Friday, April 27, 2012


Awful: New Obama Ad Suggests Romney Wouldn't Have Ordered Bin Laden Raid Awful: New Obama Ad Suggests Romney Wouldn't Have Ordered Bin Laden Raid

Donors, Beware: Obama Campaign Posts 'Enemies List'Donors, Beware: Obama Campaign Posts 'Enemies List'

First-Quarter Economic Growth Slower than Expected. Unexpectedly.First-Quarter Economic Growth Slower than Expected. Unexpectedly.


Click here to find out more!


Katie Pavlich Katie Pavlich: ATF Publishes Misleading Trace Data From Mexico ATF is counting stolen guns, guns sold to foreign governments by Federal Firearms Licensees under the approval of the State Department and guns ATF and DOJ purposely sent into Mexico through Operation Fast and Furious as “guns being traced back to the U.S.”
Michelle Malkin Michelle Malkin: "Crucify Them": The Obama Way One of President Obama's radical eco-bureaucrats has apologized for confirming an indelible truth: This White House treats politically incorrect private industries as public enemies who deserve regulatory death sentences.
Brent Bozell Brent Bozell: Glee Celebrates the 'T' It was a very special disco-themed episode of "Glee" on Fox the other night. A new character named Wade from a different high school shared that he was born in the wrong body.
Jonah Goldberg Jonah Goldberg: My Papers? No Thank You With the Supreme Court taking up Arizona's "show me your papers" immigration law, we're once again thrust into a useful debate over the role of the government and the obligations of the citizen -- and non-citizen. Rather than come at it from the usual angle, I thought I'd try something different.
John Ransom John Ransom: Another Excuse from Both Ways Barack Obviously the Commerce Department doesn’t talk to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the government brain trust responsible for the magical- and only mathematical- drop in unemployment over the last several months. And don’t worry: no humans were actually employed in the creation of the declining unemployment report.
Mike Adams Mike Adams: Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town One afternoon I stopped by the bank to make a few deposits. I was in a rush and needed to get in and out as soon as possible. I had places to go and things I had to do.
John Hawkins John Hawkins: Seven Of The Most Disturbing Quotes From Members Of The Obama Administration Birds of a feather flock together and so when we see Barack Obama stacking his cabinet with radicals, it tells us a lot about his mentality. Of course, the fact that his entire term in office has been nothing but a slow motion evisceration of the American dream should tell you a lot about how he thinks, too -- but a little more evidence is always welcome.
David Limbaugh David Limbaugh: Obama Administration's Repeated Abuses Are Extension of Extreme Liberalism Every day, we get a new kick in the gut from the Obama administration. Most recently, Environmental Protection Agency Region 6 Administrator Al Armendariz was caught on video articulating his view of the agency's role in enforcing its regulations.
Mona Charen Mona Charen: Carter Redux? Every new datum on economic stagnation -- such as Thursday's Labor Department announcement that unemployment claims remain at a three-month high -- increases the temptation to compare the 2012 presidential race to 1980's.
Scott Rasmussen Scott Rasmussen: Voters Understand the Immigration Debate; Politicians Don't As the U.S. Supreme Court wrestles with the Obama administration's challenge of Arizona's crackdown on illegal immigration, the overall issue of immigration remains misunderstood by both political parties in Washington.
Ken Blackwell Ken Blackwell: The Secularization of the MLK, Jr. This month at the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast in Washington, the faithful met to worship the Almighty and discuss the latest battles for religious liberty in an increasingly secular culture.
Larry Kudlow Larry Kudlow: Geithner Goes Over the Edge Responding to a Hubbard op-ed in the Wall Street Journal -- which calculated that the president’s spending plans would require an 11 percent tax increase on people earning less than $200,000 a year -- Geithner said, “That’s a completely made-up, remarkably hackish observation for an economist.”
Oliver North Oliver North: Victory Parades GEORGETOWN, S.C. -- Sixty-seven years ago this week, U.S. and Allied forces were racing across Germany and uncovering the deepest horrors of Adolf Hitler's Third Reich. Liberated death camps and extermination centers where millions perished were evidence of a brutal Holocaust perpetrated in the Fuhrer's "Final Solution."
Pat Buchanan Pat Buchanan: Tomorrow's Man -- or Yesterday's Among the GOP victories in 2010, none was sweeter than that of Marco Rubio.
Rachel Alexander Rachel Alexander: With CISPA, Congress Turns Internet Websites Into Police On Thursday, the House of Representatives voted 248-168 to pass CISPA, the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act.
Michael Gerson Michael Gerson: The Conservative Showdown Yields a Winner The last few years have been the most decisive and divisive ideological period since the early 1980s, perhaps since the late 1960s.
Suzanne Fields Suzanne Fields: Obama's Middle East Policy: Too Little, Too Late President Obama waxed eloquent at the Holocaust Museum in Washington this week, speaking of the men and women commemorated there as "a testament to the endurance and the strength of the human spirit."
Reince  Priebus Reince Priebus: Will Obama Apologize to Women for His Failures? Today, President Obama will speak at a Women’s Issues Conference organized by his campaign in Washington, DC. Hopefully he will take the time to apologize to the women in attendance.
Linda Chavez Linda Chavez: Rubio's Lifeline Marco Rubio has thrown the GOP a lifeline; let's see whether his fellow party members are willing to grab it. The freshman U.S. senator from Florida has been a hard-line foe to illegal immigrants, both in his home state and since his election to Congress, but now he is considering drafting a new "DREAM Act," which would offer legal status to illegal immigrants who were brought to the United States as children.
Paul Greenberg Paul Greenberg: Old Man in a Bar, or: A Meditation Against Entropy The old man in a rumpled linen suit at the end of the bar stood out like a weed at a garden show. All around him the young couples and swinging singles, so impressionable and so eager to impress, went on laughing and talking about whatever they laugh and talk about.
Donald Lambro Donald Lambro: Redistributing Tinier Slices of Obama's Economic Pie WASHINGTON - Somewhere between the New Frontier and the Age of Obama, the Democrats turned fiercely anti-capitalism, anti-business, anti-wealth and anti-success.
Daniel J. Mitchell Daniel J. Mitchell: The Selfishness Debate: Ayn Rand vs the Dalai Lama During one of the dinners, we got into a fascinating conversation about the Buddhist concept of altruism (or at least one strain of that tradition) and Ayn Rand’s concept of selfishness, both as general ideas and as they relate to happiness.
Bob Beauprez Bob Beauprez: EPA Energy Policy: "Crucify them" Al Armendariz, the Region VI Administrator for the EPA brags that the agency's "general philosophy" regarding enforcement of energy regulation is to "crucify" and "make examples" of oil and gas companies.
Charles Payne Charles Payne: Farms Too Tough for the Kids The plan to break down the American can-do spirit and replace it with the notion we can only achieve as a collective overseen by the government is focusing more and more on the youth of America.
Diana West Diana West: Army May As Well Put Our Soldiers in Straightjackets To keep former Army 1st Lt. Michael Behenna behind bars until 2024 for the 'unpremeditated murder' of an insurgent during the war in Iraq, U.S. military prosecutors have resorted to strange and disturbing twists of law, logic and morality. They were all on display again this week in Behenna's final plea before the military's highest court of appeals in Washington, D.C. It was enough to make the gold eagle on top of the American flag in the courtroom shake and then hang its head.
Michael Prell Michael Prell: Rejected White House Correspondents' Dinner Jokes Here are some jokes that will not be delivered at the annual liberal love-fest known as the White House Correspondents’ Dinner, being held this Saturday in Washington DC...
Chris Poindexter Chris Poindexter: Gold Recovery Continues I’ve been saying all along that a dip in manufacturing or exports would prompt the Fed to dump more cash into the economy to keep the employment numbers moving in the right direction. The rapid recovery in gold prices would seem to indicate at least a few people agree with that assessment.
Lincoln Brown Lincoln Brown: It’s Not Easy Fueling Green It would appear that be it electric cars or biofuels, this administration is more interested in Cash, Command and Control than it is in providing real energy solutions.
Bill Tatro Bill Tatro: Apple (AAPL) is Different This Time The furor over Apple stock brings to mind two statements that resonate through history in the investor’s graveyard. First, I have to have it! Second, this time it’s different!
Fritz Pfister Fritz Pfister: Are People Really That Stupid? "Summer of Recovery," "headed in the right direction," "worse than we thought," are mere rhetoric while America suffers the worst recovery of any recession since WWII.
Night Watch Night Watch: France Lobbies for Military Action on Syria France today raised the possibility of military action against the Syrian government.
Jeff  Carter Jeff Carter: Entrepreneurs, Engineers, Move to the Midwest To use market parlance, if you “buy” Chicago now, you are buying low.
David Sterman David Sterman: 3 Bargain Stocks that Emerged from the Market's Slump The S&P 500 has fallen at least 1% on four occasions this month alone. It happened only once in March and not even once in February.
Wayne Allyn Root Wayne Allyn Root: Atlas Shrugged: Is American Business Going on Strike? The U.S. economy is crumbling. Businesses are collapsing in record numbers. The real unemployment rate approaches 15% (or higher).
Mike Shedlock Mike Shedlock: Bernanke Calls Krugman "Reckless" Neither Krugman nor Bernanke understands why businesses are not hiring. Neither understands that debt eventually has to be dealt with.
Ann Coulter Ann Coulter: Romney Doing the Job the Republican Establishment Won't Do The actual Republican Establishment –- political consultants, The Wall Street Journal, corporate America, former Bush advisers and television pundits -- are exhorting Mitt Romney to flip-flop on his very non-Establishment position on illegal immigration.

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