Saturday, October 15, 2011


Kid Stuff
Bill O'Reilly
The Politics of Race
John C. Goodman
Cain the Tax-Code Killer
Larry Kudlow
Don’t Dis Cain
John Ransom
The President's Debatable Abilities
Hugh Hewitt
Harry Belafonte Insults Herman Cain—but Hails Fidel Castro
Humberto Fontova
A Pact Signed in Jewish Blood
Caroline Glick

Are You Prepared?

For the biggest change in America in more than 50 years? This event, now projected for early 2012, could change EVERYTHING about our entire nation, overnight. Yet most Americans will be caught completely unaware.
Get ready by following these simple steps here.

Those Pesky Persians
Rich Galen
Chinese Banks Deteriorate; Watch Implosion in Commodities
Mike Shedlock
Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr Wants to Suspend Constitution
Jeff Carter
What Pastor Robert Jeffries Should Have Said
Steve Deace
World Leaders Meet for the Fall of Paris, or Paris in the Fall
Bill Tatro
Occupy Wall Street is a Menace, Prepare for Violence
Floyd and Mary Beth Brown
Shred Office Product Stocks
Crista Huff

Short the Market
Gil Morales and Chris Kacher
A Bull in China's Closet
Jack Bouroudjian
Destruction of Copts Is Islamically Correct
Diana West
The Numbers of Cain
Donald Lambr




Latest Political News


Occupy Chicago: 'Isreal is a criminal pariah state'

Heavy Weapons Found ins Massive Drug Bust

Perry Reveals Jobs Plan

GOP Reveals Jobs Plan

Conservative Movement

Headline News

Yesterday's Top 10 Columns
  1. Malkin: Costs of the Occupiers
  2. Limbaugh: Obama Will Not Be Deterred
  3. Buchanan: Is the New World Order Unraveling?
  4. Goldberg: The Diminishing Returns of Reasonableness
  5. Charen: Obama's Weakness Invited Iran's Plot
  6. Bozell: Hollywood Versus Emilio Estevez
  7. North: Protests, Justice and Fruit Flies
  8. Coulter: Wingless, Bloodsucking and Parasitic
  9. Medved: What is Barack Obama's Long Term Game on Taxes?
  10. Hewitt: The President's Debatable Abilities

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