Friday, September 20, 2013

Ted Cruz

Dear Fellow Patriot,
Tea Party hero Ted Cruz has launched a last-ditch effort to defund Obamacare in next year's budget, but Mitch McConnell and the Republican establishment are standing in his way!
Republican "leader" Mitch McConnell is actually pressuring Republican Senators to throw their lot in with Barack Obama and continue funding this disastrous big-government program!
These aren't the actions of a leader. They're the actions of a weak-kneed compromiser who has been in Washington for far too long.
Mitch McConnell is the leader of the Senate Republicans. Dozens of his fellow Senators are going to follow his lead on this vote.
If he doesn't give in to our demands, Obamacare won't be defunded this year. It's as simple as that.
Ted Cruz is ready to stand up to this RINO to defund Obamacare, but there's only so much he can do on his own.
He needs the help of the conservative grassroots, and he needs it right now.
We MUST turn up the heat, my friend. Frankly, we're running out of options.
You see, just this week, the Madison Project launched an aggressive TV ad against Mitch McConnell. It's airing all across his home state of Kentucky as we speak.
We have already endorsed his conservative primary challenger, Matt Bevin, and sent the maximum legal financial contribution to his campaign.
But these efforts have fallen on deaf ears. Mitch hasn't budged. It's going to take more than TV ads and a conservative primary challenger to get under his skin.
And that's why I just had to write you this email today. We're down to our final push in this fight, and it won't go anywhere without your help!
This is truly our last chance to push Mitch in the right direction. We MUST rally the conservative grassroots from coast to coast right away!
Obamacare has never been more hated than it is right now. 57 percent of independent voters support defunding this nightmare - and that doesn't even include the vast majority of Republicans!
The American people know that Obamacare will kill jobs, cause premiums to skyrocket, decrease the quality of care for all Americans, and give agencies like the IRS unlimited access to their personal information.
And yet, Mitch McConnell, a self-described "conservative," is actively pressuring his fellow Republicans to continue funding this disaster!
Enough's enough. We need to flood Mitch's office with petitions. We need to remind him that if he votes to fund Obamacare, he'll own it lock, stock, and barrel!
We need to stand with Ted Cruz and his Tea Party allies against the destructive compromising of Mitch McConnell and the GOP establishment.
The Madison Project was the first PAC in the nation to endorse Ted Cruz in 2011. We stood by him through the vicious attacks of the Republican "ruling class." And in the end, we helped him achieve victory.
It's time to do it again.
Thank you so much for your help!
For Freedom,

Congressman Jim Ryun (Retired)

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