Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Obama's Teachable Truthiness Moment
Michelle Malkin
Government the Job Killer
John Stossel
Protesters Occupy the Liberal Media
Brent Bozell
Morality, Not Theology
Jonah Goldberg
Euro-Debt Danger
Tony Blankley
$58-an-Hour UAW Workers Kill $16K Ford Bonus as Stingy
John Ransom
What is Barack Obama's Long Term Game on Taxes?
Michael Medved

DOJ: Feds Can Tell Church Who Its Ministers Will Be
Terry Jeffrey
How Players Unions Are Killing Sports
Ben Shapiro
It's Not Romneycult; It's Romneycare
David Harsanyi
Dave Says There is Weirdness in this Economy
Dave Ramsey
Arab Spring and the Paradox of American Leadership
Austin Bay
The forgotten Christians of the East
Caroline Glick
Victory and Its Discontents, Or: Law, War and Nonsense
Paul Greenberg

Today's Cartoons



Latest Political News


Conservative Movement

Headline News

Yesterday's Top 10 Columns

  1. Sowell: Reverse Racism
  2. Charen: Steve Jobs
  3. Hawkins: 10 Thoughts About Occupy Wall Street
  4. Prager: Steve Jobs' Father Was ...
  5. Norris: Guns, Guitars and Government Raids
  6. Limbaugh: Obama Is Occupying America
  7. Jacoby: The left, the race card, and Herman Cain
  8. Buchanan: The Religion Card Is Turned Face Up
  9. Mefferd: In Defense of Robert Jeffress
  10. Saunders: A Field in Which Obama Takes No Prisoners

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