Monday, April 15, 2013


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Photo credit: John W. Pope Civitas Institute
Hi everyone! Here's the newsletter for April 15th. Enjoy!

From the Blog

Desperate Dem Terry McAuliffe sues over green tech/cash-for-visas exposé

Welcome to today’s edition of Bully the Messenger...

Federal study concludes man-made climate change not cause of 2012 drought

When there was a drought last year in the Central Great Plains, Al Gore naturally and instinctively said it was related to man-made climate change crisis chaos...

AP story on Gosnell’s aides: For most, it was the best job they could find

Have you ever been in such desperate economic circumstances that you ended up taking a job assisting in the killing of babies to make ends meet?

More From the Right Side of the Web

Michelle's Top Tweets

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