Thursday, April 11, 2013


ReviveAmerica PAC
Urgent Breaking News on Benghazi: Navy Seal Sean Smith's Mom Endorses House Res. 36
Dear Member:
Just moments ago, I received a personal email from U.S. Congressman Frank Wolf's Office.  This is going to rock the Washington-DC Establishment…
Ms. Patricia A. Smith, the mother of Navy Seal Sean Smith, has endorsed House Resolution 36, the Select Committee on the 9/11 Benghazi Terror Attack.  
Sean Smith is one of the four Americans abandoned by Obama to die at the hands of terrorists in Benghazi. 
Jill Schatzen, the press secretary for Congressman Frank Wolf, wrote the note that introduces Ms. Smith’s letter of endorsement below. 
Bob Adams
From the Office of U.S. Congressman Frank Wolf:
Yesterday afternoon, Mr. Wolf received an unexpected phone call from Patricia Smith, the mother of Sean Smith, the foreign service officer killed in the Benghazi attack last September.  During their phone call, Smith expressed her support of H. Res. 36, a House Select Committee to investigate the attack and the Obama administration’s response, which currently has 89 cosponsors.  To follow up on their conversation, she wrote a letter to Mr. Wolf, which is copied below.  The timing of her letter is particularly notable given that today is the seven month anniversary of the attack.
In case you missed it, earlier this week, a group of 700 former special operations military professionals wrote a letter expressing their support for Wolf’s legislation.
April 10, 2013
Hon. Frank R. Wolf
This letter is to endorse resolution H. Res. 36 to create a Select Committee to investigate the Benghazi  attacks.
I am the mother of Sean Smith, one of the four people murdered in Benghazi by terrorists along with ambassador Chris Stevens and ex-seals Ty Woods and Glen Daugherty.  When I was in Wash. DC at the reception of the caskets, I asked for and received promises from Pres. Obama, Hillary Clinton, Leon Panetta, VP Biden and several other dignitaries in attendance.  They all looked me directly in the eyes and promised they would find out and let me know.  I got only one call from a clerk about a month later quoting from the time line, which I already had.
I agree completely with items 1 thru 16 of this resolution.  I especially want to know WHY the four were abandoned the way they were.  My son told me that he saw someone taking pictures just before this happened and reported it.  He told me they asked repeatedly for better security.
Please, Please help me find out who is responsible and fix it so no more of our sons & daughters are abandoned by the country they love.  It is very difficult to find out Leon Panetta advised Pres. Obama that the attack was occurring and Pres. Obama went to bed without sending help.  It is too late for my son but not too late for those that follow.
I have been following John McCain and Lindsay Graham hoping they had the ability to get some answers but no luck.  Hillary finally testified but didn’t answer the questions (i.e. If they were watching this happen in real time, why wasn’t help sent).
Patricia A. Smith
Mother of Sean Smith
Killed in Benghazi
Ps  Sean was in Special Operations in Okinawa before joining the State Dept.
A concluding note from Bob Adams, President of Revive America USA:
Please call Speaker John Boehner’s Office now at (202) 225-4872.
Call the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at (202) 225-3121.  Ask to be transferred to your Congressman. 
Tell them you support House Resolution 36 on Benghazi, and that they should too!

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