Monday, May 13, 2013


several handguns Missouri Legislature Nullifies All Federal Gun Control
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  • Come On, North Korea, We Dare You Dear Friend,

    Michael Bloomberg and Barack Obama want to take me out, and I need your immediate help to fight back.

    Let me get right to the point.

    New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's anti-gun group just went live with nearly $700,000 worth of television ads attacking me for voting against a bill that would have expanded a broken background check system. In fact, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said yesterday that the "Republican Senator from New Hampshire has been -- wham, man has she been hit hard."

    But Mayor Bloomberg and Harry Reid can't bully me into changing my vote, because this legislation would have gone too far in restricting the Constitutional rights of law-abiding gun owners, while doing nothing to prevent a deranged individual or criminal from obtaining and misusing firearms to commit horrific tragedies like the one in Newtown.

    With the help of the liberal media, Michael Bloomberg and Barack Obama are doing everything they can to damage me politically for not supporting their agenda. And on top of this...I'm under attack for standing up to Barack Obama's efforts to "fundamentally transform" our country by defending the timeless principles of limited government and personal responsibility! This is why I urgently need you to help me fight back against the left's well-funded and well-heeled liberal special interests.

    As both a mom and a strong supporter of our Second Amendment rights, I'm eager to combat the escalating gun violence we're seeing throughout the country. In fact, I supported a bill that would have helped fix our broken background check system, increased prosecutions of criminals, and strengthened our mental health system.

    I need your immediate help to set the record straight and defend our Second Amendment rights from liberal special interests' vicious assault. Will you help by making an emergency donation of $25, $50, $100 or more right now?

    Anyone who knows me knows I'm tough on crime. When I was Attorney General, I cracked down on sexual and internet predators and prosecuted and convicted dozens of murderers. As a U.S. Senator, I've taken a lead role in cracking down on gun violence by co-sponsoring a bill that addresses the root issues behind gun violence in America, including strenghening mental health services and criminalizing gun trafficking.

    I'm 100% dedicated to fighting gun violence; after all, I have two young kids at home! But I won't disarm law-abiding gun owners so Barack Obama and Michael Bloomberg can score a political victory at the expense of our Constitutional rights. That's why I'm asking you to make an emergency contribution to help me fight back.

    Thank you in advance for your support.


    Kelly Ayotte
    Kelly Ayotte
    U.S. Senator

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