Thursday, October 13, 2011


Video shows 70-year-old school bus assistant hitting boy, 14

Atheists are trying to remove 9-11 Cross from
ground zero museum and memorial

We must fight back. Pray. And sign the:

Urgent Petition -- Keep the Cross at Ground Zero

Dear  Reader,

A group called American Atheists is suing to get the World Trade Center cross removed from the 9/11 Memorial and Museum in New York City.

As you remember, a construction worker found an intersection of steel beams that was shaped in the form of a Cross in the rubble of buildings destroyed in the Sept. 11 attacks on the World Trade Center.

The steel beam Cross has become a powerful sign of hope for those who lost family members on Sept 11th, and for every American who loves God.

Now this beloved symbol is under attack from American Atheists. They are suing to get it removed!

This must not happen. It would be a major sin and act of ingratitude to God to allow this Cross to be removed.

That’s why I urge you to please sign the:

Urgent Petition -- Keep the Cross at Ground Zero

Your signed petition will be sent to The National 9-11 Memorial & Museum at the World Trade Center and to American Atheists.

See, your participation in this urgent petition to keep the Holy Cross will have two immediate consequences:
  • it will discourage the work of the atheists, and
  • it will encourage the officials at the 9-11 Museum to keep the Cross.
I am sure that you feel very strongly that we must keep the Cross at Ground Zero.

May the Immaculate Conception, patroness of America, help us in this important crusade to keep the Cross of Her Divine Son!

Thank you!

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