Monday, March 11, 2013


Hannity's Headlines

Monday, March 11th 

No More Big Gulp!
Today is the last day for your 32 ounce Big Gulp in New York. Government control over your lives begins now and it’s beginning in New York City where the ban is going into effect. 80% of New York City graduates can’t read according to, so I’m worried about whether these children are having too much sugar. Have we thought about this though? What prevents somebody from buying a six pack of soda which would be 72 ounces? My advice to you, if you want 32 ounces, is to go buy a 64 ounce bottle and drink half of it. That’s a great lesson for math students in New York City. The government won’t be able to stop people’s behavior and I’m not entirely sure why we’d want that anyway. 

We have two different stories of possible Obama hypocrisy. First, the White House is denying rumors that Michelle Obama has booked Beyonce and Adele to perform at her birthday party at the White House next January 17th. It would not be hard to believe if this is true, based on the extensive celebrity roster racked up by the Obama's throughout the years. While the party will be paid for by the Obama's themselves and not the taxpayers, this is a family that has used $1.4 billion of taxpayer dollars on annual White House household expenses, with $20 million a year on vacations. Of course, this looks all the more ridiculous if you put it in the context of the White House officially being shut down for tours because of budget cuts. Perhaps the Obama's could use some of this money supposedly being used to pay for Michelle Obama's birthday party to keep “the people's house” open to the public. Or perhaps the President's golf games could be cut and the Secret Service cost savings could then be applied to the security costs necessary to protect the White House during tours. The White House has already rejected that idea. For more examples of this administration’s lack of transparency, visit my website at
Budget Battle: Repeal Obama Care
This week, Republican Congressman Paul Ryan will propose his budget. His budget will accomplish the goal of balancing the budget in 10 years, but there is one essential way in which he accomplishes this. Ryan's budget will spend $5 trillion less than current projections and slow the rate of spending growth to 3.4% per year, versus the current 4.9% spending growth per year. Medicare for those under 55 would change into a premium support plan while Medicaid would become a block grant program run by the states. But Ryan insists that we would be unable to do all of this and balance the budget without the repeal of Obama Care. When challenged by Fox New Sunday's Chris Wallace about the plausibility of a repeal actually passing, this was Ryan's response: “Well, we believe it should. That's the point. This is what budgeting is all about, Chris. It's about making tough choices to fix our country's problems.” In the Senate, it's been 1412 days since Democrats have developed a budget. It looks like that is going to change this week as members of the Senate Budget Committee are expected to debate a budget resolution. A Democrat plan will almost assuredly include more tax revenues and additional stimulus spending. Their willingness to make reforms to entitlements – the largest driver of our deficits – remains to be seen.

Today's "Hot Topic" From the Hannity Forums:
Maybe We Should Worry More About North Korea - Posted by TennisRacket
We have been concerned about countries in the Middle East, but maybe it looks like the one we should really keep an eye on is North Korea. Today, they scrapped the armistice with South Korea that has been ongoing since the '50s. NK cites the training exercises the U.S. and South Korea are conducting as an act of war. Where's Dennis Rodman when we need him?

>>TV Tonight (9pm ET on Fox News)
Sen. Marco Rubio reacts to the administration's hypocritical spending habits.

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