Thursday, March 28, 2013


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Joe 4 America PAC
355 Shrewsbury Street
Holland, OH 43528

Dear Conservative Friend,
Barack Obama is returning the favor to one of his liberal progressive foot soldiers for helping to get him “reelected” in 2012.
Mr. Obama has nominated Thomas Perez to be the next US Labor Secretary.
Perez’ resume of offenses against America and the rule of law are too extensive to cover in just one email.
He has been called one of the most radical nominees to a cabinet position in US history and he is completely to serve in a position of government authority. We must stop this nomination!
I’m so opposed to this nomination that I’m offering you the opportunity to send 5 faxes at no cost to leading GOP Senators (McConnell, Vitter, Grassley, Paul and Cruz), so you can tell them personally to oppose the Perez nomination.
Thomas Perez is a racist ideologue who has abused his authority within the Justice Department to persecute Christian ministries, school districts, fire departments and police departments across the country.
Republicans in the Senate caved in to Barack Obama in 2009 when he nominated Thomas Perez to run the Civil Rights Division in the Justice Department.
We must not allow them to cave in again! Send faxes at no cost to 5 GOP leaders today – or to all 45 GOP Senators – and demand that they block Perez’ nomination.
Image of Joe the Plumber
Here are just a few examples of Thomas Perez’ twisted view of justice so you can see how he’s been running things at Eric Holder’s “Civil Rights” Division:
  • He has sued several pro-life Christian groups for peacefully protesting at abortion clinics. Perez boasts about this in spite of the fact that a judge threw out the case and sanctioned Perez’ attorneys.
  • Perez sued a New York school district to force it to allow 8th grade boys to dress as drag queens and use the girls’ bathrooms.
  • Perez has sued fire departments and police departments in order to force them to hire minority applicants who failed entrance exams.
  • Perez dropped the voter intimidation case against the New Black Panthers from 2009.
Thomas Perez also helped Barack Obama mastermind the release of thousands of criminal illegal aliens which the administration falsely blamed on the sequester.
He helped secure Mr. Obama’s re-election by blocking Voter ID laws in several states after claiming these laws were discriminatory. Now Mr. Obama is attempting to pay Perez back for his service.
Perez is a die-hard liberal progressive foot soldier who has proven through his actions that he wants to destroy America, destroy our values and corrupt the rule of law.
He has also shown that he believes that civil rights do not apply to everyday conservative Americans – but only to gays, blacks, Latinos and other liberal special interest groups.
Perez must not be given MORE power within the federal government. We have to convince Republicans to stand up to Mr. Obama this time and block the Perez nomination!
When Perez was nominated to run the Civil Rights Division at the Justice Department, Republicans folded and approved him. The vote was 72-22.
We can’t let them give in to Barack Obama again!
Mr. Obama is challenging the Senate Republicans and daring them to try to block this radical, anti-American nominee. We have to convince the GOP to call his bluff.
Send your FaxGrams to every Republican Senator today and tell them to block the Perez nomination!
Send Faxes Now Image
The Civil Rights Division has become a liberal cesspool of corruption under Thomas Perez’ “leadership.” Not a single conservative has been hired in that division since 2009!
Bribes, kickbacks and quid pro quo deals ensure that only radical liberal progressive attorneys who share Perez’ worldview can be hired there as long as he’s in charge.
Imagine what he’ll do with the entire Labor Department under his thumb!
Please send faxes to the GOP Senators today to block the Perez nomination. You can select either a no-cost option to fax 5 leading GOP Senators or a paid option to send your message to all 45 Republican Senators.
And if you know anyone else who is opposed to having an illegal alien-loving, conservative-bashing communist run the Labor Department, please send them this link:
You can also help by forwarding this message to all of your conservative family members, friends and acquaintances so they can oppose this nomination as well.
Joe the Plumber Signature Image

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