Thursday, September 22, 2011


Is Media Ignoring Obama Scandal?

Today's Politically Incorrect Laugh:
(Click to Enlarge)

Companies Expect Slower Growth In Insurance Costs Next Year. | September 22, 2011 at 10:13 pm | Tags: | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

The AP (9/22) reports, "Many workers will see their health insurance costs rise less next year than in more than a decade, partly because consumers are dialing back their health care use," according to a study by Mercer which found that health insurance costs "will rise an average of 5.4 percent in 2012" described as "the smallest increase since 1997." The increased cost is lower that the 7 percent expected by firms "if they made no changes to the plans they offer," because companies plan "such measures as raising deductibles or co-payments and switching insurers."

The Los Angeles Times (9/22, Helfand) also citing the Mercer report, points out that despite the slower growth, "the cost of benefits for workers is likely to outpace the growth of their earnings." The Mercer study is based on "preliminary results from a survey of nearly 1,600 employers."

The Hill (9/22, Pecquet) reports in its "Healthwatch" blog, "The findings are good news for workers," though "the projected 5.4 percent increase remains 'well above' both inflation and salary growth."

Blue Cross Blue Shield Of Michigan Announces Lower Increase. The Detroit News (9/22) reports, "Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan said Wednesday it is planning its average lowest rate increase [4.3%] for Michigan's small employers in the past six years." The firm said that "the lower increase is the result of...efforts to create more cost-effective product, promote wellness and team up with doctors and hospitals to improve health care quality." The AP (9/22) reports, "The rates apply to what the company calls small group customers."

Urge President Obama to Support
Unemployed Americans Over Illegal Aliens

Recently, various officials within the Obama Administration have announced hey plan to suspend the deportation orders of 300,000 illegal aliens that have already been issued by a U.S. court of law. In addition to being allowed to stay in the country, each of these 300,000 illegal aliens will also be eligible for temporary work visas, and will continue to take away job opportunities from the 22 million Americans who are unable to find a full-time job.

Once again, President Obama has put the desires of the pro-amnesty movement above the U.S. citizens he has taken an oath to protect. Such a policy cannot be allowed to stand. Please don't delay. Send this critical message to President Obama today, urging him to do more to protect vulnerable American workers over illegal aliens. This is a completely free service. There is no cost to you.

Dear President Obama,
I was outraged to learn you are offering an amnesty to illegal aliens through executive actions! If you have any respect for the American people, you will not follow through on this plan.
According to Cecilia Munoz, your Director of Intergovernmental Relations:
Authorities "will be applying common sense guidelines to make [deportation] decisions, like a person's ties and contributions to the community, their family relationships and military service record.... In the end, this means more immigration enforcement pressure where it counts the most, and less where it doesn't -- that's the smartest way to follow the law while we stay focused on working with the Congress to fix it."
How will keeping illegal aliens in the country, whatever the reason, help jobless Americans find work? Clearly it will not. Indeed, it will make the plight of unemployed Americans even worse and put even more Americans out of work. You need to get with the program and realize that Americans do not want an amnesty for illegal aliens!
Please start enforcing the law and make sure illegal aliens do not receive amnesties and are not allowed to take U.S. jobs. There are 22 million Americans unable to find a full-time job. Please do not let them down.
(Your Name Will Appear Here)

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