Tuesday, September 27, 2011


The US, the UN and Genetic Engineering
Chuck Norris

'Racists' for Cain
Mona Charen

Obama's Rehabilitation Tour, or 'I Promise I'm a Leftist'
David Limbaugh

Ransom on PJTV: Solyndra Execs Take the Fifth: Is There a Dirty Side to Clean Green Solar Energy?
John Ransom

Paying the Dead
Cal Thomas

The Palestinians Want Peace -- Just Not With a Jewish State
Dennis Prager


Fast and Furious: Using Humans as Collateral Damage
Katie Pavlich

Arizona Sheriff Fights Drug Cartels, but Whose Side is Obama On?
Katie Pavlich

A Total Eclipse of Solyndra
Debra J. Saunders

Where's the (Tea) Party?
Paul Greenberg

Raising Cain
Rich Galen

Desperate Times, Desperate Lies; IMF Broke
Mike Shedlock

  1. Adams: I Found My Thrill in the Chapel on the Hill
  2. Barone: Still Looking for a Candidate to Replace Obama
  3. Parker: Presidential Debates Are Not Serious
  4. Rios: At Least Perry Has an Excuse
  5. Kieffer: Capitalism's Biggest Users
  6. Ferrara: Obama's Biggest Lies
  7. Doan: Obama's Cabinet Does The Hokey Pokey
  8. Bialosky: Obama and Buffett
  9. Galen: Raising Cain
  10. Holler: Obamanomics

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