Sunday, March 17, 2013


Katie Pavlich Wins CPAC Blogger of the Year Katie Pavlich Wins CPAC Blogger of the Year


Palin Electrifies CPAC CrowdPalin Electrifies CPAC Crowd

Ben Shapiro: The Left is the “Biggest Bullying Force in American Life”Ben Shapiro: The Left is the “Biggest Bullying Force in American Life”

Derek Hunter Derek Hunter: Sooner Or Later Progressives Will Get Around To You First, they came for the smokers. No one would argue smoking is good for you. But it’s legal; growing tobacco is even subsidized by the government. Yet, when governments started limiting the right of people to smoke in places public and private, non-smokers did nothing.
John Ransom John Ransom: Liberals are Stepford Wives of Political Class I don’t think John McCain would appreciate you calling him a woman. I know I don’t appreciate it. I think it’s much better to call him either: 1) a Hobbit; or 2) a Wacko Bird.
Austin Hill Austin Hill: Obamacare, Socialism, And Rick Perry’s Assumptions “The popular media narrative is that this country has shifted away from conservative ideals, as evidenced by the last two presidential elections. That’s what they think. That might be true if Republicans had actually nominated conservative candidates in 2008 and 2012.”
Debra J. Saunders Debra J. Saunders: Smoke Gets in Your Rights California Assemblyman Marc Levine, D-San Rafael, has introduced a bill to make it illegal for people to smoke in their own homes -- if they live in an apartment or a condo or a multifamily home. When last I wrote about Levine, he was pushing a statewide law to require grocers to charge for bags. Now he's after cigarettes -- but only the legal kind.
Paul Jacob Paul Jacob: Subverting Democracy to Subsidize Billionaires Professional sporting teams rake in billions and billions every year, entice multi-billionaires to buy up teams, and pay their athletes in the millions each. So of course the need for taxpayer subsidy is crystal clear - to politicians.
Daniel J. Mitchell Daniel J. Mitchell: The Ryan Budget: Is Returning to Clinton-Era Levels of Fiscal Restraint Really Asking too Much? To get an idea of why this rhetoric is so over-the-top hysterical, here’s a chart showing how fast government spending is supposed to grow under the Ryan budget, compared to how fast it grew during the Clinton years and how fast it has been growing during the Bush-Obama years.
Bob Beauprez Bob Beauprez: Washington Post blasts Dems Budget Somebody must have realigned the planets. That's the only explanation I can fathom for the harsh criticism the editors of the Washington Post unloaded on the Senate Democrats newly released budget.
Steve Chapman Steve Chapman: What We Learned in Iraq Ten years ago this week, Americans were about to be introduced to a strange new concept, as they awaited the U.S. war to bring regime change in Iraq. Coined by American military officers, it encapsulated a situation in which everything went right until everything went wrong. The term was "catastrophic success."
Kevin McCullough Kevin McCullough: Obama's Israel This last Tuesday I awaited the reporter's next question. We were sitting in the ultra modern business lounge of the Mamilla hotel in East Jerusalem. The reporter had been tailing me as I toured some yet-to-be-made-public excavations in the City of David, just outside the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem.
Political  Calculations Political Calculations: The U.S. Employment Situation, Economy, QE and Stock Prices in Context The potential for additional easing is the "wild card" aspect to which we keep referring with respect to the Fed's QE programs in our observations of how changes in the rate of growth of stock prices are behaving with respect to their underlying dividends per share on recent Mondays.
Mike Shedlock Mike Shedlock: Can We Fix What's Wrong With Banking? The simple fact of the matter is we have a massive mountain of debt everywhere you look: Federal debt, State and local debt, student loans, housing, unfunded liabilities in Medicare and Social Security, and untenable pension promises at every level of government.
Mark Baisley Mark Baisley: The Violence from the Left Upon Our Persons and Our Rights With the last chock removed from the wheels last November, Democratic lawmakers are now passing one gun-control bill after another. And the majority party leadership recently got plenty of help from Washington to ensure that those bills passed both chambers.
Fritz Pfister Fritz Pfister: Will the Real Economy Please Stand Up We seem to already be in a recession or we are reaching an inflection point and the economy is growing. Guess those are our two choices. Before we make our decision, let us consider some factors
Marita Noon Marita Noon: Beware the Carbon Tax Forbes writer, Christopher Helman, believes that “this Energy Security Trust could well serve as the tip of a wedge that could some day lever open a new carbon tax.”
‘I’m Not a Sixth Grader’: Feinstein and Cruz Go Head-to-Head Over Second Amendment   (936)  
A Glimmer of Religious Freedom   (496)  
Rand Paul at CPAC: “This Government is Totally Out of Control”   (128)  
No, Paul Ryan's Budget Doesn't Maintain the Obamacare Tax Hikes   (194)  
Confirmed: Senate Democrats' Budget Accelerates Spending, Never Balances   (305)  
Church Holds Second Amendment Sunday   (765)  
Obama's Aim: Keep Mideast Troubles from Boiling Over
Young Republicans Seek Bigger Role, Different Message for 2016
Exclusive Video: Scott Walker Won't Rule Out Presidential Run   (268)  
U.S. Deploying Missile Interceptors in Response to North Korea   (122)  
Predictable Pope-Smearing Ensues   (624)  
Too Early? Republicans Audition for 2016 Election
Campaign for Obama Library in Full Swing
North Dakota Close to Banning Abortions at 6 Weeks
Colorado Legislature OKs Expansion of Firearms Checks
LaPierre to CPAC: “Let the Elitists Who Scorn You Be Damned”   (512)  
Romney Apologizes For Loss at CPAC
Jindal to CPAC: GOP Must Become the Party of Growth   (28)  
WATCH: Ann Coulter Slams Sen. Feinstein’s Gun Control Arguments
ND Bills Could Make Abortion Rules Strictest in U.S.
Video: Every Senate Budget Committee Democrat Votes 'No' on Balancing the Budget   (894)  
Obama Administration's Transparency: "Pretty Weak"   (184)  
23-Year Old at CPAC: I’m Probably Going to Run For Congress   (60)  
Health Insurers: Huge Obamacare Premium Hikes Are Coming   (596)  
Lew Hopeful on Reaching a Budget Breakthrough

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