Monday, November 7, 2011


                     It has been a great honor to have a front row seat to presidential history as a part of the Newt 2012 team. I have been blessed to travel this great nation withNewt 2012 Speaker Gingrich, and more and more Americans are realizing what I have known all along: Newt Gingrich is the most knowledgeable and capable candidate running for the Republican Presidential nomination. Speaker Gingrich has elevated the entire conversation at every single debate, and the most recent Western Republican Leadership Debate was no different.

This campaign really is based on ideas, and Newt is the only candidate who has steadfastly refused to play the media’s “gotcha” game and attack his fellow candidates, instead focusing his attention on real plans and the failed policies of Barack Obama. Instead of listening to see if any of the other candidates have left an opening to score cheap political points, Speaker Gingrich actually listens to the other candidates to evaluate the best proposals that they put forth. Instead of fearing that someone else may have a better idea, the Speaker is looking for ideas that will make his policies even better! I call that leadership.

Focus groups and polls clearly show that when the American people watch these debates, they see Newt Gingrich as having the best grasp of the complex issues presented. This often comes as a surprise because the media, who fear a Newt presidency, keep forgetting to tell the truth. The American people are starting to see through the media haze, which is why Speaker Gingrich has been steadily climbing in the polls. Just this week, a Rasmussen poll confirmed the trend, showing Speaker Gingrich in third place, well ahead of Governor Perry!

Speaker Gingrich is showing himself to be the most qualified candidate, and he is doing it without attacking his fellow Republicans. He is doing it despite open hostility from the media, and, most importantly, he is doing it because you are standing with him!

This isn’t American Idol. This is the race to be the leader of the free world, and in these incredibly difficult times we cannot afford to settle for anything other than the most experienced and qualified person possible to lead America out of one its most troubling times. Poll after poll shows Speaker Gingrich rising towards the top. Why do you think that is? It all boils down to the fact that the American people believe Speaker Gingrich is the most knowledgeable and experienced candidate for this job and has real solutions to fix America.

This is our chance to nominate an experienced candidate with a proven track record, and today we need you to stand with Speaker Gingrich to help us get our message in front of as many Americans as we can!

Getting a message out, even an important message, is expensive. We need to raise $250,000 this week, and we can only do it with your help. If you are standing with Speaker Gingrich, please make a generous contribution of $25, $50, $100, or whatever you can afford, up to the maximum contribution of $2,500 right now! Every contribution matters, and I thank you in advance for your continued support of Speaker Newt Gingrich’s candidacy for President of the United States!

Thank You,

Michael Krull
Newt 2012
Campaign Manager

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AARP is starting to crack, while Amac grows stronger.

AARP is starting to crack, while Amac grows stronger.

AARP is dangerously out of step with America.

First they supported weakening the 2nd Amendment. Then they were silent on illegal immigration, on the Ground Zero Mosque, on increasing taxes, on gas prices.
Then, against all logic, the AARP drove the passage of ObamaCare - while knowing seniors would pay billions in increased Medicare Supplement and Medicare Advantage premiums as a direct result.
AARP’s financial gain “could exceed $1 billion from the new health care law” – House Ways and Means “Behind the Veil” investigation finding.

Now they come out in support of “changes” in Social Security?!?

“…news that the most powerful lobbying force for older Americans had softened its opposition to benefit cuts could not have come at a worse time.” – the liberal Huffington Post
“The (AARPs)timing is very destructive” - Nancy Altman, co-director of the Strengthen Social Security Campaign
“I think they’re dead wrong on this issue and I think many of the other senior organizations feel the same way” - Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT)

The AARP’s new advertising slogan?

“Get over it!”

We're not 'Getting Over It!' says the Leading Conservative to the AARP!

Amac, The Association of Mature American Citizens Is Fighting Back.

Dan Weber, president of Amac says, “ it looks like AARP is a giant ship that has lost its rudder- and it is about to hit the rocky shore. The problem is they are taking their members down with them”
In stark contrast to the AARP, Amac recently issued two strong proposals to keep Social Security solvent while putting more money in the pockets of older Americans.
AMAC is courting legislators to introduce a bill to eliminate the tax on Social Security income that one in three people collecting Social Security are now paying.
“We consider it unfair to tax Social Security twice, once when you pay in and again when you start to collect,” Weber says.
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Amac Fights For:

  • Smaller government
  • The 2nd Ammendment
  • Freedom of Religion – as America’s Founders intended
  • The old-fashioned values that made America the Greatest Country on earth.
Amac. Better for You. Better for America.
Which organization do you want to be a member of?
The giant Goliath that has lost its way- or the small David that knows what it needs to do?

If you are 45 or older join the fight.
Join Amac.

You can save much more than your pennies-a-day membership in exclusive member benefits. Amac offers Medicare supplements, auto insurance, life insurance and discounts on the products and services seniors want and need.
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BlackRock President: Gold Stocks Undervalued
Special: Make 'Big Oil' Pay For Your Retirement
Buffett Broadens Portfolio by Spending $23.9 Billion
Rogers: Next Downturn Will Be Worse Than 2008
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Breaking News

Condi Rice: 'I Have No Doubt Israel Will Defend Itself Against Iran'
With growing reports out of Israel that an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities is likely, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice tells Newsmax's Ron Kessler in an exclusive interview that she has no doubt Israel will take the necessary steps to stop Iran's mullahs from getting a bomb. Her new book, "No Higher Honor: A Memoir of My Years in Washington," reveals her insights into the war against al-Qaida, what really happened in Iraq, and the rising threat of Iran.
To Read the Full Story and See the Video — Go Here Now
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