Tuesday, April 9, 2013


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Photo credit: John W. Pope Civitas Institute
Hi everyone! Here's the MichelleMalkin.com newsletter for April 9th. Enjoy!

From the Blog

Trial for Bin Laden son-in-law may be delayed due to… sequester

“Make the pain of the cuts noticable” was the original marching order, and they sure are trying to run with it...

More celebrities SWAT-ted; meanwhile, anti-Brett Kimberlin bloggers still under fire

The troubling trend of celebrity “SWATting” incidents has not abated...

Man who escaped Castro’s Cuba speaks at Oregon gun control hearing: ‘You people don’t know what freedom is because you never lost it’

Forty years ago, Manuel Martinez escaped communist Cuba and became an American citizen...

More From the Right Side of the Web

Check This Out!

What does it mean to be a young conservative in America? Be sure to check out Young, Conservative, and Why It's Smart to be Like Us, a new e-book!

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