Monday, November 14, 2011


Fast and Furious: Brian Terry Will Change the Way America Does Business Fast and Furious: Brian Terry Will Change the Way America Does Business

Radical Muslim Cleric: Christmas the Pathway to HellRadical Muslim Cleric: Christmas the Pathway to Hell

Muslims Say: "Don't Call NYPD"Muslims Say: "Don't Call NYPD"

Star Parker Star Parker: America's Time For Decision and Definition Are we going to continue in the direction of materialism and bureaucracy and share the fate of Europe? Or will we make the tough decisions to get back on the path of prosperity, the path of faith and individual freedom?
Jeff Jacoby Jeff Jacoby: A Deep Breath For Free Speech The FDA's gruesome new labels are not designed to provide consumers with useful information about the hazards of smoking. After 45 years of mandatory Surgeon General's warnings, every non-comatose American knows perfectly well that cigarettes are a noxious health risk.
Michael Barone Michael Barone: Tea Partiers, Like Peaceniks, Upset Political Order It irritates members of both groups when I note the similarities of the tea party movement that swept the nation in the 2010 election and the peace movement of the late 1960s and early 1970s.
Katie Kieffer Katie Kieffer: Follow the Playboy As children, we play “Follow the Leader.” As adults, we occasionally play “Follow the Playboy” because history shows us that imperfect men can lead.
Mike Adams Mike Adams: Anarchy at UK I wish George Orwell were alive today. He could have seen just how right he was on such a wide range of issues. If he were still with us, I would show him an email written by University of Kentucky (UK) President Eli Capilouto.
Ken Blackwell Ken Blackwell: Perry Can Win if Leadership Trumps Debates Gov. Rick Perry stated at the outset of his presidential campaign that he is running for president based on his principles and leadership accomplishments, not his oratorical skills. Media focus on his debate missteps deliberately ignores Perry’s record and charisma.
Ken Blackwell Ken Blackwell: Open Mic, Closed Minds The whole world was watching, and listening. The leaders of the G20 nations gathered in Cannes, France, for another of those endless schmooze fests we now call summits, Presidents Barack Obama and Nicolas Sarkozy were caught on tape telling us what they really think of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
John Ransom John Ransom: Obama's Newest Excuse: Lazy Americans In the stopover in Hawaii, in anticipation of speechifying to foreigners, the President of the United States revised slightly his grand apology speech on behalf of all of us Ugly Americans who are responsible for the world’s ills. We're not just ugly, we're lazy too.
Lurita Doan Lurita Doan: Obama's Lilliputian Legacy Obama is a national embarrassment and each day proves himself even more incapable of honestly confronting the nation’s urgent issues. Just days ago, Americans were once again left gob-smacked as Obama beat the drums for the SAVE awards, his signature effort to cut the $1.4 trillion annual deficit. This Obama initiative hopes to demonstrate the president’s commitment to fiscal sanity by cutting wasteful spending.
Bruce Bialosky Bruce Bialosky: The Left's Master Scheme for Personal Riches The question is not only if it’s worth it, but whether the left has, in effect, established a system that not only indoctrinates young Americans, but soaks them financially as well – and, incidentally, provides the ordained an exceedingly opulent lifestyle.
Mike Shedlock Mike Shedlock: What's Propping Up Stock Market? TrimTabs President & CEO Charles Biderman discusses how global financial markets are suffering from years of borrowing to pay entitlements to citizens, stock buybacks by corporations.
Jeff  Carter Jeff Carter: Support American Censorship Day Artists should get paid for things they produce-but the two bills pending before both houses of Congress are the wrong way to go about it.
Nathan Slaughter Nathan Slaughter: Look to Energy for Income Stocks Energy is in one of the biggest bull markets we've ever seen. But unlike some other historic bull markets, such as the high-flying "New Economy" of the late 1990s, fundamentals are driving prices this time -- not delusions.
Kyle Olson Kyle Olson: Teachers Union Leader's Speech Laced with Potty Talk I thought we taught children not to mock or make fun of others. Apparently the teachers are exempt from such lessons.
Political  Calculations Political Calculations: A Look at the Tools Political Calculations Gives You What makes Political Calculations unique in the world of blogs is the majority of our posts are focused on answering questions for which we don't already know the answers. We then do our best to answer those questions using all the problem solving skills we've gained over the years. Along the way, we create tools to help answer them and what's more, we post them here so you can see how we got to the answers we found.
Dan Holler Dan Holler: Not Much Left to Cut Just over a year ago, conservatives around the country rejected President Obama’s big-government agenda. Prior to the election, House Republicans pledged to “roll back government spending to pre-stimulus, pre-bailout levels.” Unfortunately, President Obama and his big-government allies did not share that goal, making real spending cuts hard to enact.
John  Browne John Browne: Fiat Money Coming to an End Analysts fail to account for why gold is a hedge against inflation: it is ultimately an insurance policy against runaway currency collapse. In other words, it's intended as a longer-term, wealth-preserving purchase.
Chris Poindexter Chris Poindexter: Gold's Wild Ride Jere we are, once again, with gold prices at the whim of the news cycle this week. Fasten up.
    Unreal: SEIU Siphons Off Medicaid Payments From Disabled Non-Members comments  (255)  
    Obama to Super Committee: Don't Even Think About Trying to Renege on Automatic Cuts comments  (81)  
    Death, Disease, and Violence Plague 'Occupy' Protests comments  (215)  
    Obama Headed Out for Nine-Day Asia-Pacific Tour comments  (28)  

         Nasdaq 2678.75 +53.60 (+2.04%)
         S&P 500 1263.85 +24.16 (+1.95%)
         NYSE 7576.18 +152.50 (+2.05%)
         10Y Yield 2.04 +0.01 (+0.71%)
    Confirmed: GOP Captures Virginia Senate, Mississippi Too? comments  (95)  
    Sen. Grassley on Fast and Furious: Heads Have to Roll comments  (61)  
    Working on Her Image: Michelle Obama Headed to NASCAR comments  (160)  
    Thanks ObamaCare: Employer Insurance Continues to Decline comments  (166)  
    Van Jones Exploits Children to Push Communist Agenda comments  (180)  
    Video: Herman Cain Jokes About Anita Hill - Plus: Newt Pulls Into Second Place? comments  (400)  
    It's Official: Keystone XL Is a No-Go Until After the Election

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