Sunday, June 6, 2021



Trump Vows 'Tremendous 2022' as Republicans Surge
Former President Donald Trump acknowledges the crowd as he speaks at the North Carolina Republican Convention Saturday, in Greenville, N.C. (AP Photo/Chris Seward)
Vowing to bring the Republican Party forward in 2022 as its top endorser, former President Donald Trump vowed a "tremendous" GOP revival as the country unravels under President Joe Biden. [Full Story]
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The Wire

3 Points The Media Is Still Getting Wrong About Wuhan Lab Theory

The Case Of Joe Rogan: Vaccine Policy And Freedom Of Speech

Fight Breaks Out at Miami International Airport Check-In Counter (VIDEO)

LOCKE: Fauci Emails Show One Thing – We Were Right


Allie Sullberg


Lab-Grown Meat

Paul vs. Mayweather

A Very Relatable Meme


Editor's Note


Good morning on the 77th anniversary of D-Day. A day before the invasion on Normandy, General Dwight D. Eisenhower gave a famous speech in which he explained to the troops, "The eyes of the world are upon you." 

Less known is an alternative speech Eisenhower wrote in case the invasion was repelled. In four short sentences, it went, "Our landings in the Cherbourg-Havre area have failed to gain a satisfactory foothold and I have withdrawn the troops. My decision to attack at this time and place was based upon the best information available. The troops, the air, and the Navy did all that Bravery and devotion to duty could do. If any blame or fault attaches to the attempt it is mine alone." 

Stuff to think about next time something goes wrong on your watch. 

—Neal Freyman




Stock Watch: Meme Stocks

Will Varner




Icebreakers with… Uma Valeti

A photograph of Uma Valeti wearing a gray button down. He is smiling and resting his head on one fist. Next to him on the wall is a red blob with the name of his company, Upside Foods, written in it in white.

Uma Valeti

Uma Valeti was working as a cardiologist, injecting stem cells into damaged hearts to regrow muscle, when he thought, "Could you grow food from animal cells in a similar way?"

Now, his company, Upside Foods (previously Memphis Meats), is doing just that: growing real meat in a lab. The company raised $161 million in Series B funding, including investments from SoftBank, Bill Gates, Richard Branson, and Tyson Foods.

Step aside, sad black bean patty...

What made you interested in creating cell-based meat instead of a meat substitute like a veggie patty?

My career in cardiology was really going well...but five years in I almost quit and bought what was basically a plant-based patty company. The more I thought about it, the more I thought it wasn't worth doing a meat alternative business because there were thousands of people doing it. That and the power of choice. 

Choice is so important because in my practice as a cardiologist, I've done resuscitations on so many people and on their way out of the hospital, said, "This is a second lease on life. You resuscitated. You died. Don't smoke and eat well, exercise, take your meds."

But a third of the people stopped within a month because they wanted to go back to their old habits, whether it was eating what they liked or not taking meds. Even when your life is at risk, people prefer choice, and that was a big observation for me. And I'm like, "Okay, we need to bring meat to the table, not a meat alternative."

What advice would you have for other entrepreneurs who are pursuing never-been-done-before ideas? 

Absolutely don't look back because it looks scary if you start looking back. You have to look forward. You have to look upwards and keep the focus on your North Star and who you're trying to impact.

The other thing to know is when to go fast and when to go slow. You can go fast on a lot of things, but you have to deliberately slow down for some really important moments. And knowing that is essential. 

What were the slow moments for Upside Foods?

You can't go fast when you introduce a product to market. We had to make sure that people would understand it by talking about it. Another really important thing was we decided not to go into stealth mode. So that meant in the last five years, building the company up slowly so people would understand what we're trying to do.

The second one is working with regulators on food safety, making sure that we work with them properly and that there is a healthy dialogue back and forth. You can't rush those.

I read that the Upside Foods office has albums based on meat? What's that about?

There's a full wall. There's "Meatloaf," and we have "Meatallica" and "Justin Beefer." There's an incredible amount of creativity on the wall. There's 25 or 30 now. 

Are you a vegan or vegetarian? 

No. I grew up in a meat-eating family, but during medical school, I stopped eating meat because I thought, "I don't like how meat is coming to the table." Now for the last five years, I've been eating it again. But I made a promise to myself that I will only eat the meat that we produce.

What's your favorite meal made out of Upside Foods's cell-grown meat? 

I love the fried chicken.



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Learn more about Decision TechTM from Fidelity right here.





Make It Work logo

Each week, Morning Brew's Head of People Ops Kate Noel answers reader-submitted questions about work in 2021. 

"Our company is mandating that we return to the office for a minimum of three days a week. It's frustrating that we are being told which environment we will allegedly be most productive in after over a year of successful WFH, but leadership says we signed up for this when we took the job pre-pandemic. How do we have a conversation with leadership about this?"—Anonymous, New York, NY

Hey Anonymous, in situations like this, it's always helpful to look around and see if any of your colleagues feel the same way you do. There is strength in numbers. With the collective, you can reach out to HR through email and make a request to have a group session to discuss the new rule. With a group of your colleagues present for the conversation, you won't have to worry about being singled out. Your HR rep can be the mediator between your group and the leadership team, and they can also provide insight into how the company arrived at the decision of a hybrid work structure post-pandemic. 

"Did I do a disservice to fellow employees and management when I didn't disclose that the reason I left my company was due to my treatment by management?"—Daniel, San Jose, CA

Hi Daniel, I would have to say yes. I'm not sure what type of treatment you received from management, but if it was not aligned with general ethics or company policy then it should be reported. When you share your experiences with an HR professional, you are helping to make sure that this type of behavior doesn't happen again to anyone at your workplace. 

Sometimes I wish that people would feel more comfortable reporting issues in real-time, but at the same time I completely understand the fear of retaliation in the workplace. You might worry that your industry is small and that even if you "tell all" after you leave, it might follow you to your next employer. I get that, but in my experience that's an overstated concern. If this is something you are still thinking about then you can reach out to your former employer and let them know how you feel. It's never too late.

Something bothering you at work? Ask Kate here.




Paul vs. Mayweather: But...Why?

A gif of Jake Paul, a white male with messy blond hair wearing a black cap and tshirt, saying "it would be the greatest upset to ever take place in the history of sports."


Social media star Logan Paul will fight Floyd Mayweather Jr., who is considered one of the best boxers ever, in an exhibition match tonight at Miami's Hard Rock Stadium.

If you are one of the many people who decide to pay $49.99 on Showtime pay-per-view to watch (it'll likely be one of the most-viewed events of the year), you probably won't see a competitive fight. Paul, who only recently got into boxing, is 0–1 in his career. Mayweather is 50–0 with 27 knockouts. 

In fact, you probably won't even see a boxing match in the traditional sense. There won't be judges or an official winner, and they'll fight over eight 3-minute rounds. 

Boxing isn't the point

Paul told ESPN he doesn't care about being a championship-level fighter. "My goal is to be the biggest entertainer on the planet. And putting on big fights and big shows as a freelance fighter is a good way to do that."

The backstory: Paul, 26, first built a following on the social media app Vine in 2013. Then, he expanded to YouTube, podcasts, and even legacy TV programs like Law & Order: SVU.

  • Paul's also been on the wrong side of law and order. He's posted a number of controversial videos, including one where he visits a "suicide forest" in Japan and another where he tasered two dead rats. In 2018, YouTube temporarily suspended ads on Paul's channel.

Did we mention Logan has a younger brother? His name is Jake, and he's followed Logan's general trajectory from social media prankster → mass-media entertainer and boxer. Last November, in his first professional fight, Jake knocked out former NBA player Nate Robinson in an image that instantly went viral.

Which is the point

The Paul brothers see boxing, a sport that glorifies villains and rewards self-promotion, as their ticket to further fame and riches. With more exposure from his boxing career, Logan's merchandise line did $40 million in sales in its first nine months. We don't know how much Logan will make from the match, but it's going to be a lot—Mayweather is poised to make $102 million tonight, according to The Sun.

Bottom line: Tonight marks a fascinating new chapter in the long history of men beating each other up for entertainment. What Mayweather and the Paul brothers are really fighting for is our eyeballs. After Jake stole Mayweather's hat at a press conference last month, the boxer remarked, "Jake Paul wanted some attention, and he got it. And so did I." 




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Open House

Happy Sunday, aka Look at This Expensive Loft That We'll Never Be Able to Afford Day. We'll give you a few facts about a listing and you guess the price.


For today's listing, we're heading down to the home of Duke University in Durham, NC, where you can eat some of the nation's second-best BBQ (nothing beats Kansas City burnt ends) and check out this 9,266 square-foot, downtown penthouse with ceilings so high you'll feel like you're in a fancy high school gym. Amenities include:

  • 2 beds, 3 baths
  • A living space that looks like a WeWork
  • Your own private terrace
  • Front row seat to Coach K's farewell parade
  • Lights under the bathtub to see any bugs

How much for this artsy loft?




Just Click It

  1. Financial experts share their go-to stock analysis strategies. (Morning Brew)
  2. Want to see what your devices are actually getting up to? (Everyday Experiments)
  3. Not everyone is excited about hugs making a comeback. (BuzzFeed News)
  4. Inside the "world's largest" video game cheating empire. (Vice)
  5. The Olympics devastate host cities and need a permanent location. (Teen Vogue)
  6. The uncanny, fluorescent world of the Costco Influencer. (Jezebel)
  7. Gen Z's ambitious and anxiety-fuelled pursuit of straight As across YouTube, TikTok, Discord, and Twitter. (Cybernaut)
  8. What is Asian American music, really? (Pitchfork)
  9. The mystery of the $113 million deli. (NYT)
  10. Pride Month: Brands can't buy their way into allyship this year. (Marketing Brew)

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Meme Battle

Welcome back to Morning Brew's Meme Battle, where we crown a single memelord every Sunday.

Today's winner: McKenzie from Clayton, NC. This brings back bad memories.

This week's challenge: You can find next Sunday's meme template here. Once you're done making your meme, submit it at this link. We'll pick a new memelord for next week's Sunday Edition and provide you with another meme template to meme-ify. 


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Daily update June 6, 2021
Ground broken for one-of-a-kind fox rescue center in Licking County
A fox rescue and wolf dog sanctuary unique to Licking County – and North America – took a vast leap forward with its June 3 groundbreaking for an ...
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Twitter declares access to its platform a 'human right' amid censorship of conservatives
Fox News Flash top headlines are here. Check out what's clicking on Twitter declared a free and open Internet to be "an essential human ...
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Iran loses voting rights at UN after failing to pay dues
Fox News Flash top headlines are here. Check out what's clicking on U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres said this week that Iran will ...
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Rain, flooding threatens to drench Gulf Coast states again
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Rubio says national security is more important than UFO 'stigma'
Rubio's fellow members on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence remain mum as they await UAP intelligence report. By Caitlin McFall | Fox ...
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Fox News Host Tucker Carlson Accuses Dr. Anthony Fauci Of “A Cover-Up” On Covid-19 ...
Fox News host Tucker Carlson has blasted Dr. Anthony Fauci for allegedly lying about his role during the pandemic, accusing him and other health ...
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Former personal trainer and his son lose a combined 295 pounds
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Fox News and CNN choose not to air Trump's first official speech in three months
Trump's speech at the North Carolina GOP Convention on Saturday night was the first pubic address in months. Both Fox News and CNN chose not to ...
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Calls intensify for Biden administration to help save former Marine's life
Christopher Ahn was part of an activist group that helps North Korean officials defect. By Eric Shawn | Fox News.
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Joe Biden's Delaware beach house: what to know
The house is set back away from the road on a 4-acre property, and it includes six bedrooms, six bathrooms and a half-bath. Fox Nation ...
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Derek Hunter

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Tom Tradup

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Wayne Allyn Root

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Myra Kahn Adams

China's Newest Export: Censorship

Will Coggin

Donald Trump Takes Stage at NC GOP to Remind Us How Lucky We Were to Have Him

Rebecca Downs

Gavin Newsom Goes Back on His Word, State of Emergency Will Remain in Place After June 15 Deadline

Rebecca Downs

Upcoming CNN Interview with Senate Sergeant-at-Arms: Bigger Concerns Than Another January 6

Rebecca Downs

CNN Host Claims to Refuse to Interview 'Election Liars,' Revelations Found He was a Liar, Hypocrite

Landon Mion

Federal Judge Rules California's Ban on Assault Rifles Is Unconstitutional

Rebecca Downs

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Rebecca Downs

Obama Suggests Republican States Passing Election Integrity Laws are 'Rigging the Game'

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Landon Mion

Dr. Scott Atlas Excoriates Fauci's 'Unconscionable' Handling Of Pandemic

Scott Morefield

Fauci Says Criticism Over His Released Emails Is 'All Nonsense'

Landon Mion

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Bearing Arms
Cincy Mayor Blames Crime Spike On COVID Shutdown | Cam Edwards

How Chipman Could Be Confirmed Without Manchin's Support | Cam Edwards

Federal Judge Declares California "Assault Weapons" Ban Unconstitutional | Cam Edwards

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June 06
Diego Velázquez

Diego Velázquez

D-Day: Omaha Beach
Normandy Invasion begun

Paul Giamatti
American actor
Aleksandr Pushkin
Russian author
empress consort of Russia
Thomas Mann
German author
president of Indonesia
Björn Borg
Swedish tennis player

2015 Belmont Stakes
2015: American Pharoah won the Belmont Stakes, becoming the first Thoroughbred in more than 35 years to capture horse racing's Triple Crown. [ Take our quiz about famous horses.]
Phylicia Rashad
2004: For her performance in A Raisin in the Sun, Phylicia Rashad became the first African American to win a Tony Award for best actress. [ Test your knowledge of theatre.]
Sarah Jessica Parker in Sex and the City
1998: The American TV show Sex and the City, starring Sarah Jessica Parker, began airing on HBO , and it became one of the most popular and influential television series of the late 1990s and early 2000s. [ Sort fact from fiction in our pop culture quiz.]
Björn Borg
1956: Swedish tennis player Björn Borg, who was considered one of the sport's greatest competitors, was born. [How much do you know about tennis?]
elevated transit line
1892: Chicago's elevated Loop train line (commonly known as the “L”) began operating, and it became one of the longest and busiest mass-transit systems in the United States. [ How much do you know about Chicago?]
1982: Israel invaded Lebanon and subsequently defeated the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), the Syrian armed forces, and assorted leftist Lebanese groups. [Take our quiz about the Middle East.]

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