Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Newt to Newsmax: Gingrich/Cain Ticket 'A Real Possibility'

·     In an exclusive Newsmax interview, GOP presidential candidate and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich says he's a big fan of competitor Herman Cain — so much so that he can envision him as a 2012 running mate in the fight to unseat President Barack Obama. One of America's leading conservative intellectuals, Gingrich also shares his ideas on Iran, the deficit crisis and the brain research efforts he plans on making a pillar of his presidential campaign.
 Gingrich: Supercommittee 'Terrible Way to Govern'

Newt Gingrich: “I think America is... looking for leadership that has both solutions big enough that they can work and has experience, and I’m the only candidate in the race that’s actually led a national effort, who worked with Ronald Reagan to get the economy to grow again and to defeat the Soviet empire, and who as speaker of the House helped develop four consecutive balanced budgets while bringing unemployment down to 4.2 percent." (AP Photo)



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