Monday, January 9, 2012


Downgrade: Meet Obama's New Chief of Staff Downgrade: Meet Obama's New Chief of Staff

Palin: Democrats "Want to Face Romney In The General Election"Palin: Democrats "Want to Face Romney In The General Election"

Romney Likes Being Able to Fire People - So What?Romney Likes Being Able to Fire People - So What?

Star Parker Star Parker: NAACP Plantation Masters Play Race Card Again Rick Santorum must be “racist” because he thinks all people, regardless of ethnicity, should have the dignity of self sufficiency. At least that’s how the NAACP sees it.
Michael Barone Michael Barone: The Weakness That Saps the Strength of GOP Candidates A presidential campaign exposes candidates' strengths and weaknesses. The strengths they're eager to tell you about. So let's look at the weaknesses.
Jeff Jacoby Jeff Jacoby: A 'Referendum' on Romney Mitt Romney has been thought for months to have the New Hampshire primary in the bag. But one vote he didn't have locked up until Wednesday was that of Steve Rowe, a Vietnam-era veteran who spent much of the 1970s aboard the USS Saratoga, a US Navy supercarrier.
Larry Kudlow Larry Kudlow: Art for Newt Art Laffer believes the Gingrich plan would help jolt the economy to 4 or 5 percent growth. And he also is impressed that Gingrich has been talking about King Dollar on the campaign trail along with his supply-side tax strategy.
John Ransom John Ransom: Mitt: All American Vulture Capitalist Being a good investor, Americans seem to think, doesn’t necessarily make for being a good public servant. That feeling has likely been aided by Solynda, MF Global, TARP, Soros, Buffet, GE, etc. Voters think for the good of the country, Wall Street and Washington ought to be separated- now more than ever.
Katie Kieffer Katie Kieffer: Ace! Talk Radio’s Big Boys Tee Up Obama Conservative talking heads like Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh often poke fun at President Obama’s penchant for running the country from the golf course. Yet, ironically, their snobbish treatment of independents is teeing Obama up for another four years of putt-putt presidency.
Lurita Doan Lurita Doan: Democrats Embrace Voter Fraud With a dismal record of achievement and forced to accept the bitter harvest of their failed economic and foreign policies, no one should be surprised that Team Obama and the Democrats in Congress are running scared. Nor are the Democrats’ fears irrational.
Fred Wszolek Fred Wszolek: Obama Recess Appointments The Worst Kind Of Politics President sacrifices jobs for payback.
Humberto Fontova Humberto Fontova: How the U.S. "Bullied" Poor Little Castro January 7, 1959, marks a milestone in U.S. diplomatic history. Never before had the State Department extended diplomatic recognition to a Latin American government as QUICKLY as they bestowed this benediction on Fidel Castro’s that day.
Bruce Bialosky Bruce Bialosky: The Ridiculousness of the Payroll Tax Cut To even write a column with this title risks being classified as someone out of touch with average Americans. Nevertheless, I’m confident in my conviction on this issue; and, furthermore, it is clear evidence – as if we needed any more – that this President will say or do whatever is necessary to stay in power.
Paul Greenberg Paul Greenberg: The GOP Choice: New Cast, Old Script After what seemed an eternity of debates, the New Hampshire primary has whirred into life. Like a great creaky old grandfather clock striking the hour -- a reminder not only of passing time but that the grand old thing still has life in it.
Jeff  Carter Jeff Carter: So You Wanna Be a Trader Really, all you have to do is buy low, sell high and do it enough times and the money is easy. Stocks or futures move all over the place every day.
Mike Shedlock Mike Shedlock: Euro Suffers Longest Losing Streak Since 2010 Euro has a record "short" position.
Paul Tracy Paul Tracy: The Investing Advice That Makes Brokers Cringe The market's greatest stocks -- not the extremely risky plays that skyrocket and crash seemingly overnight -- take years to reach their full potential.
Crista Huff Crista Huff: This Stock is a Little Honey in a Sour Market Standard & Poor’s maintains a 4-Star Buy rating and a $65 12-month price target on the stock. S&P carries a risk assessment of “Medium.”
Daniel J. Mitchell Daniel J. Mitchell: What if Noah Tried to Build the Ark in Illinois? “Lord, please forgive me,” cried Noah. “I did my best, but there were big problems: First, I had to get a permit for construction, and your plans did not meet the Chicago codes."
Mark Calabria Mark Calabria: Obama's "Court-Packing' Moment? Constitutional overreach comes at a cost, and in a nation split roughly evenly on Red/Blue ideological lines, that cost could make all the difference.
Chris Poindexter Chris Poindexter: Why Gold Isn’t Higher When we talk about gold prices going up, we are, at least in some sense, really saying that the value of paper currency has gone down. Or, perhaps more accurately, that people have lost faith in paper currency.
Crista Huff Crista Huff: This Retailer is Making Magic, While Others Disappear During the last decade, the stock price rose from the second Gulf War lows of $12 to a high of $46 in April 2007 before falling again to a low of $5 with the 2008 Financial Meltdown.
Mark Baisley Mark Baisley: US Navy Shows Up Iran in Strait After treating the Iranian fishermen to medical attention, supplying them with food and liquids sufficient for their return trip to Iran, the American sailors sent the Al Molai on its way. All 13 fishermen were sporting a USS Kidd ball cap as they sailed toward home.
Dan Holler Dan Holler: What Becomes of the Senate? Obama's Cordray Logic Pretty much everyone has weighed in on President Obama’s so-called “recess” appointments, and there is widespread agreement amongst conservative legal experts that the move was blatantly unconstitutional; nothing more than a brazen political power grab.
Armstrong Williams Armstrong Williams: The Paul Power Play Why are young voters so attracted to Ron Paul?
Crystal Wright Crystal Wright: Mitt Romney's Inevitability Factor Nothing is “inevitable in life,” how long we’re going to live or who is going to capture the Republican presidential nomination in 2012. The media and so called Republican establishment’s incessant castigation of conservative voters who dare not support Romney as “Anyone but Romney” is insulting and only serves to intensify these conservatives dislike and distrust of Romney more.
Michael Brown Michael Brown: Ron Paul and Israel Responses to my January 2nd article “Why Are Ron Paul’s Followers So Touchy?” prompted me to look more closely at Dr. Paul’s position on Israel, and what I found raised some serious red flags, especially his “concentration camp” remarks made on Iran’s state-run PressTV in January, 2009.
Michael F. Cannon Michael F. Cannon: As Predicted, Obama Administration Backs Off Medicare Anti-Fraud Efforts In a word, government is stupid. As if to prove the point, the Obama administration—despite its rhetoric about getting tough on fraud—is behaving pretty much as I predicted.
Peter Schiff Peter Schiff: What Happened in 2011...What's up for 2012? While most pundits view the most recent summit of European leaders a failure, the measures they did introduce seem likely to put a lid on solvency risk for some time. The fundamentals aren't fixed, but in our opinion policy makers in Europe have bought themselves some time.
Chris Edwards Chris Edwards: Keep the Federal Pay Freeze Average federal worker wages rose 1.3 percent in 2011, or slightly more than the 1.2 percent increase in average private wages despite a wage "freeze."
NH Debate: Millions Are Unemployed, Let's Talk About Contraception comments  (236)  
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    Nasdaq2676.56+2.34 (+0.09%)
    S&P 5001280.70+2.89 (+0.23%)
    NYSE7584.66+0.00 (+0.00)
    10Y Yield1.97+0.02 (+0.88%)
Don't Want to Legalize Drugs? You Must Be a Racist comments  (416)  
Fight Night: New Hampshire comments  (260)  
Romney, Avoiding Complacency in NH comments  (559)  
New Book Depicts Tensions between First Lady and Aides comments  (50)  
New Hampshire Polls: Romney for the Win comments  (556)  
Ahmadinejad in Latin America: Will You Be My Friend? comments  (80)  
White House to Promote "Insourcing" to Businesses: Bring Jobs Back to America comments  (115)  
[TH Exclusive] Rick Perry: "There Are Hard Truths Behind Today's Job Numbers" comments  (375)          

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