Monday, April 29, 2013


Hannity's Headlines

Monday, April 29th 

Situation in Syria Escalates
The situation in Syria became all the more real last week when it was revealed that chemical weapons were used against its own citizens. While the use of chemical weapons was once designated by the Obama administration as the “red line,” the administration has been cautious to respond. Barack Obama says that the administration is currently engaged in an “intelligence assessment” to determine definitely whether or not chemical weapons were, in fact, used. Either way, it is clear that the situation is Syria is only getting worse. But the fact remains that Obama drew a “red line” and has now failed to act when it seems that line has been crossed. But the fact remains that Obama drew a “red line” and has now failed to act when it seems that line has been crossed. That Barack Obama is weak and won't ultimately live up to his word, jeopardizing our national security as well as our allies. For more perspective on this, yo u should read Former UN Ambassador John Bolton’s op-ed in the Wall Street Journal

What Debt Crisis?
As millions of Americans continue to make do in the Obama economy, the president, politicians, comedians, the Hollywood elite and members of the media gathered over the weekend for the annual White House Correspondents' Dinner. It was just another self-congratulating display of opulence amidst an otherwise trying time for many Americans. As recently as last week, a Fox News Poll found that “there is a clear consensus that debt is a concern. Four in 10 voters describe the nation's debt situation as a crisis, and more than 8 in 10 see debt as a major problem (43 percent), if not a crisis (40 percent).” But that doesn't really fit into the liberal political agenda, does it?
Save The Laughs
I’ve escaped my 20th year without going to the White House Correspondents’ Dinner and I’m so thankful for that. This is the last place that I’d want to be and I’d have to tell you that there’s a certain amount of skill in this because, over the years, I’ve been required to go but I’ve made my way out of it. You know where I was? I was driving back and forth between Binghamton and Syracuse, New York, at various tennis tournaments with my kids, because that’s where I want to be. The Correspondents’ Dinner is a bit of Hollywood in Washington and, to be honest, it’s just not my crowd. For more coverage from the dinner, check out this article.

Today's "Hot Topic" From the Hannity Forums
Is It Time for Political Realignment? - Posted by Conan
It seem when I place political views between less government to more governmental in sliding scale, thing for me start to fall into place far better than trying to keep up with views of each party. I'm I the only one that thinks like this? I think this would help in debating the role of government then trying to debate it under the political parties we have now. Wouldn't we accomplish much more if the debate is framed that way instead?

>>TV Tonight (9pm ET on Fox News)
Sean covers more of the news from the White House Correspondents' Dinner.
CNN host calls self 'The Enormous C---'
Should we even bother to turn on the TV anymore?

When a CNN host proudly declares oneself to be "The Enormous C---," you have to wonder.

We've got video not only of the C-word infraction, but also four audible A-words, two audible S-words, and three F-bombs -- all from the same CNN show!
Read the latest now on

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