Thursday, November 17, 2011


OWS: Let's Firebomb New York City OWS: Let's Firebomb New York City

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Victory for the Second Amendment: House Passes Concealed Carry BillVictory for the Second Amendment: House Passes Concealed Carry Bill

Ann Coulter Ann Coulter: If Not Romney, Who? If Not Now, When So now, apparently, we have to go through the cycle of the media pushing Newt Gingrich. This is going to be fantastic.
Victor Davis Hanson Victor Davis Hanson: Why Does America Defend the Weak and Small Recently, an open mic caught French President Nicolas Sarkozy and American President Barack Obama jointly trashing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Sarkozy scoffed, "I cannot stand him. He's a liar." Obama trumped that with, "You're fed up with him, but I have to deal with him every day."
Larry Elder Larry Elder: A Little Hardball With Chris Matthews About John Kennedy I just interviewed MSNBC "Hardball" host Chris Matthews about his new book, "Jack Kennedy: Elusive Hero."
Michael Barone Michael Barone: Obama Has a Knack for Ticking off America's Friends The election of Barack Obama, we were told, would bring new respect and friendship for America in the world.
Jeff Jacoby Jeff Jacoby: Is America past its prime Are you glum about the nation's prospects? If so, you've got lots of company. According to a recent poll for The Hill, a Washington-based daily, 69 percent of American voters say the US is declining, and 83 percent of voters describe themselves as worried (49 percent say very worried) about the country's future.
Larry Kudlow Larry Kudlow: A Super Tax Hike Spells Disaster I asked supercommittee co-chair Jeb Hensarling about an idea from the Democrats to raise taxes by $600 billion to $800 billion. About $300 billion of that might be upfront, with $500 billion later from some tax-reform overhaul.
John Ransom John Ransom: Europe Ushers in Dictatorship of the Technocrats I don’t believe in the Trilateral and Bilderberg conspiracies. But I do believe that our world leadership suffers from a severe case of intellectual, political and corporate inbreeding that’s led them to dangerous defects in their vision for which there is no cure.
Cal  Thomas Cal Thomas: Puerto Rico's Revival Since the congressional super committee appears unable, or unwilling, to take a lesson from Indiana or Virginia -- where Republican governors have made spending cuts and delivered budget surpluses without damaging the social safety net -- members might wish to consider Puerto Rico and what its governor, Luis Fortuno is doing.
Debra J. Saunders Debra J. Saunders: Newt and Nancy Together Again Then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi famously shared a love seat with former GOP Speaker Newt Gingrich in a 2008 ad advocating for global warming legislation.
Matt Towery Matt Towery: Meet the New Newt Gingrich While I poll and analyze the 2012 presidential race straight down the middle, an equal opportunity offender, I am in a unique position to explain who "the new" Newt Gingrich is, and why he is starting to race up to the top of national and various state polls.
Paul Greenberg Paul Greenberg: As the world turns ... and the centrifuges whirl in Iran Gosh, what a surprise: According to the United Nations, Iran seems to be at work on developing a nuclear weapon. I am shocked -- shocked. Goodness, what target do you think the mullahs and their nutcase president, the all too imitable Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, might have in mind?
Rich Galen Rich Galen: #OWS City officials from coast-to-coast have finally decided to live up to their responsibilities to enforce the law and have been evicting the Occupy (fill-in-the-blank) squatters from public spaces.
Bob Beauprez Bob Beauprez: Harry Reid: Regulations Don't Hurt Economy Even prior to the Obama Administration's onslaught of new rules and regulations, the Small Business Administration estimated that federal regulation imposed a $1.75 trillion annual cost burden on the economy.
Mike Shedlock Mike Shedlock: On Euro Obama Offers Platitudes Not Leadership The Euro crisis is rapidly coming to a head but no solution are being offered or discussed.
Bill Tatro Bill Tatro: Mr Smith Goes to Washington and Comes Home Rich I wonder what Smith would say today if he learned that Congressmen and Senators come to Washington, DC in the main, with limited wealth (sometimes with an exception), and leave with eye-popping assets.
David Sterman David Sterman: 5 Small Stocks with Home-Run Potential At this point, investors in a buying mood are faced with two choices: They can either focus on lower-risk blue chips that appear inexpensively valued and possess respectable upside. Or they can focus on riskier, beaten-down stocks that could rise much more sharply in an improving economy.
Jackie Gingrich Cushman Jackie Gingrich Cushman: Midterm Life Report "What is the meaning of life?" my middle school daughter asked me recently as we were lying on her bed one evening. After a few minutes of contemplation, knowing that the answer was not about acquisition of money, fame or power, and that material items might provide ease in life, but not meaning, I responded that it is "to experience and then to allow God's Grace to shine through you to others."
Carrie Schwab Pomerantz Carrie Schwab Pomerantz: Borrowing from Your IRA I always caution against taking money from your retirement accounts early --penalty or no penalty. The whole point of having a 401(k) or an IRA is to prepare for the future.
Emmett Tyrrell Emmett Tyrrell: Who Was Fred Ikle? The death of Fred Ikle last week inspires me to prophesy. Thus far, only the redoubtable Wall Street Journal has remarked on Fred's passing. That he was a formidable mind during the Cold War and important to the peaceful settlement of that decades-long struggle is remembered thanks to the Journal.
Crista Huff Crista Huff: Buying on Dips- A Winning Porfolio Strategy Today at 1:50 PM Mountain Time, I received a text showing me that Avago Technologies (AVGO) had fallen to $32.00, followed in quick succession by a text telling me that American Express (AXP) had fallen to $48.25. That gave me nine minutes to make a buy decision.
Bob Goldman Bob Goldman: Your Office- A Petting Zoo Given all these wonderful, admirable characteristics, the only reason you wouldn't be the boss's pet is because that boss is a complete idiot.
George Friedman George Friedman: Stratfor Analysis- The China Naval Threat There is widespread international debate on the extent to which China’s naval expansions pose a threat to U.S. dominance of the world’s oceans. George Friedman and author and foreign affairs expert Robert Kaplan agree on China’s ambition, but have very different views on its geopolitical impact. It may be a case of their appetite being too big for their stomach.
Steve Chapman Steve Chapman: Newt Gingrich, Myth and Mouth Republican voters' esteem for Newt Gingrich has been rising fast. At this rate it might someday equal, though not surpass, his regard for himself. Gingrich is not a person with an ego. He's an ego with a person.
David Malcolm David Malcolm: Beyond the Beltway: A Response to Jeffrey Sachs' Progressive Vision In last weekend’s New York Times, Columbia Professor Jeffrey Sachs predicted and championed a new progressive movement that will allegedly restore “honest and effective government for all,” revive “crucial public services,” “end the climate of impunity” that encouraged fraud on Wall Street, and “re-establish” the supremacy of “people votes over dollar votes” in Washington, D.C., whatever that means.
Susan Brown Susan Brown: Obama's Energy Plan: Chevy Volt Three years ago, the national average for a gallon of regular grade gasoline was around $1.70. The price climbed to $2.60 in 2009 and $2.80 a year later.
Rebecca Hagelin Rebecca Hagelin: Culture Challenge of the Week: When Girls Need Friends Mothers want to trust the Girl Scouts--an organization that nurtured great friendships, practical skills, and leadership qualities in their own lives. I wanted to trust them when my own daughter was a Brownie.
Tony Katz Tony Katz: Justice Kagan Must Recuse Herself The American Left has been railing about Justice Clarence Thomas. His wife, Ginni Thomas, is a Tea Party supporter, and the CEO of - a 501(c)(4) that focuses on the value of liberty with "insistence on limited government."
Michelle Malkin Michelle Malkin: Obama's Half-Billion-Dollar Crony Drug Deal What do you get when you mix Democratic fat-cat donations, Big Labor favors, pharmaceutical lobbying and Beltway business as usual? Answer: another toxic half-billion-dollar Barack Obama-approved crony deal. Move over, Solyndra. Here comes Siga-Gate.
Walter E. Williams Walter E. Williams: Poverty in America? Our congressionally caused recession has indeed caused needless hardship for many Americans, but the big poverty and income stagnation hype is part and parcel of an agenda to make us more accepting of politicians getting their hands deeper into our pocketbooks in the name of helping the poor.
               Thursday, November 17 | 10:31 AM ET
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Whoa: White House Pressured Solyndra to Postpone Layoffs Until After 2010 Elections comments  (186)  
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Video: Scott Walker's First Anti-Recall Ad comments  (72)  
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Inevitable: Iowa Mailer Hits Newt on Divorce comments  (914)  
Insider Trading is Legal, If You're In Congress comments  (51)  
Chris Christie: Don't Underestimate Obama in 2012

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