner: US Isn't Ready for Nuke Threat
Rep. Mike Turner, R-Ohio, on Sunday doubled down on a warning from [Full Story]
Stephen Moore: Biden, NY Tax Hikes Double Whammy on the Dollar
The talk of President Joe Biden raising taxes along with New York [Full Story]
New MI6 Chief Calls 'Russia an Objectively Declining Power'
While "reckless" actions on behalf of Russia are concerning, the [Full Story]
Lawyer: FBI's Seth Rich Docs Show Robbery Narrative 'Failing Apart'
The FBI released documents sought related to the death of former [Full Story]
Gasparino: New Regulations May Spark Crypto Crash
Impending regulation of cryptocurrencies might ultimately lead to a [Full Story]
Fauci: US Will Consider Sending AZ Vaccine to Covid-Hit India
The United States will consider sending surplus AstraZeneca vaccines [Full Story]
Rick Scott Urges Police Reform Based on Successful 'Best Practices'
Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., said Congress should take up a police reform [Full Story]
Massive Blaze in ICU of Coronavirus Ward in Iraq Kills 82
The death toll from a massive fire in a Baghdad hospital for [Full Story]
Analysts Question Payoff in Biden's $100B Broadband Plan
Joe Biden is betting $100 billion he can deliver a lifeline to rural [Full Story]
Report: Putin and Biden May Meet in June
Russian President Vladimir Putin and his U.S. counterpart Joe Biden [Full Story]
Ex-Aide to Blame Boris Johnson for Covid Deaths
A former aide to Boris Johnson is putting together evidence in an [Full Story]
US Racing to Send Aid to India as COVID-19 Cases Soar
The United States is deeply concerned by a massive surge in [Full Story]
George P. Bush to Newsmax TV: Eying AG Paxton Primary
Texas Land Commissioner George P. Bush told Newsmax TV on [Full Story] |
Portland Police Declare Riot After Vandals Attack Businesses
Police in Portland declared a riot Friday after anti-police [Full Story]
Pandemic Creating Devastating Amounts of PPE Waste
April is Earth Month and Earth Day is Thursday, but and as the pandemic persists, we are witnessing a devastating rise in the environmental hazard of personal protective equipment pollution that is choking our oceans... [Full Story]

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