Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
Obama Skips Intel Briefings
A new report shows that our president couldn't be bothered with daily intelligence briefings. That might help explain his unparalleled incompetence when it comes to foreign policy. Breitbart reports the following: "A new Government Accountability Institute (GAI) report reveals that President Barack Obama has attended only 42.1% of his daily intelligence briefings (known officially as the Presidential Daily Brief, or PDB) in the 2,079 days of his presidency through September 29, 2014." The president attended less than half of his daily intelligence briefings.

If we were grading the president, he would receive a failing grade of below 50%. This might help to explain a few recent things in the news. Over the weekend Barack Obama blamed the rise of ISIS on the failure of our intelligence community, which he says underestimated its threat.

This news elicited the following response from a former senior Pentagon official, "Either the president doesn't read the intelligence he's getting or he's [BS-ing]." Now we know it's probably a combination of both.
Does The President Care?
Remember that Catherine Herridge reported that Obama was given detailed intelligence on ISIS for over a year. The analysis was said to be so "granular" that a policy maker "could not come away with any other impression: This is getting bad." But one can only come away with this impression if he is actually briefed and can ask questions of his experts.

Instead, Obama chooses to receive his briefings in writing and it's difficult to assess how much impact this may have on a president if he rarely asks follow up questions. Is it that the president simply doesn't care? Is it that he thinks if he doesn't receive these briefings that these threats will simply disappear and he won't have to deal with them? It is that he thinks he is smarter than anyone else and therefore doesn't need to be bothered with their silly briefings?

Obama's arrogance has led to incompetence. Without a full understanding of the threats we face, it's no wonder that he hadn't developed a strategy to defeat ISIS until just weeks ago. He probably didn't even recognize the real threat they posed because he was too busy golfing or at a fundraiser to be bothered with such details. Unfortunately his seeming lack of interest in understanding the threats we face may prove to be dangerous for the United States and the world.

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