Friday, November 16, 2012


Five Dangerous Toxins
Invading Your Brain

What You Must Do NOW to Limit Your Exposure —
and Reverse Your Current Level of Damage

Exclusive Mind Health Update
By Travis Davis
Newsmax Health Publisher

Warning: Doctor reveals 12 common fruits and vegetables with the highest level of pesticidesDear Newsmax Friend,
Pests . . .
I don't like 'em and I'm sure you don't either.
You don't want to sink your teeth into a juicy apple or an ear of corn — and find yourself biting into an unsavory worm.
You don't want to take a sunset stroll around your neighborhood just to find yourself mercilessly attacked by hungry, disease-causing mosquitoes.
And I'm sure you don't want to live in a home overrun by ants, termites, or even microscopic germs.
That's why our human ingenuity led us to develop pesticides.
Surprisingly, these pest-mitigating chemicals aren't modern. In fact, the ancient Mesopotamians used sulfur to dust their crops for protection against pests 4,500 years ago.
And we've developed a lot of specialized pesticides since then.
These days, almost 1 billion pounds of pesticides are used just on fields and orchards in the United States — each year. These chemicals not only coat edible products, but also drift into nearby communities.
Crop dusters and other pest control machines spray a variety of chemical products onto what we are destined to put in our mouth.
And these pesticides are not limited to spraying the food we eat.
Many communities use insecticides dispersed by truck-mounted fogging units to control the mosquito population.
We use insecticides to fight bugs in the home. Poisons to combat weeds in our yard. Even disinfectants to combat bacteria in our kitchen and bathroom.
Pesticides are here to stay.
Yet for all the good they do, there is an obvious downside to their use.
Research indicates that pesticides can increase your risk for Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia by about 40%.
Plus, pesticides increase your risk for developing:
  • Attention-deficit and hyperactivity disorders
  • Parkinson's disease
  • Even suicidal thoughts and other mental and neurological disorders

Since pesticides incapacitate the nervous system of the bugs they are designed to kill, it's not surprising that they also affect our human brain and nervous system.
And Pesticides Are Only Part of the Problem
In addition to pesticides, these four metals are chief sources of brain-damaging toxic exposure:
  1. Mercury
  2. Lead
  3. Aluminum
  4. Cadmium

These four "danger" metals are commonly found in polluted air, tap water, cigarette smoke, and cosmetics.
Additionally, cadmium or lead may leach from pipes or paint. Mercury is found in fish, dental fillings, even vaccines. Aluminum leaches from cookware, antacids, and antiperspirants.
And this is only the tip of the iceberg.
We're exposed daily to these noxious metals and chemical compounds from a wide variety of sources.
Toxicity from these metals can lead to:
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Memory problems
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Nervousness and irritability
  • Tremors or numbness
  • Aggression
  • Insomnia
  • Lack of coordination
  • Dizziness and confusion
  • Lowered intelligence

Since these symptoms could be related to many causes, it's hard to know what could be the effect of chronic brain toxins.
Fortunately, you have the ability to minimize the effects of these hazardous — even potentially lethal — chemical substances.
Don't Be a Sitting Duck for Brain Toxins
Don't worry — we have you covered here at Newsmax.
We've set aside a special FREE SPECIAL ISSUE of The Mind Health Report for you.
In this report, Are You Exposed? Five Everyday Toxins Invading Your Brain, you'll discover how to reduce and even reverse damage from these dangerous substances.
Claim Your Free ReportAlthough you can't completely avoid these dangerous toxins, you'll see how to reduce your exposure and use "antidotes" — specific nutrients and foods that protect your body and reverse harmful effects.
Here are just a few of the helpful tips, tricks, and action strategies you'll discover in your FREE REPORT:
  • WARNING: Beware the "dirty dozen" — see the list of common fruits and vegetables with the highest level of pesticides . . .
  • Yogurt lover? Find out what your brand's label must say to help you with metal detoxification as well as healthy digestion . . .
  • Why multivitamins may not offer you the best chance to fight toxic damage . . .
  • This mineral not only reduces the toxic effects of mercury, lead, and
    aluminum, but also helps you fight stress and sleep more soundly . . .
  • What to do if you suspect your health may be suffering from chronic exposure to toxins (plus, how to find a qualified doctor in your area to help you) . . .
  • Revealed: Top antioxidants to help you eliminate brain toxins . . .
  • Why flamingos are pink (and what this has to do with reducing
    mercury damage to your kidneys) . . .
  • Three antidote formulas you can pick up today at your local health food store
    or natural supermarket . . .
  • Plus much, much more . . .

And that's not all. In your special FREE issue, you'll also find:
  • A simple nutrient to boost your memory (plus, it's available
    at drugstores nationwide) . . .
  • Latest research on the surprising upside to caffeine (great news for coffee drinkers) . . .
  • An amazing natural therapy that helps you re-train your brain
    to function at its peak . . .
  • How tai chi can help you reduce stress and anxiety — even boost self-esteem at any age . . .
  • Easy-to-use tips for migraine relief and prevention . . .
  • How to find a specialized physical therapist who can help you recover from brain problems . . .
  • And much more . . .

Your FREE REPORT covers a lot of ground when it comes to fighting back against brain toxins.
Plus, to help keep your brain and mind sharp as a tack, we'll also throw in
A FREE Three-Month Subscription to
The Mind Health Report
The Mind Health Report is just like having renowned doctors and scientists briefing you personally (and in plain English) about what's happening in brain science today. And most importantly, what this means — in practical terms — to you and your health.
The Mind Health Report Each and every issue brims over with the latest advancements in mind and brain research from the far-reaching frontiers of science and medicine.
You'll not only read about breakthrough techniques for boosting your brain health, you'll also get straight answers to everyday questions from some of the nation's leading health experts.
You'll find all this, and more than I can ever include here, delivered monthly right to your e-mail — or your mailbox.
You'll find each issue of The Mind Health Report absolutely jammed full of brain-enhancing information and strategies to help you enjoy the happy, healthy, and contented life you deserve, no matter your age.
And you get three months' worth of FREE issues, no strings attached . . .
We simply want to introduce you to this stellar new Newsmax newsletter. We know you'll find it useful, possibly even lifesaving.
Every Issue Puts Your Mind at Ease
Let's face it . . . without a fully functioning brain, you have no quality of life.
But with critical information regarding every aspect of brain health right at your fingertips — well, just imagine the life you can create for the rest of your days.
And with The Mind Health Report, you'll have access to the most up-to-date and crucial health information — 100% focused on keeping your mind healthy and functioning at its greatest capacity.
Each month, you'll find:

Feature Articles. This is where top experts will take you by the hand — and gives you practical techniques to help you improve and expand your brain function.
You'll enjoy topics such as:

  • Simple and fun brain exercises
  • Diet advice for a happy brain
  • Lifestyle tips to keep your mind alert
  • Memory disorders and how to reverse them
  • Natural supplements that aid mental functioning
  • Physical exercises that don't wear you out
  • How to deal with stress and insomnia
  • Mind-related disorders such as depression, dementia, and others
  • And much, much more

Questions and Answers. Because this newsletter is for you, leading physicians will answer questions you have about your own brain health, what you've read about in the news relating to current mind health topics, or other medical issues you find helpful.

Mind Health Insights. Here, new findings in research give you plenty to think about in terms of what you can do to boost your own brainpower, and ultimately your overall health. You'll find tips, tricks, and techniques to improve your brain capabilities simply and easily.
But that's not all. To make this an even more unbeatable offer, we've also set aside a FREE BOOK for you to add to your library.
New Tricks to Boost Your Brain Power
Subscribe today and receive this gift, The Better Brain Book: The Best Tools for Improving Memory and Sharpness and Preventing Aging of the Brain, absolutely FREE!

Claim Your Free BonusIn this book by celebrated neurologist David Perlmutter, M.D., FACN, you'll discover how to stop brain dysfunction now. Find out how easy it is to reverse it (if it's already started), and recover what you've already lost with this scientifically proven program of natural therapies.

You'll see how to:

  1. Boost your brain function with simple dietary and lifestyle changes (and easy brain workouts)
  2. Understand brain health risk factors, including those you can control
  3. Tailor a supplement program unique to your own needs
  4. Heal and reverse brain dysfunction and restore your youthful mental sharpness

Dr. Perlmutter, a leader in the field of complementary medicine, has treated thousands of patients with issues from mild memory loss and brain fog to severe neurological problems and Alzheimer's disease.

He'll share with you:

  • How common prescription and over-the-counter drugs can be
    hazardous to your brain . . .
  • 4 medical tests that can literally save your brain from decay
    (ask for them during your annual physical exam) . . .
  • A quick brain audit to assess the current status of your brain . . .
  • Six simple steps to a better brain . . .
  • The two culprits at the core of nearly all brain problems —
    from mild memory issues to Alzheimer's . . .
  • The single best fat for your brain . . .
  • How wine, beer, or other alcoholic beverages may be beneficial to your brain . . .
  • Foods that can actually make you smarter . . .
  • Plus much, much more . . .

This softcover, 325-page book sells for $16 in bookstores, but it's yours at no charge. The Better Brain Book is your GIFT from Newsmax.
So try out The Mind Health Report for three months at our expense.
Use what you discover to better your life. We hope you'll continue with your subscription at our absurdly low annual rate — but you are under no obligation to do so.
Just remember, we only have a limited number of copies of The Better Brain Book. When they're gone, they're gone for good. We can only hold your copy a short time.
The next move is yours.
I suspect that if you've read this far, you're seriously interested in making sure your brain serves you well for a lifetime.
All that's left now for you to do is to take positive action. Don't miss out on this time-limited offer.
To your healthy brain,
Travis Davis
Travis Davis
Newsmax Health Publisher

P.S. Besides saving your brain from common toxins, don't lose out on your FREE copy of The Better Brain Book (a $16 value) and your FREE three-month trial of The Mind Health Report — a Newsmax exclusive. This newsletter is basically a "user's manual for your brain" — something we all need. Act today and get your free book and newsletters!

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