Saturday, March 9, 2013


Anti-Gun Hysteria in Schools Has Gone Too Far Anti-Gun Hysteria in Schools Has Gone Too Far

Pivotal Votes on Colorado Gun-Control MeasuresPivotal Votes on Colorado Gun-Control Measures

Democrats Face Challenging Senate LandscapeDemocrats Face Challenging Senate Landscape

Bill O'Reilly Bill O'Reilly: Oh, My God With the shorthand "OMG" (oh, my God) becoming a huge cliche, it might be worth taking a look at how Americans are seeing the Almighty these days -- that is if they are looking at all.
John Ransom John Ransom: This Jobs Report Not Actual Size No wonder consumer confidence is moving up. The government is lying about something, anything, and the people are buying it. So here’s to the margin of error, government economists and a smaller labor participation rate. Thanks to them we’ll tackle unemployment for twice as long, with half as many jobs. And no one will notice.
John Hawkins John Hawkins: Rand Paul and the Rest of You Damn Conservatives Need to Get Off John McCain's Lawn! Poor, poor John McCain and Lindsey Graham. Here they were discussing new tax hikes and amnesty with Barack Obama over a sumptuous dinner and that rakish scamp Rand Paul made it impossible for them to enjoy the fine cuisine.
John C. Goodman John C. Goodman: What Obama Is Doing to the Job Market Firms are awash with cash, but they're not hiring. What's going on? One place to look for an explanation is the policies of the Obama administration.
Humberto Fontova Humberto Fontova: Mr. Hugo Chavez, You Were NO Fidel Castro Events this week showed that in the pantheon of heroes for America’s liberal elite Hugo Chavez was a pathetic D-lister. The Venezuelan buffoon never amassed even a teeeeeenzy fraction of Fidel Castro’s U.S. celebrity, tycoon and politician fan-base.
Kathryn Lopez Kathryn Lopez: More Options Needed For Women Recently, a group of women gathered to insist that expanded abortion access be a legislative priority in New York. Why they would feel the need to do so is a good question, one with disturbing overtones.
Daniel J. Mitchell Daniel J. Mitchell: The IMF, Higher Taxes, and Mitchell’s Law Here are some very unpleasant details from Reuters about how the International Monetary Fund is working with other international bureaucracies to coerce Cyprus into raising taxes in order to provide a bailout.
Ed Feulner Ed Feulner: A Lesson in Education Hyperbole Dire predictions about the fate of certain government programs were hardly in short supply recently, as sequester-related budget cuts loomed. So it was hardly a surprise when Education Secretary Arne Duncan got in on the act.
Michael Brown Michael Brown: Inspiration From a Teen Born Without Eyes or Nose The news line on Drudge Report immediately got my attention: Girl Born Without Eyes or Nose. But when I clicked on the link, expecting to read about a just-born, severely handicapped baby, I found a very different story, a story about a courageous teenager with an amazing attitude to life. One simple quote from her said it all.
Charles Payne Charles Payne: Family Feud Frankly, I'm shocked in general at how divisive the Dow hitting an all-time high has been this week. So many people are simply angry and ripping the move to shreds.
Janet M. LaRue Janet M. LaRue: Obama Adulterates Marriage and Federalism “Marriage, it doesn’t mean anything.” That’s what Barack Obama told wife Michelle while they were dating, according to her 2008 interview in The New Yorker. Marriage won’t mean anything if Obama has his way with the Supreme Court.
Charlie Kirk Charlie Kirk: How Baseline Budgeting is Bankrupting My Generation Too often we hear politicians boasting about "cutting" spending and how they are "reducing" the federal deficit. During the recent sequestration debate, the vast majority of the media, Congress and President Obama all referred to the sequester as "cuts."
Paul  Kengor Paul Kengor: The Power of Truth: Reagan's "Evil Empire" Turns 30 Today,Ronald Reagan’s Evil Empire speech turns 30 years old. It stands as one of the most memorable orations of the last three decades. It coined a phrase, a tag, a label—one that utterly fit. If the shoe fits, wear it. Well, this jackboot fit the Soviet ogre’s foot.
Wayne Allyn Root Wayne Allyn Root: The Unemployment Tragedy the Media Won't Report It’s breathtaking how we are being lied to about unemployment specifically, and the economy in general. Just Friday we learned unemployment is down to 7.7% with the miraculous addition of over 200,000 jobs. The media was instantly celebrating great news. But is it actually great news?
Crystal Wright Crystal Wright: Senator Rand Paul: “Don’t Drone on Me” Imagine sitting at your local Starbucks restaurant or enjoying drinks at your favorite bar with friends and a drone blows half the place up because President Obama thinks he has the authority to conduct drone military strikes here at home on his own people. Senator Paul Rand Paul tried to put the brakes on President Obama’s “license to kill” obsession by filibustering John Brennan’s CIA nomination March 6, 2013.
Julie Borowski Julie Borowski: Rand Paul Highlights Obama and John McCain’s Horrible Civil Liberties Records In the spirit of Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, Senator Rand Paul delivered the filibuster speech that was trending worldwide on Twitter on Wednesday. He wanted a direct answer from the White House to this simple question: does the U.S. government have the authority to kill an American citizen with a drone on U.S. soil?
Bill Tatro Bill Tatro: Climb Aboard the Jobs Train- in the Age of the Airplane Brian Williams of NBC believes the jobs number, so why not me?
Mike Shedlock Mike Shedlock: Mish's Complete Look at Employment Numbers For the first time in four months the establishment survey was accompanied by a healthy +170,000 surge in the household survey. Let's dig deeper.
Steve Deace Steve Deace: Sequester Apocalypse Begin transmission…not sure how much longer I can keep this thing on…but it’s important you know what happened here…I kept a running diary of our final few days…it all started with the Sequester.
Peter Schiff Peter Schiff: Goldilocks and the Bear Jobs Report Many analysts have characterized the February numbers as a "Goldilocks" report that is good enough to signal growth but not so good that it will encourage the Fed to dial down its stimulus. This is optimism in the extreme. Whenever anyone mentions Goldilocks, it's good to start looking for bears.
Night Watch Night Watch: North Korea's Continued Escalation Night Watch takes a comprehensive look at North Korea’s continued escalation.
Joy  Pullman Joy Pullman: Untested National School Standards Stifle Local Voices As soon as someone tells you something will save education, hide your children, hide your wife and check your back pocket.
Michelle Malkin Michelle Malkin: Rotten to the Core: The Feds' Invasive Student Tracking Database While many Americans worry about government drones in the sky spying on our private lives, Washington meddlers are already on the ground and in our schools gathering intimate data on children and families.

Finally: Eric Holder Formally Responds to Rand Paul   (33)  
John McCain and Lindsey Graham Call Rand Paul Filibuster a "Political Stunt"   (751)  
Crumble: Fact-Checkers, Congress, Voters Reject Obama's Sequester Hype   (799)  
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     Nasdaq 3244.37 +12.28 (+0.38%)
     S&P 500 1551.18 +6.92 (+0.45%)
     NYSE 9054.45 +41.01 (+0.45%)
     10Y Yield 2.01 +0.02 (+1.11%)
Want Bullets? Florida Lawmaker Thinks You Need to Take an Anger Management Course First   (107)  
Flashback Video: Obama Rips Bush, Congratulates Himself on Civil Liberties   (206)  
Arkansas Becomes Biggest Advocate for Life   (258)  
12 Hours 52 Minutes   (1338)  
North Korea Vows to Nuke United States
Of Course: UN Human Rights Council Pays Tribute to Hugo Chavez   (79)  
Efforts to Avoid Government Shutdown Move to Senate

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