Saturday, April 28, 2012


Easy Things You Can Do to Prevent Voter Fraud Easy Things You Can Do to Prevent Voter Fraud

Anti-Bullying Speaker Bashes Christianity, Mocks StudentsAnti-Bullying Speaker Bashes Christianity, Mocks Students

Restoring Integrity in America's Elections: True the Vote Summit 2012Restoring Integrity in America's Elections: True the Vote Summit 2012

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Bill O'Reilly Bill O'Reilly: Rich Guys Mitt Romney says he will not apologize for being a rich guy who lives large and can buy whatever he wants by writing checks from his offshore bank account in the Caymans. The former governor of Massachusetts believes that what he and his father before him accomplished -- that is, raking in the big bucks -- is to be celebrated.
John Ransom John Ransom: Another Excuse from Both Ways Barack Obviously the Commerce Department doesn’t talk to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the government brain trust responsible for the magical- and only mathematical- drop in unemployment over the last several months. And don’t worry: no humans were actually employed in the creation of the declining unemployment report.
Ken Blackwell Ken Blackwell: We Know What Iran's Up To, Says Netanyahu It was just a short clip on CNN. Reporter Erin Burnett recited some statistics that suggest Iran’s oil tankers are all tied up, that the Islamic Republic’s oil revenues have been hard hit.
Larry Kudlow Larry Kudlow: Geithner Goes Over the Edge Responding to a Hubbard op-ed in the Wall Street Journal -- which calculated that the president’s spending plans would require an 11 percent tax increase on people earning less than $200,000 a year -- Geithner said, “That’s a completely made-up, remarkably hackish observation for an economist.”
John C. Goodman John C. Goodman: Is Obama Cooking the Medicare Books? A new Obama administration report claims that health reform (ObamaCare) will save taxpayers $200 billion in the Medicare program through 2016. To what do we owe this good fortune?
Caroline Glick Caroline Glick: Post-Zionism is So 1990s You can learn a lot about a nation's health by watching how it celebrates its national holidays. In Israel's case, compare how we celebrated our 50th Independence Day in 1998 to what celebrations involve today.
Daniel J. Mitchell Daniel J. Mitchell: Switzerland’s “Debt Brake” Is a Role Model for Spending Control and Fiscal Restraint Switzerland is moving in the right direction and the United States is going in the wrong direction. The obvious lesson (to normal people) is that America should copy the Swiss.
Michael F. Cannon Michael F. Cannon: Sometimes, Governments Lie (6th Anniversary Ed.) If the government knows that there are no assets in the Social Security and Medicare “trust funds,” and yet projects the interest earned on those non-assets and the date on which those non-assets will be exhausted, then the government is lying.
Ed Feulner Ed Feulner: The ABM Treaty: A Decade Later “Unnecessary, unwarranted and unwise.” That’s how Daryl G. Kimball, executive director of the Arms Control Association, described it when President Bush announced that the United States would withdraw from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty.
Jerry Bowyer Jerry Bowyer: Glenn Beck, National Decline And The Story Of The Roman Empire Great nations do not suddenly lose reserve currency status or hyperinflate or collapse economically—not unless they lose a war or are destroyed by natural disasters. The archetypal decline and fall story is that of Rome.
Charles Payne Charles Payne: Greatest Stealth Rally in History This market rally has been stealthy from the very beginning and continues to be the least talked about rally in my professional career.
Stewart Scott Stewart Scott: Al Shabaab's Threat to Kenya It has been almost two years since we last examined al Shabaab's interest in conducting and ability to carry out transnational terrorist operations. The current warning in Nairobi provides a convenient opportunity to do so once again.
Jeff  Carter Jeff Carter: Will Second Tier Cities Benefit From Virtual? Newer technology allows companies to actually accomplish things virtually that they couldn’t have done five or ten years ago.
Doug French Doug French: The NFL Draft and the Division of Labor The draft has come a long way since beginning in 1936, when teams selected players based on rumors and gut feelings. Now the business of drafting is big business, and the business of scouting and projecting what teams will pick which players is equally big.
Steve Deace Steve Deace: Mitt-Stake There is raging debate within American Christendom about what to do with Mitt Romney. Three schools of thought have emerged.
Mike Shedlock Mike Shedlock: GDP Miss Far Bigger Than Announced; Real GDP is 0% Using More Reasonable Deflator Take a good look at the last decade. The US only managed 1.7% growth in the biggest housing boom in history followed by the biggest multi-trillion dollar global stimulus effort in world history.
Chris Poindexter Chris Poindexter: A Good Week For Gold Reuters thought they were being cute sending a correspondent out in the field with a gram of gold to see if he could actually buy anything with it, then act suprised when none of the retail stores would accept it.
Tad DeHaven Tad DeHaven: Detroit Doesn’t Need More Federal Money As I clicked through the search pages a pattern emerged: most of the articles are either about Detroit receiving federal funds or Detroit mismanaging federal funds. And Mayor Bing and Rep. Clarke think the rest of the country should give Detroit more money?
Michelle Malkin Michelle Malkin: "Crucify Them": The Obama Way One of President Obama's radical eco-bureaucrats has apologized for confirming an indelible truth: This White House treats politically incorrect private industries as public enemies who deserve regulatory death sentences.
Mike Adams Mike Adams: Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town One afternoon I stopped by the bank to make a few deposits. I was in a rush and needed to get in and out as soon as possible. I had places to go and things I had to do.

Joe Scarborough: Marco Rubio “Is Not Ready to be President”   (171)  
Video: Rubio, McDonnell Audition for VP   (45)  
Tenured New Jersey Union Teacher to 10-Year-Old Autistic Child: Shut Up, Bastard   (330)  
Issa Honors Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry on House Floor   (69)  
Hmm: Planned Parenthood Slashed Lobbying Spending Last Quarter?
Secret Service Tightens Conduct Rules Post-Scandal
Obama Ad: Would Mitt Romney Have Ordered the OBL Raid?   (1719)  
Excellent: GOP Wants EPA Official to Testify before Congress over "Crucify" Comments   (78)  
[VIDEO] WH Press Secretary Carney: "I Never Lie"   (71)  
House Passes Student Loan Bill, Despite White House's Veto Threat
Donors, Beware: Obama Campaign Posts 'Enemies List'   (419)  
First-Quarter Economic Growth Slower than Expected. Unexpectedly.   (84)  
Contempt of Congress Charges Drafted for Eric Holder   (460)  
EXCLUSIVE: Chris Christie to Headline CPAC Chicago in June   (64)  
Apathy: Despite Obama's Best Efforts, Youth Unlikely to Bother Voting   (291)  
Nanny State: Government Backs off New Limits on Child Labor on Farms   (115)  
Pakistan Deports bin Laden Family to Saudi Arabia
AFP Ad: Billions of Dollars Spent on “Green Energy” Went to Jobs in Foreign Countries   (89)  
House OKs Cybersecurity Bill Despite Veto Threat   (23)  
Hispanics Back Obama over Romney on Policy, Many Undecided   (53)  
New Ad Ridicules "Celebrity" President, Targets Young Voters   (509)  
Biden Speaks: Hits Romney on Foreign Policy, Reminds Us Bin Laden is Still Dead   (77)  
Good News: Obama Expands Deadly Drone Strikes in Yemen   (229)  
Aww: Obama Frustrated Americans Don't Appreciate His Awesomeness More   (791)  
Shocker: Perry Endorses Romney   (42)  
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     Nasdaq 3069.20 +18.59 (+0.61%)
     S&P 500 1403.36 +3.38 (+0.24%)
     NYSE 8151.91 +28.84 (+0.36%)
     10Y Yield 1.95 +0.01 (+0.39%)
Did He Link Obama Too? Biden Links Romney Foreign Policy to Bush's Views   (47)  
Gingrich to End Presidential Campaign Next Week
Romney Spent $18.50 Per Vote For the GOP Nomination   (227)  
Senate Passes Postal Reform Bill Despite Democrats' Crazy Objections   (85)  
VIDEO: Obama is Desperate for the Youth Vote
More DWS: Americans Really Don't Care About the Budget "Process"

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