Bill O'Reilly:
Are You an Extremist?
After Rep. Paul Ryan was announced as Mitt Romney's
running mate, it took less than 24 hours for The New York Times to
define Ryan as an "extremist." In a lead editorial, the paper bannered
this sub-headline: "With no plan of his own, Mr. Romney can't distance
himself from Mr. Ryan's extremist vision."
John Ransom:
Washington and Wall Street are Broken; Here's Proof
There’s no lack of money in the world. It’s just not
flowing to U.S. businesses that need it. That's why jobs are being
created at such a sluggish pace.
Ken Blackwell:
Joe Biden Shakes Those Chains
We thought Joe Biden couldn't top--or bottom--the
appalling gaffe of calling a 2010 White House bill signing ceremony "a
big f___ing deal." But he just did it. In Danville, Virginia this week,
Biden told a largely black audience the Republicans were going to "put
y'all in chains." Now, of course, his staff is backpedaling furiously.
He meant the banks. He was talking about banking de-regulation, they
bleat frantically. Sure he was.
John C. Goodman:
The Ryan Budget
President Obama has long favored reducing the
payments to these plans and significant cuts are part of the Affordable
Care Act (ObamaCare). However, neither the president nor any other
prominent Democrat is calling for the abolition of these very popular
Linda Chavez:
A Moral Question for the GOP
Many conservatives reject President Obama's recent
policy to defer action against illegal immigrants who came to the United
States as children. But as a conservative who supports the president's
decision, I think it's important to seriously engage the arguments both
for and against the policy.
Humberto Fontova:
This Week’s Birthday Boy—“Cuba’s Elvis!” Fidel Castro
“Fidel Castro could have been Cuba’s Elvis!” (Dan
“Fidel Castro is one hell of a guy! “You people would like him!” (Ted
Turner to a capacity crowd at Harvard Law School during a speech in
“Fidel Castro is old-fashioned, courtly—even paternal, a thoroughly
fascinating figure!” (Andrea Mitchell.)
Harry R. Jackson, Jr.:
Same-Sex Marriage Thought Police?
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT)
Activists would have us believe that the issue of marriage is about the
“rights” and “equality” of homosexuals. But in reality, the push to
redefine marriage is about demanding public approval and celebration of
homosexuality. There is a difference. Slot machines are legal in some
areas, but if the COO of Chick-fil-a had expressed a personal
disapproval of gambling, would slot-machine supporters have demanded a
boycott of his restaurants? What about smokers? Would they have
lambasted Dan Cathy for expressing that he personally does not approve
of smoking?
Kathryn Lopez:
The Revolution Should Not be Cosmogenized
The Cosmo church is one that was always a bit too
satisfy-your-man for feminists, and yet the spirit of faux empowerment
has been at the core of the sexual bible.
Daniel J. Mitchell:
The Left's Get-Rich-Quick Scheme: Tax the Middle Class
Every so often, you read something so ridiculously
stupid and absurd that you assume that you’re being pranked. Then you
discover "Oh, it's the New York Times."
Paul Driessen:
Real energy for a new American renaissance
America needs more economic growth, domestic manufacturing, jobs – and secure, affordable energy to make those things happen.
Paul Tracy:
The 6 Most Popular Stocks Owned By Congress
I don't know which is worse: the fact that insider
trading was legal for some of our nation's wealthiest politicians... or
that Congress refused to do anything about it for decades.
Jeff Carter:
Mistaken Transparency
We know that the far left wing of the Democratic
party would like nothing better than to mimic what they did in Argentina
and seize retirement assets to pay for bigger government. Heck, at the
end of the Bush administration, there was even a sub committee hearing
where lefties proposed that idea.
Bill Tatro:
Simple Math
What most of my colleagues are missing regarding this
complicated and convoluted campaign is that the end result will boil
down to simple mathematics.
Chris Poindexter:
Gold Flat On Light Volume
Now we’re stuck at a clumsy price point that’s high
enough to encourage retail investors to hold off on their small, regular
buy for a few days but well below any level to recommend selling.
Hal Scherz:
Obama Says: Doctor, You Did Not Graduate From Medical School
You did not graduate from medical school, putting in
thousands more hours of studying and hard work. The government
subsidized part of the school; your degree belongs to us all.
Night Watch:
No Nukes in Danger in Pakistan Terror Attack
Multiple western media outlets described this
ill-conceived and poorly executed militant attack as "storming." Who
writes and approves such nonsense? Comments about the presence of
nuclear weapons at Minhas Air Base exposes the ignorance of western
Steve Deace:
How to Win a Presidential Election
The mainstream media claims independents, the great
unwashed in the middle, decide presidential elections. Conservative
orthodoxy claims otherwise. Who is correct?
Mike Shedlock:
Unemployment Up in 44 States; Down in DC
Note that three years into an alleged recovery, the unemployment is still higher than the peaks in 8 of the last 10 recessions.
Casey Mattox:
An Open Letter to President Obama
That is the breadth and scope of the religious
liberty you believe ought to be respected? Do you believe religious
liberty stops where Planned Parenthood’s financial needs begin? Should
Americans be forced to pay for that which violates their conscience and
the tenets of their faith?
Lincoln Brown:
GOP Provides Cover for Obama Giveaway
I’m certain that the Republicans’ hearts were in the
right place when they passed the bill in the House. It’s just their
heads were where their backside ought to be.
David Malcolm:
Romney 2.0: The Paul Ryan Effect
Mitt Romney’s choice of Republican Congressman and
budget guru Paul Ryan as his running mate has profoundly altered the
presidential race. In selecting the wonkish, articulate Ryan, Mitt
Romney has enhanced his campaign, and thereby his chances of winning the
presidency, by arming the GOP ticket with an eloquent mouthpiece whose
bold policy prescriptions strengthen Romney’s campaign with a
reform-minded seriousness the Obama-Biden ticket simply cannot match.
John Browne:
Disconnected Markets Confound Investors
Unpredictable markets now appear to take no cue
whatsoever from underlying economic data, and maxims long cherished by
traditional money managers are being abandoned in favor of seemingly
illogical choices.
Stephen DeMaura:
Leveling the certification playing field protects American jobs
Green energy has become a focal point of President
Obama’s jobs agenda. Through generous taxpayer-funded loans and federal
regulations, the administration has promised to prop up clean energy
initiatives in order to grow the economy and protect the environment.
Unfortunately, it is Obama’s allies that have received the boost, as
opposed to the American workers.
Michelle Malkin:
The Liberal Sisterhood of the Plundering Hacks
Hey, remember when Nancy Pelosi and a gaggle of
Democratic women vowed to eradicate Washington's culture of corruption?
Tee-hee. Instead of breaking up the Good Ol' Boys Club, Capitol Hill's
leading liberal ladies have established their very own taxpayer-funded
Sisterhood of the Plundering Hacks.
Mike Adams:
Ethnocentric Studies
Ethnocentrism is under-rated. Most college students
are exposed to the concept only if they take a course in Introductory
Sociology or if they should chose to major in sociology. Even then, the
concept of ethnocentrism is presented as an evil to be extinguished by
fostering the value of anti-ethnocentrism.