Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Public Policy Polling Shows Gingrich in First Place Public Policy Polling Shows Gingrich in First Place

Occupation Denied: Occupy Wall Street Raided OvernightOccupation Denied: Occupy Wall Street Raided Overnight

Panetta: Deep Defense Cuts Mean Fewer TroopsPanetta: Deep Defense Cuts Mean Fewer Troops

Thomas Sowell Thomas Sowell: Will Republicans Blow It? One of the often-repeated catch phrases of our time -- "It's the economy, stupid!" -- has already stopped thinking in some quarters for a couple of decades.
Byron York Byron York: Newt Gingrich's Wonkish, Unconventional Campaign On Nov. 4, at precisely the moment Herman Cain was basking in applause at a conservative activists' gathering in Washington, D.C., Newt Gingrich was in a small conference room at the Marriott Hotel here discussing cognitive illness with three brain scientists.
Chuck Norris Chuck Norris: The Secrets of Soros, Obama, Occupiers and the MSM (Part 1) While Occupy protesters continue to rant in select cities around the country, I'm wondering who is shadier: corporate Wall Street or corporate media?
Mona Charen Mona Charen: Little Cellist The optimists say it's never too late. I mean to find out if that's true.
John Hawkins John Hawkins: 5 Things You Can Learn About The Occupy Movement From Occupy Denver So, I've seen the Occupy Denver movement in action, I've talked to the protesters, and I've visited their hobo town.
David Limbaugh David Limbaugh: The Same Old Obama President Obama's various remarks at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation CEO business summit in Honolulu over the weekend show he is simply incapable of growing in office. In just a few short statements, we saw many of the familiar practices through which he has alienated such a large percentage of the American people and damaged the economy.
Michael Reagan Michael Reagan: Don't Be a Paterno: When a Child is Abused, Here's What to Do Penn State football coach Joe Paterno released a statement on Wednesday in which he said, "With the benefit of hindsight, I wish I had done more." How lame is that, Coach?
Cal  Thomas Cal Thomas: Penn State's Shame - and Ours The alleged sexual abuse of young boys by former defensive coordinator Jerry Sandusky is disgusting, outrageous, and immoral. That so many at the school's highest level allegedly engaged either in covering up serial abuses, or turned a blind eye to them in order to maintain the "integrity" of the football program and its legendary coach, Joe Paterno, adds insult to unfathomable injury.
John Ransom John Ransom: Graft Grows with Government Gifts to Green COs Despite the expiration of one program, the US government is still giving money to so-called “green” companies under another Obama program. But rather than giving money as loan guarantees as the DOE was doing, this money is an outright gift to private companies with no strings attached by the US Treasury.
Dennis Prager Dennis Prager: Does a Full-Time Homemaker Swap Her Mind for a Mop? I periodically write and regularly broadcast about male-female issues because I want to help men and women, especially husbands and wives, get along better. But I have developed a secondary reason: to elicit left-wing reactions. They reveal an enormous amount about how the left thinks.
Pat Buchanan Pat Buchanan: Return of the War Party? Is a vote for the Republican Party in 2012 a vote for war?
Michael Gerson Michael Gerson: Obama's Catholic Strategy in Shambles Now the conscience protections of Catholics are under assault, particularly by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). And Obama's Catholic strategy is in shambles.
Caroline Glick Caroline Glick: Defending Israeli Democracy US Embassy cables leaked by Wikileaks in September exposed the ugly truth that self-described champions of Israeli democracy would like us to forget about the actual goals of Israel's self-described human rights organizations.
Dave Ramsey Dave Ramsey: Dave Says Leave the Land of MasterCard Bondage and American Distress But, the only way you can do this is if you lose stupid things like car payments and credit cards. Get out of the land of MasterCard bondage and American Distress!
Rich Galen Rich Galen: Newt... Newt! I have mentioned to you before that when it comes to making political predictions I am exactly 50-50. I am wrong exactly as often as I am correct, thus you can't make any money betting on what I say, nor betting against me.
Bob Beauprez Bob Beauprez: Big Dem Donors' Company to Cut Jobs Due to ObamaCare Ironically, Pat and Jon Stryker, the billionaire grandchildren of the company's founder and orthopedic surgeon Homer Stryker, have invested millions of their inherited fortunes electing Barack Obama and Democrats who passed the legislation that is destroying jobs and increasing costs at the company that made them rich.
Jeff  Carter Jeff Carter: Insider Trading, Congress-style Democrats have actually been proven to be better traders than Republicans. Democrat Nancy Pelosi, while she was Speaker of the House, traded on legislation that was pending through the House.
Political  Calculations Political Calculations: Investors Look to Q4 2012 to Set Prices We can confirm however that investors appear to have shifted their attention to the fourth quarter of 2012, rather than 2012-Q3, in setting their forward-looking focus for setting today's stock prices.
Mike Shedlock Mike Shedlock: Prepare for More Retail Store Closings There is no driver for jobs. However, there is a driver for more store closings, increased competition, and falling prices.
David Sterman David Sterman: Buffett Just Spent $12 BILLION on IBM. Should You Follow his Lead? Berkshire Hathaway received an exemption from the requirement, citing competitive needs for secrecy. If others knew of the firm's massive buying of IBM shares, then they would have mimicked the move and pushed the stock price up quickly.
Bill Tatro Bill Tatro: Media Takes Pass on Corporate Debt We all know the pass that was given to Obama when it came to his various questionable acquaintances, from Bill Ayers to the Reverend Wright.
Kathy Fettke Kathy Fettke: The Fable of the OWS Grasshoppers House and Senate leaders proclaim war against the ant, accusing it of building wealth at the expense of the poor grasshopper. They call for an immediate tax hike on the ant to make it pay its fair share.
Crystal Wright Crystal Wright: The Long and Tortuous CBS/National Journal Debate Billed as the Commander in Chief Republican presidential debate, the CBS/National Journal foreign policy debate fell flat. When CBS anchor Scott Pelley introduced himself to the audience around 7:30pm he came across as a stuck up snob and somehow you knew the show wasn’t going to be great.
Townhall.com Staff Townhall.com Staff: A Time for Choosing, Not Mitt Romney In reflecting on Reagan and Romney's role in the Republican Party, I drew inspiration from both men's words. Never being one of those activists who leaned heavily on "what would Reagan do" to cheaply win an argument full of intellectual void, I couldn't help but feel the very same conviction to rely on some of his words and formatting to argue for organized opposition to Romney's nomination.
Rich Tucker Rich Tucker: Economic Theory Meets Reality Economic theory is perfectly acceptable. But in the real world, economic <i>reality</i> is much more important.</
Phyllis Schlafly Phyllis Schlafly: Let's Talk About Jobs We watched a couple more TV presidential candidate debates and, funny thing, again there was little or no mention of what is widely conceded to be the No. 1 issue -- jobs.
Charlotte Hays Charlotte Hays: Let Them Eat Eyeliner Rutledge, who earns up to $15,000 in a good day, is Mrs. Obama's main makeup artist.
Bill Murchison Bill Murchison: The High Court and Obamacare As anticipated, the U. S. Supreme Court will join 300 million fellow Americans in rendering judgment on Obamacare. But with this difference: The high court's judgment, expected next June, will be the judgment that sticks.
Mike Adams Mike Adams: Anarchy at UK I wish George Orwell were alive today. He could have seen just how right he was on such a wide range of issues. If he were still with us, I would show him an email written by University of Kentucky (UK) President Eli Capilouto.
Police Move in on Portland Park, Protesters Remain comments  (25)  
Click here to find out more!
Saturday Night: GOP Foreign Policy Debate comments  (161)  
Allen West Discusses Foreign Policy comments  (38)  
Obama: Disapproval Rating on Economy Hits Record High comments  (195)  
Paul Says he Was Not Trying to Embarrass Perry comments  (35)  
Phoenix: Raising Funds to Bring The Terry Family Justice comments  (80)  
Congressman Joe Heck Thanks Veterans in GOP Weekly Address
Cain Will Not Accept VP Slot if Romney Wins Nomination comments  (637)  
Palestinian UN bid to Security Council Faltering

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