Friday, November 4, 2011


Romney to Leftists in 2002: "You Need Someone Like Me in Washington" Romney to Leftists in 2002: "You Need Someone Like Me in Washington"

Jimmy Hoffa and Union Bosses Propagate Class Warfare Rhetoric Jimmy Hoffa and Union Bosses Propagate Class Warfare Rhetoric

Perry Endorses Work Visas for Illegal ImmigrantsPerry Endorses Work Visas for Illegal Immigrants

Michelle Malkin Michelle Malkin: Obama's Drug Shortage Demagoguery President Obama couldn't wait to trample over the legislative process again. This week, he issued his 98th executive order on an irresistibly exploitatable policy issue: prescription drug shortages. Soon, "One a Day" won't just be a multivitamin. It'll be the rate of White House administrative fiats.
Brent Bozell Brent Bozell: Herman's High-Tech Lynching No one who followed politics 20 years ago will forget the night when Clarence Thomas sent an electric charge through a Senate hearing room. As liberal Democrats pushed the unproven sexual harassment charges of Anita Hill, in an attempt to destroy Thomas's chance to serve on the Supreme Court, Thomas called them out for conducting a national disgrace. "This is a high-tech lynching for uppity blacks who in any way deign to think for themselves."
Mona Charen Mona Charen: Moral Abdication My high school sophomore son was grumbling as he read his world history textbook. He pointed me to this paragraph about the encounter between European and Mesoamerican civilizations.
David Limbaugh David Limbaugh: The British Empire -- Vindicated As many Americans no longer believe in American exceptionalism and others believe America's greatness is guaranteed to extend perpetually, we could all benefit by reviewing the history of the British Empire, the realm from which we sprung and acquired so much.
Mike Adams Mike Adams: New Charges Surface Against Muslim Professor It has been awhile since we talked about the case of Julio Pino – a tenured member of the faculty of Kent State University.
Larry Kudlow Larry Kudlow: One on One with Ron Paul The Federal Reserve is still in quantitative easing mode despite the fact that it announced Wednesday it would hold off any new actions to aid the economy, Republican presidential candidate and Congressman Ron Paul said on the Kudlow Report last night.
Ken Blackwell Ken Blackwell: If Israel Strikes The headlines are stark indeed. “Israel Readies a Pre-Emptive Strike.” Israeli Prime Minister is said to be working to persuadereluctant members of his coalition Cabinet to go along with such a military option against Islamist Iran.
John Ransom John Ransom: Gov Scott Walker, Grown-Up, Spanks Occupy Chicago Children Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker chastised union-led Occupy Chicago protestors who interrupted his speech yesterday with chants of “union-busting is disgusting” at Chicago’s Union League Club.
Oliver North Oliver North: Sideshow and Sabotage Our head of state is now in Cannes, France, at the G-20 summit, gallivanting with elites from the planet's most powerful economies. For the first time since his 2008 presidential campaign, Barack Obama isn't the center of attention.
Pat Buchanan Pat Buchanan: 'Arrivederci, Roma' Will popular democracy bring down the New World Order?
Rachel Alexander Rachel Alexander: GOP Flip-Flopping Over Mitt Romney Three years ago, conservative Republicans were falling all over themselves to support Mitt Romney in the Republican primary over John McCain.
Linda Chavez Linda Chavez: Sexual Harassment Is Serious Business Herman Cain has managed to say some silly and outrageous things as a GOP presidential candidate without losing any support. In fact, he's been gaining in the polls all the while.
Rich Galen Rich Galen: In God We Trust When official Washington wasn't trying to figure out who said what to whom about what Herman Cain might or might not have said or done while he was running the National Restaurant Association …
Mike Shedlock Mike Shedlock: Democracy Dies for Banks in Europe Resolution of the European mess has been all about how to bail out banks at taxpayer expense even though banks brought this mess on to themselves by treating sovereign debt as if it had zero risk.
Political  Calculations Political Calculations: 180 Years of the U.S. National Debt Burden per Capita Wars and depressions largely characterize the periods of time where there have been significant run-ups in the level of the U.S. National Debt Burden per Capita, with the debt taken on to support the costs of the U.S. Civil War and World War II being the most significant.
Jeff  Carter Jeff Carter: Grocery Store Costs You More: Here's Why The next time you hear someone rail against greedy speculators, tell them you’d rather pay lower prices for goods and services than listen to them whine about something they didn’t know anything about.
Paul Tracy Paul Tracy: This Highly-Ignored Dividend Payer Has Increased Payments 110% Most income investors probably see this yield and don't look twice. But if you're only looking at companies that pay yields of 6% or more, I think you're making a big mistake.
Crista Huff Crista Huff: Ignoring the S&P Can Boost Profits Market index trends don’t affect whether I buy stocks, because there are always good stocks to buy: profitable companies with good chart patterns.
David Sterman David Sterman: 2 Stocks that Could Soar if Gas Reaches $4 a Gallon A stabilized Europe, coupled with a U.S. economy that is likely to dodge a recession, means oil prices are starting to perk back up. Crude oil, of the West Texas Intermediate (WTI) kind, shot up from $77 a barrel to $93 in October and, before long, expect to see gasoline prices quickly move back to the $4 mark.
Bill Tatro Bill Tatro: All for Libya, None for Greece If the world applauds self determination, they would certainly applaud Papandreou’s action.
Jack Bouroudjian Jack Bouroudjian: Modest Improvement, Massive Potential This is the reality under the “leadership” of my fellow Chicagoan, and until the American voters express their discontent on the 2012 presidential ballot, this is what we are going to have to live with
Donald Lambro Donald Lambro: Fed's Forecast Is Bad News for Obama If President Obama ever expected the economy to improve significantly before the 2012 election, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke buried that hope this week.
Larry Kelley Larry Kelley: Bring It All Down, Man In attending the occupation of Oakland, I was struck by how the American Left has coalesced around the advocacy of Saul Alinsky, a man that 99% of the so called 99%ers have doubtlessly never heard of.
J.D. Thorpe J.D. Thorpe: The Free Market's Assault on Bank of America Many – including the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) crowd – have expressed outrage over Bank of America’s recent attempt to charge customers a $5 monthly fee to use their debit card. These people deplored the move and used it as another symbol of greedy Wall Street “Robber Barons” sticking it to the little guy.
Cliff May Cliff May: What’s Wrong with Economic Justice? Imagine someone showing up at your home and saying: “We’re from the government. We’ve determined that this dwelling has more living space than you and your family need. There are so many people who do not have enough. So we’re going to move another family in with you.”
Stewart Scott Stewart Scott: Anonymous vs. Zetas Amid Mexico's Cartel Violence In an Oct. 6 video Anonymous activists set Nov. 5 as the deadline for Los Zetas to release an Anonymous associate allegedly kidnapped in Veracruz. The associate reportedly was abducted during an Anonymous leaflet campaign called “Operation Paperstorm.”
Ed Feulner Ed Feulner: The Tea Party vs. Occupy Wall Street President Obama recently compared the Tea Party to the Occupy Wall Street protests, telling ABC News’ Jake Tapper, “in some ways they’re not that different.” We beg to differ. The Tea Party and the protestors are almost exact opposites.
Amy Oliver Amy Oliver: Colorado's Killer Message: Don’t Tax Me, Bro Political pundits suggest that Colorado is “the king of swing states,” a “critical swing state,” and a “super swing state” because of the movement of our political pendulum from red to blue to purple in just the last decade, as well as our high number of unaffiliated voters. If that's true Democrats are dead, politically.
Ann Coulter Ann Coulter: Why Our Blacks are Better Than Their Blacks By spending the last three decades leveling accusations of "racism" every 10 seconds, liberals have made it virtually impossible for Americans to recognize real racism -- for example, the racism constantly spewed at black conservatives.
Mike Adams Mike Adams: Exposing Edward Larkin Tenure must go. And so must Professor’s unions. If you don’t agree with me then perhaps you have yet to familiarize yourself with the case of Professor Edward Larkin. This tenured psychopath will keep his job despite exposing himself in public in front of a 17-year old girl and her mother.
Senate GOP Blocks Obama Infrastructure Plan comments  (50)  
Romney Offers $500 Billion Federal Spending Cuts
Disaster: Cain Campaign Walks Back Perry Accusation As More Explicit Allegations Arise comments  (1344)  
Economic Espionage on Steroids comments  (25)  
'Occupy' Movement's Favorability Rating Plummets, For Some Reason comments  (139)  
Obama, Leaders Convene in France Because Greece Can't Handle The Truth comments  (23)  
Occupy Oakland in Images: Actually, It's Not That Peaceful comments  (86)  
Obama: God Himself Wants Congress to Pass My Jobs Bill comments  (693)  
Fishy: WH Punts on Producing Solyndra Documents; Update: Subpoena On The Way comments  (44)  
[TH Magazine] The Nanny State's Vision: A World Wide Web of Taxes
Vote: to Host National GOP Primary
Senate to Block Competing Infrastructure Bills comments  (50)  
Perry Denies Leaking Sexual Harassment Allegations Against Cain comments  (143)  
Obama Named Most Powerful Man in the World comments  (171)  
Whoa: Third Woman Claims She Was Sexually Harassed by Cain comments  (1386)  
Witness to Alleged Harassment: If Details Come Out, Cain's Finished comments  (986)  
More Guns Provided Through Fast and Furious Found in Arizona Raid comments  (120)  
Confirmed: Occupy Wall Street Not That Young or Diverse or Unemployed comments  (94)  
Here We Go: Cain Accuser Wants to Talk? UPDATE: Maybe Not? comments  (333)  
AZ Gov. Brewer: The Buck Stops With Eric Holder comments  (111)  
Trending Worldwide: Financial Aid from Communist China
Herman Cain Dominating in South Carolina comments  (100)  
Homeland Security to Monitor Twitter For Social Unrest comments  (158)  
     Nasdaq 2697.97 +57.99 (+2.20%)
     S&P 500 1261.15 +23.25 (+1.88%)
     NYSE 7605.14 +0.00 (+0.00)
     10Y Yield 2.00 -0.06 (-3.14%)
Condoleezza Rice: I am Not Interested in Being Vice President comments  (38)  
House Reaffirms 'In God We Trust' as US Motto comments  (194)  
Rice: Mideast Peace Prospects Worsened Under Obama comments  (79)  
Do We Really Need the Peace Corps? comments  (31)  
MSNBC Host: Why Should People Have Guns When We Have Cops comments  (876)  
Assistant AG Breuer Blames Second Amendment For Gun Walking comments  (357)  
Absolutely Hysterical: Stephen Colbert Takes on OWS comments  (166)  
Scott Brown Sets the Record Straight comments  (70)  
 Your 2012 Election Headquarters comments  (41)  


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