Friday, April 6, 2012

Conservative Views and Politics

Good News, Ugly News in March Jobs Numbers Good News, Ugly News in March Jobs Numbers


Keep Working America, Disrespectful Government is Depending on YouKeep Working America, Disrespectful Government is Depending on You

Jay Carney: Obama Not Understood Because He's a Law ProfessorJay Carney: Obama Not Understood Because He's a Law Professor

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Michelle Malkin Michelle Malkin: Marion Barry and the Left's Hatred of Asian Entrepreneurs Marion Barry's mouth set him up. The disgraced former mayor of Washington, D.C., who was caught on tape in a 1987 crack cocaine sting, made an even bigger disgrace of himself and his city on Tuesday. Celebrating a Democratic primary victory, the city councilman attacked small businesses owned by "Asians" in his district. Then the race-baiting clown doubled down.
Brent Bozell Brent Bozell: MTV's 'Savage' Schoolyard MTV is now trying to lure young viewers with a saucy sex show in the "advice" category. They didn't reach for Dr. Drew or God forbid Dr. Ruth or an actual doctor of anything. They turned to filthy sex columnist and gay activist Dan Savage.
John Ransom John Ransom: Court Tells Obama: Eat Your Own Darn Peas Obama's personally taken out the world’s largest student loan to cover the four year period of his instruction. The $5 trillion in student loan debt disguised as the federal deficit may not seem economical, but when were student loans ever supposed to have anything to do with economics? They are just resources meant to hasten- and finance- the personal journey.
Jonah Goldberg Jonah Goldberg: Obama Energy Policy: Very Few of the Above In his speech before the Newspapers Association of America/American Society of News Editors Wednesday, likely GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney accused the president of changing positions to get re-elected.
David Limbaugh David Limbaugh: Obama Has It Backward; Striking Down Obamacare Would Protect Our Republic Is President Obama such a die-hard leftist ideologue that he can't get it right on judicial review, despite having time to reflect and regroup after his impertinent comments designed to intimidate the court?
John Hawkins John Hawkins: Five Ways that Barack Obama has Decimated the American Economy If America's economy were a minority, Barack Obama would be guilty of a hate crime for the things he's done to it. If the economy were a kidnap victim, Barack Obama would be telling it to "put the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again."
Mona Charen Mona Charen: Why Not Junk the Nobel Peace Prizes? When the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Barack Obama, many, myself included, felt that the Norwegian committee had so embarrassed itself as to devalue the prize permanently. A Dallas service station sign, at the time, captured the sentiment precisely: "Free Nobel Peace Prize with Oil Change."
Scott Rasmussen Scott Rasmussen: And They Wonder Why Voters Are Angry As Mitt Romney assumes the role of presumptive Republican nominee, polls suggest a competitive general election matchup between the former Massachusetts governor and President Obama. Typically, both candidates poll in the mid-40s, while 10 to 12 percent remain uncommitted to either side.
Salena Zito Salena Zito: Romney Confident He'll Win Pennsylvania in Fall Election Republican front-runner Mitt Romney considers Pennsylvania a key swing state for the fall presidential election and is certain he will win here, he told the Tribune-Review in an exclusive interview today.
Ken Blackwell Ken Blackwell: Mr. President: 'Take Care!' President Obama took the oath of office on Tuesday, January 20, 2009. In that Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial year, Mr. Obama sought to stress his admiration for the only other president from Illinois.
Oliver North Oliver North: The Passover-Easter Sellout Passover and Easter -- intrinsically linked in the Jewish and Christian traditions -- are being celebrated this weekend. For observant Jews, Passover commemorates the Hebrews' liberation from slavery under Egypt's Pharaoh.
Pat Buchanan Pat Buchanan: The Socialist and The Social Darwinist The night of his victories in Maryland, Wisconsin and the District of Columbia, Mitt Romney laid out the ground upon which he will stand to fight his fall battle with Barack Obama. Obama, said Mitt, seeks "a government-centered society." But Mitt would restore an "opportunity society" built on the foundations of freedom and private enterprise.
Michael Gerson Michael Gerson: The Killing Fields of Childhood
Suzanne Fields Suzanne Fields: Mitt Romney's Rocking Advocate No one ever would call Mitt Romney a rock star, even onstage with a Gibson SG Standard finished in vintage sunburst with a mahogany body, baked maple fingerboard and two humbucking pickups. Even on a roll, Mitt doesn't rock. But his wife, Ann, does. Suddenly, she's hot.
Linda Chavez Linda Chavez: Americans by Any Name A new report from the Pew Hispanic Center says a lot about the assimilation of the nation's largest minority group -- both good and bad. Hispanics -- those 50 million people who trace their ancestry to a Spanish-speaking country -- have become both more numerous and more diverse in the past 40 years.
Rich Galen Rich Galen: Keeping Score On Wednesday I was invited by the former national political reporter for the Philadelphia Inquirer, Dick Polman, who is now the "Writer-in-Residence" at the University of Pennsylvania which is the best title in the history of titles.
Donald Lambro Donald Lambro: Obama's Attack on Republicans Was Unmitigated Gall President Obama's all out class warfare attack against Republicans Tuesday was a shameful litany of excuses that included blaming all of his fiscal failures on George W. Bush.
Daniel J. Mitchell Daniel J. Mitchell: Barbara Boxer Looks to Restrict Travel from US Over Taxes The good news, at least relatively speaking, is that Boxer is only motivated by greed and statism. But the end result is still a reprehensible restriction on the liberty of people disfavored by the ruling elite.
Nathan Slaughter Nathan Slaughter: A Shortage of this Commodity is Another Reason you MUST Invest in Scarcity Global stockpiles of this crop are projected to fall by as much as 20% later this season from the same point in 2010 -- the steepest decline in 16 years.
Michael F. Cannon Michael F. Cannon: That’s Not a Limiting Principle, Noah Feldman Edition Feldman’s limiting principle would even allow Congress to force Americans to purchase types of insurance that currently don’t exist.
Michael Brown Michael Brown: Can a Muslim Lead the Christian Campus Club? If we follow the logic of the Supreme Court, a Muslim could lead the Intervarsity Christian Fellowship club on your local campus. As absurd as this sounds, it is the very real, potential outcome of some recent Court rulings, and it is in keeping with the decisions made independently by a number of colleges and universities.
Ed Feulner Ed Feulner: A Whispering Campaign We’ve come a long way from President Theodore Roosevelt’s famous saying “Speak softly and carry a big stick.” President Barack Obama’s policy apparently is to whisper slyly and compromise our security.
Bob Beauprez Bob Beauprez: Inspector General Says Solyndra "Rushed" New information about the approval process for the $535 million Department of Energy loan to the failed California solar energy company Solyndra contrasts sharply with the sworn testimony of Energy Secretary Stephen Chu last November to Congress.
Peter Schiff Peter Schiff: Don't Catch Recovery Fever It's becoming very easy for a skeptical observer to poke through the veil of recovery. Unfortunately, most market participants still seem to hang on Uncle Sam's every word. This is a great danger for our economy and a great opportunity for the wise investor.
George Jarkesy George Jarkesy: Obama May Dismiss Coal, But Here's How You Profit from It While the administration may be hostile to coal, there's one company that's poised to profit from a world-wide boom in coal.
Fritz Pfister Fritz Pfister: New, Old and Social Media and the Housing Market Scouring trusted sources for the truth to make sense out of current events to plan my day, and business. That’s followed by posting to and reading posts on Facebook.
Casey Mattox Casey Mattox: The Culture of Death Makes Life Meaningless Planned Parenthood’s denials to the contrary, many women suffer extreme guilt and mental anguish as a result of having an abortion. Killing one’s child is simply not as easy the abortionists would have you believe.
Michael Whatley Michael Whatley: Are We Really Helpless When it Comes to Gas Prices? With gas prices at record highs for this time of the year, it’s no wonder there’s been rhetoric from politicians on both sides of the aisle on how to reduce fuel prices. It seems the right and the left have been scrambling to find a silver bullet solution, simultaneously pointing fingers and deflecting blame.
Chris Poindexter Chris Poindexter: Gold Finds Footing During times of volatility try to remember that the big price swings are induced by sales of futures contracts and exchange traded instruments loosely based on bullion and not physical sales.
Stewart Scott Stewart Scott: Inside the Toulouse Shootings When the Merah case is reviewed in hindsight and in isolation it will become obvious that there were clues -- pieces of a puzzle -- that could have been fitted together to indicate Merah posed a threat and warranted focused intelligence and investigative efforts.
Mike Shedlock Mike Shedlock: Massachusetts Health Care System: A Model for Failure One thing for sure is our current system does not work, Obamacare does not work, and Romneycare does not work. Of course Obamacare and Romenycare are the same thing.
Jeff  Carter Jeff Carter: The Stimulus and Fear Yesterday, the hopes and dreams of the QE players started to seep out of the market. From current polls, it looks like the Republicans will control the House and Senate and the Presidential race is going to be very close.
Leah Barkoukis Leah Barkoukis: A Lesson Every Child Should Learn The recently published Patriot and Friends: Fair and Square by Michelle A. Peacock delivers a bold conservative message in a book for little patriots.
Tad DeHaven Tad DeHaven: Postal Problems: the Role of Government Micromanagement Not surprisingly, the USPS has fared relatively poorly in comparison to its foreign counterparts.
Ann Coulter Ann Coulter: Verilli Not Administration's Worst Lawyer After All Former law professor Barack Obama is alleging that a "good example" of judicial activism would be the Supreme Court (in his words, "a group of people") overturning "a duly constituted and passed law."
Cliff May Cliff May: The Messages of Toulouse To those who proclaim themselves jihadis, Mohamed Merah is a hero and a martyr.
Paul  Kengor Paul Kengor: Yes, Congresswoman Pelosi, We're Serious: On the Constitutionality of Obamacare America anxiously awaits the Supreme Court’s decision on Obamacare. At the core of the decision is a simple question: Is the “individual mandate” in Obamacare constitutional? And thus, is Obamacare constitutional?
Marybeth Hicks Marybeth Hicks: Trayvon Martin Case Shows 'Racist' Epithet Persists If there’s one way to determine whether an event has devolved into a circus maximus, surely it must be the entry into the public debate by Roseanne Barr.
Howard Dean Goes on a Rant: Republicans Hate Everyone!   (70)  
Lock and Load: Gun Sales Way Up, Business Booming   (218)  
[Watch] O'Reilly Previews 'Dirty' Media Tactics To Come
Obama Says 2012 Will be a 'Fun Debate'   (52)  
"Outraged" Liberals: Why, These Misogynistic Republicans Are Comparing Women to Insects, Or Something!   (1041)  
Obama setting up Supreme Court as a Campaign Issue   (41)  
Rubio to Santorum, Gingrich, Paul: 'It's Time Now to Concede'   (385)  
Obama Holds High-End Fundraisers at DC Hotels   (52)  
Obama Signs Small Business Legislation
Psst: Do-Nothing "Republican" Congress Strikes Again   (63)  
Pennsylvania Poll: Santorum 37, Romney...42   (257)  
DOJ Defends Obama on Supreme Court Slam   (105)  
DOE Strangely Less Eager to Distribute Loans After Solyndra Fallout
WH: On Second Thought, ObamaCare Not Passed with Strong Majority   (104)  
New Report: 48% of People Know Someone Looking for Work
[VIDEO] Smart Girl Politics: The 'War on Women'-Mongers Don't Speak for Us   (69)  
Rasmussen: 60% of Americans Aren't Too Keen on Al Sharpton   (98)  
Incredible Video: Obama's Recycled Demagoguery   (223)  
Muslim Brotherhood Meets in the White House   (357)  
School Tries to Change "God Bless the USA" to "We Love the USA"   (140)  
Fast and Furious: Ongoing DOJ Internal Investigation Not Really Ongoing   (51)  
6 Awesome Things You Probably Didn't Know About Ronald Reagan   (144)  
Republicans Hesitant on VP Speculation   (191)  



GOP Sen: Obama Might Attack Romney on Mormonism   (132)  
Outstanding: Romney Responds to Obama's 'Worst Speech Yet'   (630)  
Great: US Will Pay More for Canadian Oil Due To Keystone Decision   (215)  
NBC: Er, Sorry for Making George Zimmerman Look Like a Racist   (275)  
Carney: 'The Senate Hasn't Passed a Budget Because, uh, Republicans!'   (244)  
Awesome: Harry Reid's Hand-Picked Senate 'Referee' Rules Against Democrats on Budget Flap   (57)  
Biden: Our Energy Policy Is the Best It's Ever Been   (46)  
Sarah Palin's Pick for VP: Allen West   (431)  
Mitt's Hat Trick: Romney Wins DC, Maryland and Wisconsin

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