Tuesday, September 20, 2011


The 'Ponzi' Sound Bite
Thomas Sowell

Obama Plagued by Democrats' Ingratitude
Byron York

How Stimulus Monies Are Radiating You
Chuck Norris

I'm for The Rich
Mona Charen

For Elizabeth Warren, a Story from 1984
Jeff Jacoby

The Lecturer in Chief Has Forfeited His Moral Authority
David Limbaugh

How To Fix Our Illegal Immigration Problem In 5 Steps
John Hawkins

Obama's Bizarre Tax Attack
Larry Kudlow

If Israel Disappears
Cal Thomas

Whose Country Is It, Anyway?
Pat Buchanan

Americans Oppose Burdensome Regulations Starting With Those Enacted By Obama’s Labor Board
Fred Wszolek

A 'Fair Share' of an Anemic Economy
Debra J. Saunders

Bill Maher
Rich Galen

Obama vs America: 2012 Spending Edition
Political Calculations

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