Ann Coulter: David Axelrod's Pattern of Sexual Misbehavior Herman Cain has spent his life living and working all over the country -- Indiana, Georgia, Minnesota, Nebraska, Kansas, Washington, D.C. -- but never in Chicago. So it's curious that all the sexual harassment allegations against Cain emanate from Chicago: home of the Daley machine and Obama consigliere David Axelrod.
Thomas Sowell: The Real Scandal The real scandal in the accusations against Herman Cain is the corruption of the law, the media and politics.
Byron York: Tim Pawlenty, the Man Who Coulda Been a Contender This could have been Tim Pawlenty's moment. With many Republicans writing off Rick Perry, worried Herman Cain can't last, and perpetually dissatisfied with Mitt Romney, the former Minnesota governor might have gotten another look, had he stayed in the race. Given all the changes that have taken place in the GOP presidential contest, who knows? Pawlenty might have been a serious contender by now.
Victor Davis Hanson: Obama Unbound Richard Nixon went to Red China with political impunity. Had a Democrat tried that, he would have been branded a commie appeaser.
Larry Elder: Cain Under Fire -- No-Fly Zone Over Clinton, JFK Sexcapades "He's got it coming to him," said Ben Bradlee, former editor of The Washington Post. "You can't do that in this town anymore. Probably could do it 50 years ago, but you can't do it now."
Michael Barone: Working for Fun Is No Laughs in Market Capitalism Some of my friends in the conservative blogosphere have been ridiculing a New Yorker named Joe Therrien. I want to put in a good word for him. Therrien appears in the lead paragraph of a story in The Nation on Occupy Wall Street. He's an example, writer Richard Kim wants us to know, of the "creative types" ingeniously protesting capitalism.
Jeff Jacoby: A nuclear Iran would be the gravest threat RON PAUL, the Texas congressman and isolationist would-be president, is against using tough economic sanctions or military force to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. How then, he was asked on "Fox News Sunday," would he persuade Teheran to abandon its quest for the bomb? "Well," Paul suggested, "maybe offering friendship to them." Hmm, there's an idea. How might it work in practice?
Michael Reagan: GOP Field in Flux My Dad would be beaming with pride over the behavior of Newt Gingrich and Herman Cain in Saturday's debate, where there were polite discussions over the issues that concern us all. Moreover, the candidates offered their genuine solutions to the nation's problems without the personal attacks that would have violated Dad's 11th Commandment. The winner in the Gingrich-Cain debate was this nation and its people.
John Ransom: OWS Goes All OWS on Itself Long live the 99, err, 98 percent!* (*98 percent for descriptive purposes only- not intended to be an actual value.)
Cal Thomas: Surprise! Iran Has Nukes If ever there was a time when "see, I told you so" was warranted, it is now as the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) reports this week that Iran is close to developing a nuclear weapon.
Katie Pavlich: Fast and Furious Was Not Botched The Obama Administration botched the cover-up of Fast and Furious. Lies perpetuated by the Holder Justice Department continue to be shredded by a handful of media outlets, Sen. Charles Grassley, Sen. John Cornyn, Rep. Darrell Issa and members of the House Oversight Committee, but in no way was allowing Mexican cartels to get their hands on high powered weapons a "mistake."
Debra J. Saunders: Occupy Fannie and Freddie The collapse of MF Global Holdings gives Americans yet another reason not to trust Wall Street. The firm filed for bankruptcy as federal regulators were looking for $600 million missing from customer accounts.
Caroline Glick: Waiting out Obama Over the past week, there has been an avalanche of news reports in the Israeli and Western media about the possibility of an imminent Israeli or American strike on Iran's nuclear installations. These reports were triggered by a report on Iran's nuclear program set to be published by the UN's International Atomic Energy Agency later this week.
Matt Towery: Cain, Romney, Gingrich in a Three Way Dead Heat for GOP Nomination A new Poll Position national survey taken right after Herman Cain's press conference to deny sexual harassment charges shows Cain still clinging to a lead, but with Newt Gingrich charging towards the top, statistically tied with Mitt Romney and within points of Cain.
Rich Galen: Calling All Ghostbusters One of my Tweets (@richgalen) as I watched the Herman Cain presser yesterday afternoon: "I am now officially as over watching pressers re: #thehermancain as I am watching GOP primary debates"
Mike Shedlock: Banks Create New Rules to Fool Themselves What one bank does, they all do. As Mish clearly shows, the Magic has Spread already.
Political Calculations: How Much Might Producing More (or Less) Oil Change Its Price? We've built our latest tool to do quick math for estimating how much the price of a barrel of oil might change if the supply of oil being produced were suddenly changed.
Jeff Carter: Yet Another Buying Opportunity? Meanwhile, the EPA, NLRB, FDA, SEC, CFTC, and other alphabet soup of agencies continue to write more regulations to put the brakes on honest businesses.
Jackie Gingrich Cushman: Those Super Heroes I'm going to take the opportunity this week to write a letter of thanks, to our veterans.
Steve Chapman: Romney's Low-Content Campaign As a crowd of more than 100 waits patiently for Mitt Romney's late arrival, the sound system blares country singer Alan Jackson: "You must be the dream I've been dreamin' of/Oh, what a feelin', it must be love." That selection suggests it's Romney who is dreaming.
Susan Brown: Liberals Want the Pentagon's 'Pot of Gold' On this Veteran's Day, 2011, our thoughts should turn once again toward our military, who find themselves busier than they have been in recent memory. Despite the tempo of current operations, our president appears determined to govern a peacetime force by way of withdrawal and drawback.
Paul Kengor: Two Septembers: When Wall Street Erupted As the indignation of the Wall Street Occupiers spreads across the nation, it is time to step back and consider the broader historical perspective. What will history books record about the Wall Street Occupation? For starters, what was the start date? The answer to that simple fact alone has some potentially profound meaning.
David Sterman: The 3 Best Stocks to Short (or Sell) Right Now Here's a fresh look at three stocks I've recently panned now that the 3rd quarter is in the bag.
Bill Tatro: Looks Like Europe Needs a Whole Bunch of Paint The degeneration that had been simply covered up with paint moved so quickly that the house became uninhabitable in a very short period of time.
Crista Huff: You Could See 25 Percent in this Short-Term Trade on Energy The stock price briefly touched $40 after a six-year climb, then fell to $10 with the 2008 Financial Meltdown. The stock price has been recovering somewhat steadily, with price corrections in the summers of 2010 and 2011.
Emmett Tyrrell: William F. Buckley, Still at Yale Someday the historians will acknowledge that by the time of his death in 2008, liberalism was on the run and Buckley's conservatism was chasing it.
Rebecca Hagelin: This Ain't Your Mamma's Girl Scouts Culture Challenge of the Week: Girl Scouting Turns Raunchy
Alan Sears: The Czar System Undermines Federalism Nowhere in the Constitution will one find even the slightest hint of the office of “Czar,” much less the power of a czar to rule over the American people. Yet the Obama administration is rife with such officeholders, put in place as a way to enlarge the role of the president in the midst of system that was not meant to be enlarged upon in such a way.
Steve Deace: Truth and Consequences Over the course of six decades, Penn State football coach Joe Paterno has been considered a paragon of virtue. His exploits both on and off the field have given him iconic status.
Paul Driessen: Electricity Parks and Progress for Chile Apply CSR standards to Doug Tompkins for honesty, transparency and concern for people
David Malcolm: Beyond the Beltway: The Economic Case Against Barack Obama To prevail in a civil case, a plaintiff must generally prove that it is more likely than not that the defendant’s behavior satisfies the elements of a particular cause of action. The most common civil claim (think car accidents, scalding coffee) is negligence.
Bob Goldman: The Tiny Brains of HR Insiders Based on the insider information provided, it is instantly clear that the tiny brains of HR professionals are focused on the minutia of the interview process.
Michelle Malkin: The Great Stonewall of Obama The White House laments that America hasn't built enough massive government infrastructure projects. Nonsense. At the rate it's growing, the Great Stonewall of Obama may soon be the second largest manmade object visible from outer space.
Walter E. Williams: Ignorance Exploited Many Wall Street occupiers are echoing the Communist Party USA's call to "Save the nation! Tax corporations! Tax the rich!" There are other Americans, on both the left and the right -- for example, President Barack Obama and House Speaker John Boehner -- who call for reductions in corporate taxes.
Mike Adams: The Right to be Governed There are a number of differences between the college students of the 1960s and the college students of today.
More Columnists: Ann Coulter , Thomas Sowell , Michelle Malkin , Walter E. Williams , Mike Adams and more...
Thursday, November 10 | 08:47 AM ET
- Williams: Ignorance Exploited
- Malkin: The Great Stonewall of Obama
- Coulter: David Axelrod's Pattern of Sexual Misbehavior
- Goldberg: Blame It on Brokaw
- Stossel: The FDA Kills
- Adams: The Right to be Governed
- Sowell: The Real Scandal
- Bozell: Thanking an Old Friend
- Shapiro: What Is Obama Thinking?
- Rios: Bialek's Actions Speak Louder Than Words
- A Picture Worth a Thousand Words
Katie Pavlich 1 hour ago - Perry Campaign Trying to Salvage Debate Implosion
Guy Benson 2 hours ago - Oh, No: Mitt Romney Really Is an Economic Guru
Erika Johnsen 3 hours ago - Clint Eastwood: Pro-Herman Cain and Anti-Bailout
John Hanlon 9 hours ago - Michigan Debate: Winners and Losers
Guy Benson 10 hours ago - Moderating With a Hard Hand
Elisabeth Meinecke 11 hours ago
- A Christmas gift to the Right Ed Morrissey 17 minutes ago
- A memorable debate, for the wrong reasons Ed Morrissey 52 minutes ago
- Obamateurism of the Day Ed Morrissey 1 hour ago
- Quotes of the day Allahpundit 10 hours ago
- Video: Perry implodes; Update: Campaign is over, says top fundraiser Allahpundit 11 hours ago
- Video: Huge ovation for Cain’s answer on harassment charges Allahpundit 12 hours ago