Saturday, November 12, 2011


WH Circulated a Plan to Replace DoE Secretary Chu WH Circulated a Plan to Replace DoE Secretary Chu

Unreal: SEIU Siphons Off Medicaid Payments From Disabled Non-MembersUnreal: SEIU Siphons Off Medicaid Payments From Disabled Non-Members

Obama to Super Committee: Don't Even Think About Trying to Renege on Automatic CutsObama to Super Committee: Don't Even Think About Trying to Renege on Automatic Cuts

Bill O'Reilly Bill O'Reilly: Selling John Lennon's Body Parts The cult of celebrity has reached a new low. No, I'm not talking about Kim Kardashian making millions from her wedding and then dumping the groom less than three months later. We could have predicted that.
John C. Goodman John C. Goodman: Is Harry Potter Making You Poorer J.K. Rowling is the former welfare mother who wrote the Harry Potter books. She’s worth an estimated $1 billion. That makes her one of the richest self-made women in the world. I don’t know what her U.S. income is, but I’m sure she is in the top 1 percent. Make that the top 1/10th of 1 percent.
Larry Kudlow Larry Kudlow: Gingrich: I am for the 100 Percent “I am for 100 percent,” Gingrich told CNBC's Larry Kudlow. “I think this idea of 99 percent and 1 percent is grotesque European socialist class warfare baloney.”
Ken Blackwell Ken Blackwell: The Iron Lady Versus the Tin Woman When Sec. of State Hillary Clinton is not berating Canadians in Ottawa for not pushing abortions in Africa, when she’s not celebrating gay pride in Rome with Lady Gaga, when she’s not counting Jews in Jerusalem, nagging Israelis about building homes for their people in their own capital, what does she do with herself?
Hugh Hewitt Hugh Hewitt: The Debate Circus In case you were thinking that the GOP would-be nominees had pretty much been obliged to exchange pleasantries with every single talking head on every cable network, think again.
John Ransom John Ransom: Obama's New Job Plan: Kill 400,000 Jobs Immediately And the beauty for Obama in this latest axe he's taken to jobs in the USA is that he doesn't even have consider Congress while he's swinging it. He can kill close to a half-a-million jobs all on his own.
Brian McNicoll Brian McNicoll: More To The Story At Penn State Back in 1999, I was driving into State College for a Penn State football game, listening to the pregame show on the radio. They were interviewing Jerry Sandusky about his impending retirement. The play-by-play man asked him how much he had enjoyed working with Joe Paterno.
Caroline Glick Caroline Glick: With Friends Like These The slurs against Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu voiced by French President Nicolas Sarkozy and US President Barack Obama after last week's G20 summit were revealing as well as repugnant.
Kathryn Lopez Kathryn Lopez: Life, Death, and Law in Mississippi The morning after this month's relatively quiet (for most of us) Election Day, story after story arrived celebrating a pro-life defeat.
Paul Greenberg Paul Greenberg: The Big Story, or: Say It Ain't So, Joe Count me among the many thousands, maybe millions, who long admired, applauded and -- I admit it -- loved Joe Paterno. He seemed the embodiment of everything that used to be fine in college sports as he made sure his student athletes were students first, the kind who graduate. In every other way he seemed to adhere to the code of a gentleman. And now this.
Kyle Olson Kyle Olson: EAG Challenges NPR: We’ll Show You Ours If You Show Us Yours On Wednesday, National Public Radio Education Correspondent Larry Abramson phoned Education Action Group to ask about our activities related to Issue 2 in Ohio, the referendum on the collective bargaining reform that was defeated at the polls Tuesday. Specifically, he inquired about our “canvassing and mobilization” efforts.
Jeff  Carter Jeff Carter: Too Big to Fail Accounting Explained In 2008, both Goldman and Morgan revamped their businesses and became bank holding companies. The advantage to this was they could go to the Federal Reserve window and borrow funds directly from the government, just like any other bank. Currently, they can borrow at practically 0% interest.
Mike Shedlock Mike Shedlock: Crushing Krugman The hubris of central bank wizards and economists is dangerous and insane. Indeed it is central bank wizardry combined with fractional reserve lending and insane levels of government bureaucracy that is at the root of the problem.
Kevin McCullough Kevin McCullough: Why Rick Perry's Not Quite Dead, Yet In recent weeks I have been ridiculed, derided, mocked, and I believe even spit upon--though I was very near Wall Street at the time and it might have been rain-drops--for my prediction this past summer that Rick Perry would win the GOP nomination and beat President Obama in 2012. Staff Staff: Why Oil Sands Crude is Still Good for the United States During a recent interview, President Obama said: "We need to encourage domestic natural gas and oil production. We need to make sure that we have energy security and aren't just relying on Middle East sources."
John  Browne John Browne: The End of Money Analysts fail to account for why gold is a hedge against inflation: it is ultimately an insurance policy against runaway currency collapse. In other words, it's intended as a longer-term, wealth-preserving purchase.
Bill Tatro Bill Tatro: Living within Your Money, not Your Means Unfortunately, given Mr. Bernanke’s artificially contrived low interest rates, a 5% to 6% rate seems difficult when all your money is sitting in a CD, savings account, or money market.
David Morris David Morris: The United States of Adult Dependence The youth is the future, as often said. Thanks to the crushing effects of this economy however, our youth is finding it difficult to grow up.
David Sterman David Sterman: Super-Committee to Slash Defense Spending: What It Means for Investors Cuts in military spending already have the support of most Democrats, and a rising number of deficit hawks in the Republican Party are willing to trim Department of Defense (DoD) spending as well.
Diana West Diana West: When Will Gloria Allred Hold a Press Conference About Islam We haven't had a good, old-fashioned "feeding frenzy," a la Herman Cain, for a long time – maybe not since the days of Dan Quayle. I'm talking about the kind of media wilding where someone is a whole person one day, and then, whoosh, the piranhas swim in and a gnawed carcass is all that remains.
Donald Lambro Donald Lambro: Presidential Race Gets Tighter The best thing Democrats have going for them in this 2012 election cycle is the deep division among Republicans over who should be their presidential nominee. Less than 60 days before the Iowa caucuses, the GOP is no closer to coalescing around a front-runner to take on President Obama than it was a year ago.
Bill Nelson Bill Nelson: Honoring our Veterans More than Once a Year Are people paying more attention to Veteran's Day this year because of the uniqueness of its date-11-11-11? Will this Veteran's Day garner more media "play" because it comes on the heels of the 10th Anniversary of the 9/11 attacks?
Peter Ferrara Peter Ferrara: The Texas Tea Party Debate with Gingrich and Cain In 1858, U.S. Senator Stephen A. Douglas was facing a tough reelection challenge in Illinois from former Congressman Abraham Lincoln. A serious, reasoned America was at the height of debate over the fundamental human rights challenge posed by its contradictory maintenance of the vile institution of slavery, in the most path-breaking, classical liberal nation in the world.
Floyd and Mary Beth Brown Floyd and Mary Beth Brown: Media Diverts Attention from Obama Economic Cataclysm America's mainstream media is hard at work on the Obama re-election effort. Nonstop reporting on the Herman Cain allegations, the break-up of the European Union and Occupy Everything is quietly building a playing field or political environment to empower Obama's excuses.
Amy Oliver Amy Oliver: A Stupid Energy Policy Without government subsidies there would be almost no supply of solar modules, but without government subsidies there is almost no demand. Artificial markets are doomed to failure. At this juncture, only low-cost Chinese manufacturers may stay afloat with more limited competition
Michelle Malkin Michelle Malkin: K Street's Super Committee Splurge The bipartisan debt panel to nowhere is exactly where K Street lobbyists want it to be: hopelessly deadlocked. A November 23 deadline for agreement on $1.2 trillion in budget savings is looming, but no real reductions in the size, scope or spending of government are on the table. Instead, we are witnessing another obscene special-interest splurge to preserve the status quo. All in the name of "reform," of course.
Cain Campaign: Of Course We're Sticking with Mark Block comments  (235)  
Semper Fi: Wishing the Marine Corps a Happy 236th Birthday comments  (52)  
Atrocious: Remains of Soldiers Killed in Action Dumped in Landfill comments  (108)  
Rooting for Failure: Democrats Walk Away from Super Committee comments  (74)  
Geithner: There Is No Republican Jobs Plan! comments  (140)  
[VIDEO] Superb: Rep. Joe Walsh Goes on the Political Rampage comments  (63)  
Then and Now: A Picture Worth a Thousand Words comments  (113)  
Perry Camp Trying to Salvage Campaign After Debate Implosion comments  (202)  
Michigan Debate: Winners and Losers comments  (1089)  
Clint Eastwood: Pro-Herman Cain and Anti-Bailout comments  (102)  
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