Sunday, August 8, 2021


Jeffrey Kam


The TikTok-famous beekeeper

How does Shein do it?

Planting roots in the Rose Capital of the World


Editor's Note


Good morning. Sifting through the replies to yesterday’s newsletter, it became clear that one link in particular resonated with readers: The Atlantic’s article about the benefits of talking with strangers. 

What is it about talking to strangers that intrigues us? Probably because we know it enriches our lives but we can’t bring ourselves to do it.

If you’re like me, you often freeze when given the opportunity to say hello to your neighbor on a plane. “What if they don’t want to talk to me?” we think. Even worse, what if they do want to talk to me? Not trying to hear about their stamp collection for three hours. 

These concerns are largely imaginary, and even detrimental. Studies show that chatting with strangers can boost happiness, improve mental health, and make you feel more connected to your community. 

So, in the spirit of trying something new, I’m suggesting that we all attempt to talk to one stranger today. Then reply and let me know about your experience. Who knows? Maybe you'll meet another Brew reader.

—Neal Freyman




Stock Watch: Running Shoes

Stock watch: running shoes





Icebreakers with...Erika Thompson of Texas Beeworks

Erika Thomspon of Texas Beeworks holds up a comb on honeybees

Amanda Jewell Saunders

If there are two constants in Erika Thompson’s life, they are: Texas and bees. She started Texas Beeworks in 2014, became a full-time beekeeper in 2019, and signs all her emails with “Bee Well.” But she’s most famous for documenting her calm bee removal services on TikTok.

After strapping into a bee suit, we asked Thompson a few Icebreakers—but please, don’t try this at home.

You have 9 million followers on TikTok and huge followings on other social platforms. How do you balance creating content with actually being a beekeeper?

I always say creatures before content. I'm so thankful for the ability to show people the important and incredible work that bees and beekeepers do every day. But it can be a challenge. I think a lot of people don't realize that, first and foremost, I'm a beekeeper. And then after many, many other things, I'm putting together social content. 

What was the moment when you decided to take beekeeping from a hobby to a career?

About two years ago, I was trying to convince myself and everyone around me that I could leave my good office job and be a full-time beekeeper.

Then, one day I was sitting at work, at my office job, and I opened my email and saw a note from Jeopardy! They were asking me to help create a clue category about bees. And that’s when I thought, “They could have asked anyone.”

What Jeopardy! category could you win that isn’t bee-related?

Oh my gosh. [Asks husband off call] What do I know a lot about, non-bee related? [Husband responds, “Texas.”]

What word would best describe you in high school?

Dork. I was in orchestra, I was the captain of my high school bowling team, and I loved Star Wars. Our school even called the kids in orchestra “Orch Dorks.”

This interview has been lightly edited and condensed for clarity.



It’s About to Get Personal

Money Scoop

Can we ask you a ~personal~ question? Do you have money or a credit card or a 401(k) or an investment account or student loans or a mortgage or a kid who may want to, ugh, backpack around Europe “for a little while?”

Then gosh darn it do we have great news for you. We’re launching our new personal finance newsletter called Money Scoop and you should sign up.

It’s written by an honest-to-goodness CPA (but, like, the cool kind) and twice weekly he will be discussing all the financial topics you need to know.

On that (bank) note we want to hear from you! Tell us what you wish you knew about money, what you’re nervous about, or what you haven’t told anyone about your finances. We’ll use these “Money Secrets” to keep the content machine chuggin’ along.

See you for Money Scoop’s first issue on August 17th, but only if you smash this lil’ link to subscribe.




Looking for Direction

Make It Work logo

Important note: This section has a new author, as we're reluctantly going to let Kate Noel focus on her day job of running HR at a 120-person media company.

Who could ever fill Kate's Shaq-sized shoes? The one, the only Shane Loughnane. A Western Mass. native, Shane's been navigating sticky workplace dilemmas since he was forced to fire his dad from their paper route venture (don't worry, he received a generous severance package). More recently, Shane's held professional roles across a variety of industries, and he'll be an invaluable sounding board for all your workplace challenges. Let's get this party started.

I don't like my current job but I have no idea what I would rather do instead. Do you have any advice for people like me?—Ashlynn in Denver

As Baz Luhrmann (Australian director, writer, producer) once put it, “Some of the most interesting people I know didn’t know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives. Some of the most interesting 40-year-olds still don’t.” This is a relevant topic for me, as I’m somewhere between 22 and 40 and honestly haven’t figured it out yet, either. And that’s totally okay.  

The first thing you should ask yourself is whether it’s a specific aspect of your current job that you dislike, or if it’s the line of work that you find unfulfilling. If the former, perhaps it’s worth a conversation with your boss: A modification of your current responsibilities, a new role inside the company, or potentially a job switch within the industry would reignite the fire.  

If you think you might want to try your hand at something different, start by documenting your non-income generating hobbies and interests—is there a way to monetize any of them? If the answer is, “Maybe, but there are roadblocks,” consider starting small. Even if you can’t up and quit your current job today to pursue it, what would it look like to start something on the side, take a class, or cold email a newsletter editor until they cave and let you write something? 

Still nothing? Pick up a book on something you know nothing about (the Brew has a whole shelf full of recs). If it’s not doing it for you, pick up another one. Most people who haven’t found a job that they are passionate about have stopped looking for one. You’re never too far behind, and it’s never too late.

And don’t forget to wear sunscreen.


Something bothering you at work? Ask Shane here.




Shein’s All That

An Instagram post from Addison Rae for Shein


If you’re not a Gen Z woman with a penchant for online shopping, you may have never heard of the world’s fastest-growing e-commerce company, Shein. If you are in that demographic, the brand likely follows you around the internet like an overly attached chihuahua. 

But, unlike a chi, the online fashion retailer has a big bark and a big bite:

  • Estimated revenue in 2020 of nearly $10 billion
  • Annual revenue growth of over 100% for eight years running
  • A $15 billion valuation, as of last summer

Oh, and its app was downloaded more than Amazon on the US App Store in June...nbd.

Now that you’re listening, here’s the background

Shein is an online-only, fast-fashion retailer based in China, with a focus on women’s apparel. But calling it “fast” is like calling pickle juice delicious: It’s a vast understatement.

The first wave of fast-fashion retailers (Zara, H&M) became popular by creating new designs and getting them to the sales floor in five weeks or less. Fast fashion 2.0, known as “ultra-fast fashion” and popularized by brands like ASOS and Boohoo, got that process down to a week or two. Shein turns around a new design in as little as three days.

Fashion Nova made waves back in 2018 when its CEO bragged about launching 600 to 900 styles a week, per Vox. Shein added over 7,000 new styles to its site last Thursday alone (see for yourself here). The key to its speed is its well-oiled supply chain management.

Shein’s order flow is as frictionless as a Slip ’N Slide covered in soap

First, as laid out in Not Boring’s excellent deep dive, Shein analyzes trends and user data to decide which style to churn out next. An in-house design team then sends it to a Shein supplier located in China’s manufacturing hub, Guangzhou.

Here’s where the magic happens: Suppliers start by making a small batch of the product, but once it goes live on, real-time shopping data is sent to the factory floor to inform whether to scale production up or down. If the item is being clicked on and added to carts furiously, Shein’s software (which all of its suppliers are required to use) tells the supplier to make more.

As factory production gears up,’s algorithm recommends the product to more shoppers and its marketing team blasts it across social media.

But moving this fast has resulted in Shein breaking things. Its flywheel sometimes outpaces sound decision-making, meaning products like a “Metal Swastika Pendant Necklace” have ended up on the site.

Looking ahead...rumors have swirled in China that Shein would IPO sometime in 2021, but that was before Chinese authorities cracked down on the country’s biggest tech companies, especially when they tried to IPO on US-based exchanges. So we may have to wait a while to learn the juicy financial deets.



Dame Products

Va va vulva voom. Dame makes toys for sex that are designed to bring your solo and coupled play to new heights. Developed and tested by real people in their Dame Labs community, their vibrators and accessories are made with medical-grade silicone, smart design principles, and a whole lotta love. Get (15%) off with code MORNINGBREW.




Open House

Welcome to Open House, the only newsletter section that begs the question, “How exactly am I going to use a screened-in porch in the Texas heat?” We’ll give you a few facts about a listing and you try to guess the price.

Front view of house, entryway, screened in porch, staircase, and dining room of house in Tyler, Texas


 About two hours southeast of Dallas, you’ll find today’s home in the historic district of Tyler, Texas, aka the Rose Capital of the World and home to the largest rose garden in the US (spanning 14 acres and featuring at least 400 varieties of roses.) This 5,091 square-foot home built in 1965 comes with:

  • 6 beds, 3 baths
  • More arches than you can count on one hand
  • Fancy-shmancy carved ceilings
  • A huge parking lot in the back

How much for the Texas palace? Scroll to the bottom of the newsletter to find out.




Just Click It

1. Which singers have the biggest vocabularies? (WordTips)
2. AI-generated art is actually pretty good. (Berkeley)
3. Tunnels are our transportation future. (Austin Vernon)
4. How to unplug from work. (Founder’s Journal)
5. The $5,000 quest for the perfect butt. (The Goods)
6. Should we be building Olympic charter cities? (Virginica)
7. How we spent our time in 2020 versus 2019. (FlowingData)
8. USA Gymnastics isn’t in charge of its future. (The Cut)
9. The 25 most significant works of postwar architecture. (NYT Style Magazine)
10. Inside the first-ever scientific study of post-mortem meditation. (Tricycle)

Higher learnings: Cannabis legalization is moving slowly here in the States. In Latin America? Not so much. Find out how a major legislative change positions Colombian cannabis cultivators as global leaders in this press release from Flora Growth.*

*This is sponsored advertising content




Meme Battle

Welcome back to Morning Brew's Meme Battle, where we crown a single memelord every Sunday.

Today's winner: Claudia in Manchester, MI. Seriously, people. 

"No one cares" meme

This week's challenge: You can find the new meme template here for next Sunday. Once you're done making your meme, submit it at this link. We'll pick a new memelord for next week's Sunday Edition and provide you with another meme template to meme-ify. 




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Report: Gov. Cuomo is Being Criminally Investigated for Groping State Employee

Landon Mion

Senate Votes to Advance Infrastucture Bill

Rebecca Downs

Taxi Company Refuses Service to Vaccinated, Masked Customers

Landon Mion

Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms
Massachusetts Lawmaker Introduces Ban On All Semi-Automatic Rifles | Cam Edwards

Push To Outlaw Hunting In Oregon Underway | John Petrolino

Fed Up: Gun Owners Sue Over Lengthy Licensing, Permitting Delays | Cam Edwards

Why Are Permit Applications Up In A Constitutional Carry State? | Tom Knighton

A Pincer Movement on Guns | Ranjit Singh

Biden's Tyrannical Attack on Private Property Rights

Katie Pavlich

What Can the Liberal Media Do with a Dementia-Ridden Biden and a B****y VP?

Matt Vespa

I Don't Want to Hear Anything from LTC Bratwurst or the CDC

Kurt Schlichter

Joe Biden Is Destroying America

Matt Vespa

These Democrats Deserve Your Contempt

Derek Hunter

These Democrats Deserve Your Contempt

Derek Hunter

Fake Science, Fear Porn, and the Fallout

Kevin McCullough

Biden Voters Are Already Showing Signs of Buyers’ Remorse

Nick Stehle

Larry Elder: Making California Great Again

Tom Tradup

A Teacher's Union is Suing a Mother For Repeated Attempts to Know What Her Kindergartener is Learning

Rebecca Downs

Public Safety in Major City Could Be Affected By Vaccine Mandate Forcing Law Enforcement to Quit or Retire

Rebecca Downs

Articles of Impeachment Are Coming for Biden Cabinet Member

Rebecca Downs

Texas Dems Suing Gov. Abbott for 'Damaging Their Reputations' and Causing 'Anxiety, Discomfort, and Distress.'

Rebecca Downs

D.C. to Offer Free Airpods with COVID Jab to Incentivize Youth Vaccinations

Landon Mion

Female Aide Who Accused Cuomo of Groping Her: 'He Broke the Law'

Landon Mion

The Damning Revelations About David Chipman Just Keep Coming

Rebecca Downs

This Is 1938: First, They Came for the Unvaccinated

Wayne Allyn Root

A Quick, Compelling Bible Study Vol. 73: Hebrew Bible - Bread and Quail From Heaven

Myra Kahn Adams

Is Biden Resetting Obama’s Unconditional Surrender to Castro?

Humberto Fontova

No Good Answers in Britain

Kathryn Lopez

Biden's Presidency Has Been a Disappointment for Women

Teri Christoph

Why Johnny Can’t Think

Rob Jenkins

The Right Policy Towards the New President of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi

Cyrus Yaqubi

Rep. Tlaib: Cancel Utility Debt

Chris Talgo

No, the Opioid Lawsuit Is Nothing Like the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement

Lindsey Stroud

One Year After Pro-Life Students Arrested for Chalking 'Black Preborn Lives Matter,' Not Much Has Changed

Kristan Hawkins

August 8, 2021
Biden sex accuser: Psaki is lying to public about her allegations
President Joe Biden’s accuser Tara Reade told the Daily Caller News Foundation that Jen Psaki misled the public and lied when the White House press secretary said that... Read More ›
Protect Your Family With The Haylo Safety Flare
1,000 people die each year after getting hit on the shoulder of the freeway because other drivers did not see them in time to avoid them. It takes less than 60 seconds to prevent a disaster from happening to you and your passengers... Read More ›
Dominion Whistleblower Speaks Out – Releases Admin Password Proving Remote Access
Ron Watkins – CodeMonkeyZ — released several photocopies on Monday released to him from an alleged Dominion Voting Systems employee... Read More ›
CNN Fires 3 Employees for Going to the Office While Unvaccinated
Three CNN employees have been fired for showing up to the office without being vaccinated against COVID-19, according to reports.“In the past week, we have been made aware of three employees who... Read More ›
DeSantis to Biden: 'I am standing in your way' on new CVD restrictions
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said that he will be standing in President Joe Biden's way if the Democratic president comes after the rights of people in Florida and imposes new coronavirus restrictions. ... Read More ›
Investigation Finds Gov. Cuomo Sexually Harassed Multiple Women
NEW YORK (AP) — An investigation found that Gov. Andrew Cuomo sexually harassed multiple women inside and outside state government and worked to retaliate against one of his accusers, New... Read More ›
Shrinks Your Belly WHILE You Sleep
It's incredibly simple yet shockingly effective... And it works especially well for women and men over the age of 40. >> Discover how to shrink your belly while you sleep... Read More ›

SUNDAY 8.8.2021





Watch: Democrats' Lies About Vaccines Get Debunked And Mocke

Now Americans are signing petition to jail ‘anti-vaxxers’

Lawyer: Capitol cop ‘ambushed’ and shot Ashli Babbitt

Netanyahu Sends Israel a Serious Warning About the Biden Administration

Tales From the Creep: The Women & Lurid Sex Harassment Allegations Surrounding Cuomo

DOJ PULLED THE PLUG - Investigators Called In Abruptly

DOJ PULLED THE PLUG - Investigators Called In Abruptly

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Click here to read the full story >>



Female Inmate Pregnant After Being Forced To Share Prison With Biological Men Claiming To Be Transgender


WATCH: Ben Shapiro Masterfully Breaks Down Critical Race Theory On Real Time With Bill Maher


Texas Democrats Who Fled State To Avoid Voting On Election Reform Bill File Lawsuit Claiming Rights Have Been Violated


Major Teacher’s Union Sues Rhode Island Mother Who Asked Questions about Curriculum


Deputy Sheriffs’ Union Warns Members Will Quit Or Retire Over San Francisco’s Vax Mandate

To Any American Who Owns a Cell Phone

If you own a cell phone, then mobile service providers hope you never get to see this video that could soon go viral.

It was shot in downtown Denver by a multi-millionaire, who exposed sensitive truths about mobile phones and 5G.

His experiment could strike a bad chord with mobile phone companies. But you've got to see what this man discovered and what it means for phone users in the weeks ahead.
Watch Video Now

August 8, 2021


Obama awkwardly runs into Nancy Pelosi, who didn’t make cut for ‘scaled down’ 60th b’day after trip east

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John Kerry dragged for allegedly flying private jet to Obama b’day bash; State Dept. claims otherwise

Trump slams $1.2T infrastructure ‘gift’ to Dems; unlikely to endorse any Republican who votes for bill

Texas Dem runaways sue Gov. Greg Abbott for ‘causing them anxiety and distress’

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You Have No Idea Who Is REALLY Running The United States...



Florida, Where COVID-19 is Rampant, But Mask Mandates Are The Enemy

Psyche Asteroid Could Be Worth More Than $10,000 Quadrillion

Property Rights and Infinite Cyberspace


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