Monday, November 28, 2011


Why is Homeland Security Funding Research for a Big Cat? Why is Homeland Security Funding Research for a Big Cat?

EXCLUSIVE: Scott Rasmussen Reveals the 5 Things Voters Want in 2012 to Townhall MagazineEXCLUSIVE: Scott Rasmussen Reveals the 5 Things Voters Want in 2012 to Townhall Magazine

Chevy Volt Batteries Catching on FireChevy Volt Batteries Catching on Fire


Michael Barone Michael Barone: Entitlement, Not Tax Cuts, Widen the Wealth Gap What should be done about income inequality? That basic question underlies the arguments hashed out in the supercommittee and promises to be a central issue in the presidential campaign.
Star Parker Star Parker: Give Thanks for American Exceptionalism The Pew Research Center has provided some timely food for thought as we enter our traditional holiday season.
John Ransom John Ransom: Country Sick of Obama Job Act Acting Job If the American Dream is slipping away, though, the only replacement Obama has offered the country is the lush verbiage from the book Dreams from My Father, a mish-mash of circular logic, an American Oblomov, superfluous, inert and self-absorbed- the inverse actually of the American Dream.
Katie Kieffer Katie Kieffer: Dump the EPA Like a bad lover, the EPA is a nagging, beguiling mooch. The EPA unconstitutionally barged into our lives and we need to break free from this destructive relationship; let’s give the EPA a two-letter title beginning with ‘E’ and ending with ‘X.’
Mike Adams Mike Adams: Tangled up in Blue Author’s note: This is the last column in a three-part series. The other installments are in my archive, which can be accessed directly from this column. The URL is tangled up in a little blue hyperlink somewhere on this page.
Lurita Doan Lurita Doan: The Gimme Something Congress and the Public Service Failure Americans long for a new group of more honest public servants and elected officials that will put the public interests above their own shameful grub for personal profits.
Bruce Bialosky Bruce Bialosky: Citizen Congressman Allen West The election of 2010 brought many non-professional politicians to Washington, but none more noteworthy than Colonel Allen West (R-FL).
Jeff  Carter Jeff Carter: Debt Grinch Steals Christmas What a difference a month makes. On October 30th, most market watchers were gleeful. We had one of the strongest rallies ever.
Mike Shedlock Mike Shedlock: IMF, US to Euro Rescue Politicians never give up on bad idea except by death or removal from office, as the newest plan to rescue the Euro proves.
Bill Tatro Bill Tatro: Super Committee Proves Point for Term Limits Thus, in my opinion, any decision by the twelve super committee members was not done for the benefit of this country, but simply for the twelve’s own self interests.
Bob Goldman Bob Goldman: The Look of a Leader Many of these self-help seminars and coaching sessions require you to "pinpoint your strengths and weaknesses." This is a time-wasting exercise, since your boss already provides this information to you on a regular basis.
Austin Hill Austin Hill: Obamanomics And Bill The Crane Shop Owner What could possibly be wrong with Obamanomics? Just ask Bill the crane shop owner.
Mark Calabria Mark Calabria: Dodd-Frank Guarantees Too Big to Fail Not only has Dodd-Frank failed to end too big to fail; it has extended the federal safety net.
David Sterman David Sterman: A Rare Second Chance to Buy these 5 Stocks I took a closer look at the stocks that have given up most or all of their gains in subsequent sessions to see what their fundamentals look like for the upcoming quarters. It's important to keep in mind that the recent price drops these stocks have seen is not their fault. They're good companies stuck in a lousy market environment.
Chris Poindexter Chris Poindexter: Gold Faced Tough November If we are in another 2008-esque downward trend, spurred by investors fleeing to liquidity, then I have some really good news for gold investors because 2009-2010 saw gold prices go from the $700s to the $1,100s and to $1,400 by the start of 2011.
Daniel J. Mitchell Daniel J. Mitchell: In Euro Collapse Who's Better Prepared: Well Armed Swiss, Disarmed Brits The stunning part of the conference was learning – as part of casual conversation during breaks, meals, and other socializing time – how many rich people are planning for the eventual collapse of European society. Not stagnation. Not gradual decline. Collapse.
Dan Holler Dan Holler: Highway High Jinks The Golden Gate Bridge is an ironic American structure. It was finished in just four years and came in $1.3 million under budget. Earlier this month, California Senator Dianne Feinstein acknowledged that could not happen today: “…it would take a hundred years to do it with all the permits we need.”
Incriminating Timeline: Democrats Punt on Fiscal Responsibility comments  (890)  
Thankful for Their Sacrifice comments  (229)  
[VIDEO] The Pilgrims & Property Rights comments  (265)  
'Winning the Future': Another Chinese Infrastructure Fail comments  (153)  
Happy Thanksgiving from the Townhall Team comments  (120)  

DNC Ad Targets Romney Over Flip-Flops
Cain Says Harassment Claims Have Affected Support
Powell Criticizes Tea Party for Divided Washington comments  (334)  
New Poll: Voters Still Trust GOP More on Economy
U.S. Military Orders Cross Removed from Army Chapel Overseas comments  (219)  
Fun Flashback: Newt Schools MSNBC Reporter on Obama comments  (274)  
New TV Ad Calls for Palin to Run for GOP Nomination comments  (106)  
2 Key Senators Call for Tough Line with Pakistan
US Vows Full Probe into Pakistan Border Incident comments  (45)  
New Hampshire's Largest Paper Endorses Gingrich comments  (133)  
Occupy Wall Street Hopes to Raise Millions for Movement With Album comments  (137)  
MSNBC Host, Obama Make GQ's Least Influential People List comments  (143)  
Allen West Says Gingrich Hindered by Political Baggage comments  (790)  
'Self-Defense,' Says Nato of Military Action That Killed Pakistani Soldiers comments  (224)  
Fisherman Bags 881lb Bluefin Tuna Only to Lose It to Big Government
NBC Apologizes to Bachmann, But Apology Doesn't Come From the Top comments  (85)  
Unwelcome Guests: Mayor Tells Occupy LA to Leave City Hall Camp by Monday comments  (33)  
Thanksgiving Stocks at Lowest Level Since the Depression comments  (566)  
Act Now: Obama Gear Ten Percent Off comments  (168)  
Occupy Black Friday
Step Down

A Warning from the DHS - Don't Let Your Turkey Explode comments  (72)  

Second Amendment Rights Represent Tough Politics for Obama comments  (153)  

A Thanksgiving Day Proclamation from the White House comments  (28)  

Bachmann Calls Out NBC, Says 'This Wouldn't Be Tolerated If This Was Michelle Obama' comments  (586)  

GOP Candidates Should Be Talking About How to Hold Holder Accountable for F&F comments  (177)  

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