Monday, April 15, 2013


Legislative Update
Senate Gang Finalize Ag-Worker Amnesty Provisions, Set to Unveil Bill Tomorrow
Bennet-Schumer-McCain-Flake at BorderMembers of the Senate "Gang of Eight" completed the final negotiations over their amnesty legislation last week and are set to unveil the bill tomorrow, say sources close to the lawmakers.
Click here to read the full article.
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DHS Official Confirms Illegal Border Crossings Up Ahead of Amnesty
Illegal Border CrossingDuring a hearing with the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee last week, U.S. Border Patrol Chief Michael Fisher testified that apprehensions of aliens crossing the border illegally are up 13% over last year. 
Click here to read the full article.
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Long-Term Impact of Amnesty Could Cost Taxpayers Trillions
Radar DronesAccording to the Senate Budget Committee Republican staff, the Gang of Eight's "comprehensive" immigration reform bill will cost taxpayers trillions of dollars by giving millions of amnestied aliens access to federal welfare benefits and poverty programs once they become legal permanent residents.
Click here to read the full article.
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House Republicans Take Stand Against Amnesty
King_Barletta_BachmannTrue immigration reformers in the House of Representatives began voicing their objections last week in anticipation of amnesty legislation to be introduced in the coming days.
Click here to read the full article.
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Washington Senate Committee Kills Financial Aid Bill for Illegal Aliens
Washington State Kills Financial Aid for Illegal AliensIn Washington State, a bill that would have granted taxpayer-funded financial aid to illegal alien beneficiaries of President Obama's DACA program died in the Senate Committee on Higher Education this past week. 
Click here to read the full article.

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