Monday, November 7, 2011


November 7, 2011

JURY: Conrad Murray Guilty in Death of Michael Jackson

After about nine hours of deliberations over two days, the jury deciding the fate of Michael Jackson's doctor found him guilty of involuntary manslaughter in Jackson's death.

• Watch the Verdict and Court Reaction

• VOTE: Do You Agree With the Verdict?

Giuliani Tells Protesters to 'Occupy a Job'

Former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani spoke out against Occupy Wall Street protesters during remarks made at a summit sponsored by Americans for Prosperity, saying that if it had been up to him, the protesters would have been thrown out of the park already.

• Hear His Remarks

Latest Accuser: "Herman Cain Reached for My Genitals"

In a press conference Monday afternoon, a woman told reporters that Republican presidential contender Herman Cain reached under her skirt and asked her, "you want a job, right?" during an alleged inappropriate encounter in 1997.

• Get Sharon Bialek's Story

Coming Up on

Gingrich Reacts to Cain Sexual Harassment Scandal

How will Herman Cain's controversy shake up the GOP playing field? Get answers when Newt Gingrich speaks out on 'Hannity.' Then, "On the Record" is in the Midwest. Find out what the breadbasket needs to boost their small businesses.

• 'Primetime Lineup': Tonight, Starting at 9p/12a ET

Nov. 8 Election Coverage

First at 8p ET, Bill gets 'no spin' answers on the race results. Then, Hannity's live as Frank Luntz reveals what America's thinking. And at 10p ET, Greta Van Susteren gets all the Beltway fallout. Finally, Bret Baier hosts a special America's Election Headquarters at 11p ET.

• Special Coverage: Tuesday, Starting at 8p ET

Also Insider

Fmr Penn State FB Coach Charged With Child Sex Abuse

VIDEO: Earthquake Rocks Central Okla.

RPT: Interviews of Baby Lisa's Brothers Should Happen This Week

WATCH: Laura Bush Says She Was "Stressed" During Time at WH

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