Thursday, March 28, 2013


Federation for American Immigration Reform
Gangs of Eight Finalize Amnesty Bills
Voice Your Opposition Before it is Too Late!
The latest news from Capitol Hill is that both amnesty working groups in the House and Senate – the so-called "Gangs of Eight" – are finalizing their "comprehensive" immigration reform bills this week! 
Call your Members of Congress today and tell them NO AMNESTY for illegal aliens! Click here to look up your Member of Congress now.
Although both the House and Senate are currently in recess, the self-appointed "Gangs" in each chamber are expected to introduce legislation the week of April 8, upon returning from their two-week Easter break.
Once legislation is introduced, pro-amnesty Members of Congress are expected to rush it through the relevant committees and to the respective floors for a vote, giving the American people little time to learn about the contents of the legislation before it's passed. 
In fact, the Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee has already said he intends to "proceed to comprehensive immigration reform with all deliberate speed," and has indicated he will not hold any additional hearings on immigration once the Gang of Eight introduces its amnesty legislation.
Now is the time to voice your opposition to amnesty! Many Members are at home in their states and districts during this break hosting town hall meetings.
Find and attend a meeting near you and tell them the American people deserve a fair and public immigration debate, and better than another failed amnesty that will do nothing to get unemployed Americans back to work. 
Call your Senators and House Representative today! Click here to find their phone numbers.
The Gangs of Eight are purposely delaying releasing their bills because they know that Americans do not want amnesty and that if given the time to read and understand the legislation, it would have zero public support!  
It's critical that supporters of true immigration reform call their Members of Congress today and let them know that the American people won't stand for legislation written behind closed doors and rushed through the House and Senate. 
P.S. Not sure about what to say when you call? FAIR recently launched an activism guide, giving you the tools you need to contact your Senators and Representative. Click here to get started!

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