Sunday, September 29, 2013


 Please do yourself a favor by reading the story and
Watching the video.  Very timely and interesting.
Obama has no liking for Cruz, the least reason of which is because Cruz is Republican.  Here are a few other factors: Cruz is academically superior. Cruz graduated cum laudefrom Princeton. Not the case for Obama. Cruz graduatedmagna cum laude from Harvard Law School. Not so for Obama. Cruz's mental prowess has been recognized by Allan Dershowitz (who by all accounts is a bigger liberal than Obama) who said that Cruz is one of the most brilliant legal minds that he has ever seen. His actual quote was that "Cruz was off-the-charts brilliant."  Not so Obama. Cruz clerked for the Chief Justice of the U. S. Supreme Court, Justice William Renquist, one of the most coveted positions for any young lawyer right out of law school. Not so Obama. The liberal tin horns in Washington along with the liberal media try to tout Cruz as some kind of nut.
Perhaps Obama and the other liberals don't like him because he worked on the Florida lawsuit for George W. Bush against Gore. Perhaps it is because Cruz is a Baptist. Perhaps it is because Cruz's wife worked for Condoleezza Rice in the White House and also as one of those horrible investment bankers in New York. Perhaps it's because Cruz ran his Senate campaign as a Republican and still garnered 40% of the Hispanic vote in Texas. Perhaps it's because Cruz is against same-sex "marriage." For whatever reason, Obama seems jealous of Cruz's legal successes. What has Obama done in the legal profession? Ans.: community organization in one of the most God forsaken cities in the world. Obama was not a professor at the University of Chicago as many of his supporters dishonestly tout, but was a "guest lecturer," an enormous difference.
This brief video of Cruz's father is amazing-- it is a must watch. Indeed, every true American should have an opportunity to watch this.

Ted Cruz is a Texas Senator. His Dad may have just established himself as one more reason for Obama to dislike Texas. Please take the time to watch this and to pass on.

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