Thursday, May 13, 2021


Cruz to Newsmax TV: Dems Traffic in Bigotry
Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, accused Democrats and allied reporters of regularly employing bigotry and racism to achieve their ends and told Newsmax TV on Wednesday they are especially comfortable using it in the hopes of passing their election law bill in Congress. [Full Story]
Bishops Hit Biden Abortion Order, Urge Petition to Defend Hyde Amendment
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops posted a rebuke on Twitter this week to President Joe Biden’s Jan. 28 executive order that repeals an order by former President Donald Trump restricting aid to agencies providing abortions overseas. ... [Full Story]
Musk's Bitcoin Concerns Sink Crypto-Linked Stocks
Stocks exposed to cryptocurrencies slumped globally after Elon Musk [Full Story]
Supreme Court Considers Hearing Case on 'Most Offensive Word'
Robert Collier says that during the seven years he worked as an [Full Story]
Doctors Can't Explain Why This Fruit May Cut Your Blood Sugar By 90%
Newsmax PODCAST: Liz Cheney Commits Career Suicide
PLUS: East Coast parties like its 1979 with gas shortages all over [Full Story]
Iran Responds to Biden Nuke Outreach With Gunboat Provocation
A Biden administration eager to repair the busted Iran nuke deal is [Full Story] |
Trump Buys Walled-Off Island Complex - What is he Planning?
Colonial Pipeline Restarts Operations After Major Hack
The nation's largest fuel pipeline restarted operations Wednesday, [Full Story]
Has Cancel Culture Gone Too Far? Take Our Survey!
Sen. Ted Cruz to Newsmax TV: Dems Traffic in Bigotry
Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, accused Democrats and allied reporters [Full Story] |
Wealthy Virginia County Is Ground Zero for Critical Race Theory Ed. Debate
America's wealthiest county, Loudon, Va., has become the flashpoint [Full Story]
Physical Gold and Digital Currencies Get Married
Supply Chain Disruptions Cause Chick-fil-A to Ration Sauce
Fast food chain Chick-fil-A recently announced that they would be [Full Story]
Democrat Bill Aims to Change NASA Moon Lander Plan
A controversial piece of legislation that directs NASA to pick a [Full Story]
Banks Brace for Cyber Attacks in 2021
Ohio Offers Vaccinated Adults a Chance to Win a $1 Million
Five lucky vaccinated Ohio adults will receive $1 million each, if [Full Story]
Biden Tells Bibi That Israel Has Right to Defend Itself
President Joe Biden spoke with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin [Full Story]
Stock Market’s Future During Biden’s Presidency
Indiana to Receive $700M+ From Opioid Settlements, State and Federal Grants
Indiana is expected to receive millions from its lawsuits filed [Full Story]
Guy Reschenthaler to Newsmax TV: Expect Mainstream Media to Come After DeSantis
Rep. Guy Reschenthaler said to Newsmax TV that the mainstream media [Full Story]
DeSantis Touts VoTech Education During Newsmax Town Hall
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis championed the return of trade and [Full Story]
DeSantis to Newsmax TV: My Wife's Helped Me With Messaging
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis credited his wife Casey, a former [Full Story]
Letter: 100 GOP Members to Sign Document Demanding Breakup with Trump
One hundred Republicans are signing a letter that demands either the [Full Story]
CDC Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine Clotting Cases up to 28
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced more [Full Story]
120 Ex-Military Leaders Pen Letter Warning of Deep National Perils, Biden's Lack of Fitness
More than 120 retired U.S. military leaders have banded together and [Full Story]
Biden Says to Expect 'Good News' on Pipeline Within a Day
President Joe Biden said he expects "good news" soon about a major [Full Story]
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis: 'Leadership Is About Making Tough Decisions'
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis found himself listening to President Dwight [Full Story]
Ruling Paves Way for Longer Sentence in George Floyd's Death
A Minnesota judge has ruled that there were aggravating factors in [Full Story]
McConnell Slams Dems Who Criticize Israel
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell harshly criticized Democrats [Full Story]
Times Square Shooting Suspect Arrested in Florida
A man suspected of shooting three people in New York's Times Square, [Full Story]
Denton Knapp to Newsmax TV: Cheney Ouster Justified
House Republicans' vote to remove Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., from [Full Story] |
Kerry: 'On No Occasion, Never' Leaked Israeli Ops in Syria to Iran
Biden climate czar John Kerry again categorically denied giving [Full Story] |
Opinion: God & Man Left Yale
I realized when deciding to leave, that it would be the first time in [Full Story]
Biden Pitching $4.1T Spending: 'Snap My Fingers, It Will Happen'
Pitching another $4.1 trillion in combined spending, President Joe [Full Story]
US Consumer Prices Increase by Most Since 2009
U.S. consumer prices climbed in April by the most since 2009, amid a record increase in used-car costs and signaling a build-up in inflationary pressures as burgeoning demand gives companies latitude to pass on higher costs. [Full Story]
Children Remain Vulnerable to MIS-C Despite Adults Getting Vaccinated
COVID-19 is still a threat to U.S. children, say experts who warn that pediatric cases are on the rise. Although more than half of American adults have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, kids are still at risk.According to Good Morning America, the American... [Full Story]

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