Friday, April 5, 2013


Hannity's Headlines

Friday, April 5th

The Pathetic Jobs Report
There is no other way to describe the latest jobs report other than abysmal. Any attempt to spin it is dishonest and pathetic. The American people know what is really going on, because they are living it. Positive spin from the White House or Democrats will only look bad for them, as they will seem out of touch. This is not, I repeat, not because of the sequester. For those government workers who will unfortunately receive furlough notices, those just started going out. They don't have any impact on last months' jobs report. Not to mention the fact that we are only talking about a $42 billion cut in spending. Hardly a dent in what our government spends every year. Analysts say that this report has more to do with the tax increases that went into effect earlier in the year. Imagine that - Tax increases have a negative effect on job creation! In fact, I can sum up Obamanomics with two charts.

Obama's Budget Blueprint Revealed
Barack Obama is expected to release his budget proposal next week. I guess all of the vacations, concerts and parties are to blame for his budget being two months late. But we are finally going to get it, and the details that have been released thus far are disappointing, though not shocking. Barack Obama's budget will offer modest changes to Social Security. Essentially, the changes to Social Security would be slowing the cost-of-living adjustments, using a different version of the consumer-price index to calculate the growth of benefits. This idea alone already has some Democrats upset. Overall, his proposed changes to Social Security would reduce spending by $130 billion over 10 years. But as expected, Obama's budget calls for more tax increases. He wants to place limits on the amount of money rich people can place in IRAs. He wants to limit deductions for rich Americans, which is what liberals call "closing loopholes." Overall, his proposal is said to reduce the deficit by $1.8 trillion over 10 years, with $1 trillion coming from tax increases. Oh and his budget never balances. Ever. Even with his precious tax increases. While I commend the President for at least starting the conversation about entitlement reform, we have a long, long way to go, and tying entitlement reform to tax increases is simply a mistake.
Inside DC's Spending Wasteland
For weeks Sean has exposed countless examples about how the Obama administration blatantly wastes your hard earned tax dollars. Lavish White House parties and numerous luxury vacations that the first family and the Bidens have been going on since the beginning of the year. The list goes on and on. Just yesterday President Obama jetted all the way across the country on Air Force One on the tax payer's dime in an effort to raise money at fundraisers. Why? To help push through his radical agenda and, of course, to get Nancy Pelosi elected speaker in 2014. On 'Hannity', Sean dug deeper and exposed how all of that money can be considered chump change when it comes to how much of your cash is really being wasted in Washington, D.C. For example, did you know that your paycheck was hit in order to fund a study on how to use condoms correctly? We're not making this up. Indiana university they received that money as part of a stimulus grant and it cost tax payers over $42 3,000. Oh, and surprisingly, it created zero jobs. For more examples of out of control spending in DC, please click here.

>> TV Tonight (Hannity FoxNews at 9pm ET):
Boomtown Part 2: The Business of Food Stamps. Sean exposes shocking reports of corruption and fraud eating away at billions of dollars!

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