Monday, April 29, 2013


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    ‘Benghazi-Gate’: Obama’s Treachery Must Be Exposed
    Dear Member:
    Now is the time to strike!
    Congress is back home on recess this week – away from the nagging, conniving pressure of House Republican Leaders.
    There’s simply no better time to call your congressman.
    What’s more, we’ve clearly got ‘The Big Mo’ on our side. 
    But now is not the time to let up! 
    Revive America must keep building momentum.
    We need to add even more cosponsors for a House Select Committee on Benghazi! 
    Because of your phone calls and continued support, we’ve picked-up another 10 cosponsors for a total of 130.
    We now have a majority of House Republicans!
    No doubt, this is a stunning and embarrassing ‘vote of no confidence’ for Speaker Boehner.
    Even so, he still controls the House. 
    That’s why many Republicans still have not cosponsored Resolution 36, which establishes the special ‘Watergate-style’ investigative committee.
    Is your favorite congressman among the minority of House Republicans who’ve not cosponsored?  You Can Find Out By Clicking Here Now
    If your favorite Republican Member of Congress is on this list, it is urgent for you to call them now at their home district offices. 
    If you’ve called already, call them again!
    Other than a petty sense of deference and misplaced loyalty to House Republican Leaders, there’s really no excuse for not cosponsoring.
    Your Congressman answers to you, not Speaker Boehner.
    So keep turning up the heat!
    All of your phone calls, letters, and your generous financial support of Revive America’s campaign are paying-off – big time. 
    I know not everyone can donate, especially after four years of Obama.  But if you can, please help Revive continue to fight for a ‘Watergate-style’ Select Committee on Benghazi
    Only a laser focused House Select Committee can expose Obama’s treachery in Benghazi --- not five different congressional committees!
    We are winning this fight!
    Remember Benghazi!
    Bob Adams
    Founder & President
    Ron Paul: What's worse than Boston bombing is …
    The Boston Marathon bombings shook Americans to the core.

    But Ron Paul says this "unprecedented move" should frighten Americans even more than the deadly attack.
    Read the latest now on

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