Monday, May 13, 2013


Hannity's Headlines

Monday, May 13th

The Benghazi Cover-Up
There have been dramatic changes in what many will now openly describe as a full-blown cover-up related to the Benghazi terrorist attack on September 11, 2012. What we have here is a case of complete incompetence, which led to the death of four brave Americans and a subsequent cover-up for the purposes of maintaining political power. The pursuit of power trumped reality and the truth. Simple as that. At this point you are probably well-aware of the report from last week which detailed the 12 versions of the Benghazi talking points. These changes were, in fact, made with input from senior State Department officials. Thanks to emails from Victoria Nuland of the State Department, we now know the talking points were changed for political purposes, so as to shield the State Department from potential blame from Congress. Yet White House propagandist Jay Carney still maintains to this day that the White House only made one "stylistic" edit to the talking points... more

IRS Scandal Widens
On Friday we received a bombshell from the IRS after it issued an apology for admittedly targeting groups applying for 501(c)(4)/tax-exempt status that used the words "tea party" or "patriot." What we were told on Friday is that "low-level" officials in the IRS office in Cincinnati were targeting conservative groups during the 2012 election season. But it turns out to be much deeper than that... more
Rumsfeld Rules
Former Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, joined Sean in the show's second hour to give Sean the exclusive first interview of his new book, " Rumsfeld's Rules." Throughout his long and distinguished career - as a naval aviator, a U.S. Congressman, a top aide to four American presidents, a high-level diplomat, a CEO of two Fortune 500 companies, and the only twice-serving Secretary of Defense in American history - Donald Rumsfeld has collected hundreds of compelling and often humorous observations about leadership, business, and life. When President Gerald Ford ordered these aphorisms distributed to his White House staff in 1974, the collection became known as "Rumsfeld's Rules." Taken from a career of unusual breadth and accomplishment, and organized under practical topics like hiring people, running a meeting, and dealing with the press, Rumsfeld's Rules can benefit people at every stage in their careers and in every walk of life, from aspiring politicos and industrialists to rece nt college graduates, teachers, and business leaders. The book provides unprecedented insight into leadership, management, strategy, and life - thinking that not only helped Rumsfeld lead the Pentagon in wartime, but earned him a reputation as one of America's toughest and most effective CEOs. For more on Rumsfeld Rules please click here.
Today's "Hot Topic" On The Hannity Forums:
And you wonder why? - Conan
I fight to limit government? We as society needs to be extremely careful of what powers we give it. Because even with good intention it will be abused for political purposes sooner or later. But again I'm just ring-winger extremist.

>> TV Tonight (Hannity FoxNews at 9pm ET):
The president proclaimed the Benghazi testimonies a 'sideshow'. Sen. Ran Paul weighs in. Plus the IRS apologized, but apology not accepted. Will the targeted organizations strike back? And the mainstream media is beginning to cover more of Benghazi. But could the national security cover-up lead to Obama's impeachment?

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