Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Federation for American Immigration Reform
Make Your Voice Heard on April 10. Call Congress Tomorrow!
Pro-Amnesty Supporters to Rally in DC
Dear FAIR supporters,
Do you have plans for lunch tomorrow, Wednesday, April 10? 
We know that pro-amnesty groups are converging on Capitol Hill for a rally and meeting with Members of Congress. In fact, the pro-amnesty lobby intends to bring "tens of thousands" of protesters to Washington, DC.
Help FAIR remind Congress why amnesty was rejected in 2007. Make plans to call your Members of Congress during lunch on Wednesday, April 10! 
Click here to find your Members of Congress and encourage all of your friends to call. 
While the pro-amnesty lobbyists try to meet with our elected officials, make their phones ring off the hook! Nearly three decades after the failed 1986 legislation granted amnesty to roughly 3 million illegal aliens, the same groups are back and are telling Congress to grant amnesty to another 11-12 million illegal aliens! 
The American people must tell Congress that despite new marketing and talking points, another amnesty won't work in 2013—especially with 22 million Americans unemployed and underemployed.
We also need your help in letting new Members of Congress know that Americans oppose amnesty just as much now as they did when we stopped amnesty legislation in 2007. In fact, more than 40 new Senators have taken office since the last time Congress took up comprehensive immigration reform.
FAIR has all the information you need to take action during lunch tomorrow.
Click here to find the phone numbers for your Members of Congress and helpful talking points to guide your call.
Invite all of your friends and make plans now to call your U.S. Senators and Representative on Wednesday during your lunch hour!  

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