Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Federation for American Immigration Reform
Pro-Amnesty Groups Target Congress this Week
The pro-amnesty lobby is mobilizing its base this week, organizing a national call-in campaign to Congressional offices to urge Members to grant amnesty and work authorization to the 11-12 million illegal aliens in the United States.
Scheduled to take place March 12 through March 14, the call-in campaign is the latest attempt by the pro-amnesty lobby to drown out the voices of hard-working Americans who oppose granting a free pass to law-breakers. 
Going by the name "Interfaith Worker Justice," the organization spearheading the campaign says it is "made up of coalitions, committees and community groups of interfaith worker advocates, congregational members and clergy." Notably, the organization is funded by pro-amnesty entities such as the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and the Ford Foundation.
We need your help NOW to counter these voices.  With 22 million legal Americans unemployed or looking for full time work, we must prevent special interests from dictating our immigration policy! We need to work harder than the opposition to make sure Congress does not pass an amnesty bill.  Call your Senators and Representative NOW and tell them to OPPOSE AMNESTY!  Tell them:
  • You want immigration ENFORCEMENT, not another amnesty.
  • Amnesty legislation rewards those who broke U.S. immigration laws and only encourages more illegal immigration.
  • U.S. immigration policy must meet the needs of hard-working Americans—not those of special interests!
To find out how to contact your Members of Congress, click here.

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