Monday, March 5, 2012


Poll: Wisconsin Voters Now Oppose Walker Recall By 11-Point Margin Poll: Wisconsin Voters Now Oppose Walker Recall By 11-Point Margin

Heartbreaking: Military Father Begs Romney to Take Care of His Son After Obama Benefit CutsHeartbreaking: Military Father Begs Romney to Take Care of His Son After Obama Benefit Cuts

The Ultimate Debate: Obama vs. Gingrich! The Ultimate Debate: Obama vs. Gingrich!

Michael Barone Michael Barone: James Q Wilson: A Happy American Life Few social scientists, and even fewer political scientists, have done as much to improve American life as James Q. Wilson, who died last week at age 80.
Star Parker Star Parker: Breitbart's Final Message to the Left If you think about it, Andrew Breitbart’s untimely passing from this life, at the age of 43, might be seen as the ultimate message that this man of media could deliver.
Jeff Jacoby Jeff Jacoby: Santorum's 'Snub' Was No Gaffe Commentators, not all of them Democrats, have been having a field day since GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum charged Barack Obama with snobbery for pushing the idea that everyone needs a college education.
John Ransom John Ransom: How Stimulating: Unemployment Benefits for Murderers I know: You are worried because this guy is already in BIG trouble as a result of that whole murder thing. Garcia is serving 65 years-to-life for murder. But, as Pelosi points out, collecting unemployment is the fastest way Garcia can help Democrats create real, good-paying jobs.
Katie Kieffer Katie Kieffer: Romney’s Greatest Weakness Middle East foreign policy is Obama’s greatest strength and Romney’s greatest weakness. When I say ‘Obama’s greatest strength,’ I’m referring to voter perception and marketability. For example, get ready to hear Obama take credit for killing Osama bin Laden from the Situation Room about 10,000 times between now and November.
Lurita Doan Lurita Doan: Team Obama Continues Regulatory Juggernaut While Republicans focus on skewering GOP presidential candidates in primaries, Team Obama’s regulatory juggernaut continues to destroy the American way of life. Small businesses, entrepreneurs, and job creators are already groaning from the weight of the many and new regulations Obama has initiated in the past three years.
Gina Loudon Gina Loudon: The Cost of Eugenics, Obama-style It is hard to imagine a rational, national public interest, in the creation of a “free birth control culture”. If pandering isn’t his rationale, the motive of this birth control entitlement, when coupled with other policies, begins to appear sinister.
Bruce Bialosky Bruce Bialosky: The Future of Jewish Republicanism Most of my non-Jewish Republican friends are baffled by the fact that Jews would even think of voting for Democrats. They tell me that Jews have all the essential characteristics of Republicans – strong family values, religious beliefs, and a commitment to education. Unfortunately, I’ve spent the better part of the last 25 years providing explanations and excuses, one of which is that there typically have been few Jewish Republican candidates with whom to identify. That is changing dramatically, and the person creating this new wave is Josh Mandel from Ohio.
Kathryn Lopez Kathryn Lopez: Higher Things In A Holy Land Jerusalem -- Many of the most contentious controversies of the hour are only made worse by Christians not acting like Christians, people not being who they say they are. It's an issue of identity and of integrity.
Rich Galen Rich Galen: Semi-Super Tuesday Tomorrow is Super Tuesday, 2012. As in real life, some Supers are more super than others. There have been dreadful, for instance, Superbowls and, for that matter Superbowl ads.
Daniel J. Mitchell Daniel J. Mitchell: You Won’t Be Optimistic about Europe’s Future after Watching this Very Clever Video It is with considerable envy that I offer up this video about Europe’s fiscal/financial/monetary mess.
Charles Payne Charles Payne: Hollywood’s Twisted Logic And so goes the famous or soon to be very famous line from Dr. Seuss' 1971 ode to overconsumption.
Michael F. Cannon Michael F. Cannon: There Is No Objective Definition of ‘Medical Necessity’ According to HealthLeaders Media, regulators reviewed a batch of coverage denials and “found that in excess of 75% of the cases the services indeed were medically necessary, and 10% were not.”
Dan Holler Dan Holler: Moderate Myth With her retirement announcement, Maine’s Olympia Snowe sent shockwaves through the Washington Establishment. The chattering class went through the normal exercise, decrying how partisan politics had driven away yet another “moderate” and boldly predicting the demise of the Republican Party.
Bob Beauprez Bob Beauprez: O'Keefe Exposes Ease Of Voter Fraud James O’Keefe registers NFL quarterbacks Tim Tebow and Tom Brady to vote – without any form of identification or appearing in person.
Susan Brown Susan Brown: Energy Secretary Chu Should Resign President Barack Obama is right. America must pursue an “all-of-the-above” strategy to take control of our energy future. We should build the Keystone Pipeline, drill in Alaska, manufacture energy-efficient vehicles, and call for the resignation of United States Energy Secretary Steven Chu, to name a few.
Earl Tilford Earl Tilford: Iran: Israel's Options Late in the summer of 1961, President John F. Kennedy asked the Air Force to plan a nuclear first strike on the Soviet Union. The plan involved 55 B-52 bombers hitting 80 targets to degrade Soviet Long Range Air Force and Strategic Rocket Forces by 80 to 90 percent. Since these bases were located in remote parts of the USSR, estimated casualties numbered less than one million.
Craig James Craig James: Rick Santorum is the Conservative Alternative to Obama In the last few weeks, America has witnessed a remarkable surge in support for Rick Santorum. Trailing in the polls at less than five percent for forty-seven weeks, Santorum was written off as a true underdog without a chance of overcoming Mitt Romney’s well-financed political machine. Yet the latest national polls show him neck-and-neck with Romney, having swept three primary elections in Colorado, Minnesota, and Missouri.
Ryan James Girdusky Ryan James Girdusky: Three Cheers For Putin Vladimir Putin won an easy re-election on March 4, he reclaimed his position as President of Russia after a four year absence. Putin won the majority of the vote with 64% to his nearest opponent’s 17%; with numbers like these you would think they were stealing the election. Certainly the Putin administration is corrupt and tyrannical, they have been accused of many crimes including murder, indefinite imprisonment, and suppression of political opponents. With such a pedigree you would have thought he would be perfect for the Democratic primary.
Chris Poindexter Chris Poindexter: Gold In Spotlight This Week Instead of infrastructure investments, we have a ruling class of modern day money changers who trade money to make money.
Mike Shedlock Mike Shedlock: Super Tuesday Delegate Rules and Preview; Brokered Convention Revised Math If Romney does worse than expected on Super Tuesday, it's a whole new ball game. It would also be a whole new ballgame if Romney were to do poorly in California, or split the delegates three ways here on out.
Mark Calabria Mark Calabria: Some Consequences of Government Ownership of Banks As much as it pains me to say it, the recent suggestion by Paul Myners and Manus Costello in the Financial Times that, in the context of RBS, we are better off as taxpayers taking our losses and getting out of these companies rather than holding out for better returns, is probably correct.
Jeff  Carter Jeff Carter: Cut The Size of Government The reason Republicans and Independents were so chagrined with the Bush administration is they had the opportunity to cut spending and didn’t.
George Friedman George Friedman: Mexico Security Memo: Degrading Security in Puerto Vallarta Masked gunmen stopped a tourist bus and forced the passengers to hand over cash, cameras, watches and other valuables. Though no one was injured in the incident, the robbery demonstrates the degradation of security as a result of the ongoing drug wars in Mexico.
Chris Edwards Chris Edwards: Drawing a Picture for CNN on Taxes For your interest Soledad, the average central government rate is just 23.6 percent, which is much lower than our 35 percent rate. Our rate is the highest in the OECD.
Doug French Doug French: How to Fix the Housing Crisis Despite the obvious, policymakers and wonks think trimming mortgage principal down to just 10 percent underwater or that lowering borrowers' financing costs for those 25 percent (or more) underwater will somehow halt the slide in home values and spur consumer spending.
Even with Washington Vote, Focus Remains on Ohio comments  (217)  
AP Sources: CIA-Led Force May Speed Afghan Exit
Super Tuesday Eve: What to Expect Tomorrow comments  (281)  
Obama to Pelosi and Reid: No Campaign Cash for You comments  (116)  
Stimulating the Economy One Handgun at a Time comments  (88)  
Netanyahu vs. Obama: Round 2 comments  (489)  
Keep Working America, Illegal Aliens Are Depending on You comments  (48)  
Hate Crime: "You Get What You Deserve, White Boy" comments  (294)  
Republican Hopefuls Sprint to Super Tuesday comments  (217)  
Lawyer Who Defended GITMO Detainees Now In Charge of GITMO Policy comments  (68)  
Newt Demolishes Mainstream Media on Fluke Story comments  (1856)  
Occupy, SEIU and Academics Working Together to Destroy Capitalism comments  (363)  
Cantor: GOP Beginning to 'Coalesce' for Romney comments  (22)  
Obama at AIPAC: Sometimes, I'm Always There for Israel! comments  (669)  
Ron Paul Unimpressed with Limbaugh Apology comments  (305)  
No. 2 House GOP Leader Cantor Endorses Romney comments  (396)  
In Ohio, Santorum's Ahead but 70% Say Romney's the Nominee comments  (404)  
Welcome Back Vlad? Putin Wins Russian Election comments  (50)  
Washington Caucus Wrap Up: Mitt Wins, But How Big? comments  (439)  
Gingrich: Limbaugh Right to Apologize for Remarks comments  (359)  
Super Tuesday ad spending nearly tops $10 million
Washington Caucus Results comments  (2344)  
Washington State Caucus Preview: Up For Grabs? comments  (200)  
Rush: Sorry, Sandra comments  (2344)  
     Nasdaq 2950.48 -25.71 (-0.86%)
     S&P 500 1364.33 -5.30 (-0.39%)
     10Y Yield 1.99 -0.02 (-0.82%)
Obama's Energy Plan: Buy Fuel Efficient Cars comments  (387)  
Georgetown Student: Rush is Right comments  (1876)  
Gingrich, Santorum Battle for Bible Belt Voters comments  (65)  
Iran Trumps Palestinians as Top US-Israel Issue
Romney to Obama, 2009: Embrace the Individual Mandate comments  (359)  
Full Ohio Delegate Slate Out of Reach for Santorum comments  (44)  
Obama Joins in Assailing Limbaugh Slur of Student comments  (1099)  
Don't Believe the Liberal Media comments  (274)  

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