Friday, April 8, 2016


Rudy Giuliani Makes His Endorsement For President With the New York primary right around the corner, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani has announced who he is planning on supporting for the GOP nomination for president.

"I support Trump. I'm gonna vote for Trump," Giuliani told The New York Post.

Giuliani also took the opportunity to take Ted Cruz to task for his comments on "New York values."

"It's New York City. We're family. I can make fun of New York. But you can't!" Giuliani said of the Texas Senator's statement. "I know he was attacking liberal Democratic values...I know. I fought to change those policies in areas like welfare reform and policing, as did Mike Bloomberg...There was a better way to say it."

Giuliani remains popular in New York, and his endorsement could help Donald Trump solidify his already impressive lead in The Empire State.
Paul Ryan Releases National Video Some Are Calling A 'Campaign Ad' A new video released by the office of Speaker of the House Paul Ryan is turning some heads. Some are saying that :43 second video entitled "Politics These Days" looks an awful lot like a campaign ad.

Although Speaker Ryan has denied he has any presidential aspirations, his name been floated as a possible consensus candidate should the GOP nominee be chosen at a contested convention in July.
Is it a campaign ad? You tell us. Watch the recently released video by Paul Ryan

In the video Ryan laments the state of political discourse. "What really bothers me the most about politics these days is this notion of identity politics, that we're going to win an election by dividing people," Ryan says. "We all want to be prosperous, we all want to be healthy. We want everyone to succeed. We want people to reach their potential in their lives."

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